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Putting My Feminism To Shame

Check out this interview with badass Bahraini feminist Ghada Jamshir:

Interviewer: “Some people say that Ghada Jamshir is a Sunni, and that this is why she is leading the battle against [mut’ah] marriages, which are authorized by religious law among the Shi’ites.”

Ghada Jamshir: “Authorized by religious law?!”

Interviewer: “Among the Shiites, yes.”

Ghada Jamshir: “Does the Islamic Shari’a authorize mut’ah marriages? Does the Islamic Shari’a authorize mut’ah according to the following classification: ‘Pleasure from sexual contact with her thighs.’ They have: ‘Pleasure from sexual touching,’ ‘pleasure from sexual contact with her breasts.’ ‘Pleasure from a little girl.’ Do you know what ‘pleasure from a little girl’ means? It means that they derive sexual pleasure from a girl aged two, three, or four.”

Interviewer: “Let’s not go into details…”

Ghada Jamshir: “Let me tell you what ‘pleasure from sexual contact with her thighs’ means…”

Interviewer: “Don’t give me the details…”

Jamshir presses on about this endorsement of child abuse — offending the interviewer’s delicate sensibilities, the poor flower — and blows off those who question her religious convictions due to her feminist activism. Let no one tell you that Muslims cannot be feminists and that the women of the Middle East are helpless. Up against mind-boggling barriers, yes, but not helpless.

You can theoretically view a clip of this interview here (requires IE) but I can’t get it to open.

via Protein Wisdom

12 thoughts on Putting My Feminism To Shame

  1. hmm…mine worked on firefox…opened with windows media player.

    i highly recommend watching the clip. what a strong woman…and a powerful interview.

    oh, and i love the “spare me the details” comments from the guy. just another example of the “that’s bad so i don’t want to deal with it” attitude.

  2. What a total BADASS! I’m completely girl-crushing on this woman. I can barely be that forceful when talking to Western interviewers about women’s rights, and here she is, speaking with such eloquence and articulation in a place where there is very real danger of her physical being.


  3. What a great and courageous woman! She deserves a lot of respect for what she does. Instead of dealing with elitist mumbo-jumboism like Judith Butler’s Western feminists need to focus on real issues such as the appalling situation of women in the Muslim world. Ghada Jamshir can teach us quite a few lessons here. Well done, Ghada!

  4. What a great and courageous woman! She deserves a lot of respect for what she does. Instead of dealing with elitist mumbo-jumboism like Judith Butler’s Western feminists need to focus on real issues such as the appalling situation of women in the Muslim world. Ghada Jamshir can teach us quite a few lessons here. Well done, Ghada!

    Riiiiight, because feminists in the Western world never deal with issues like rape, misogyny, or misogynistic violence either here or in places like Iraq. We can’t be bothered.

    You and Nicholas Kristof should totally get together for coffee. He’s got really pretty eyes.

  5. The clip really has a lot more than in the transcript.

    Thanks for posting the link.

    So far I’ve not been able to find any reference that actually states what this fatwa *was*

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