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Masturbation is totally gay

I’m sure some of you will be happy to hear the news: I’m apparently a big ol’ homo.

Haha oh wait, women don’t masturbate, really — I mean, I’ve heard they do? But let’s be real here. We’re talking about sex and desire, so obviously let’s focus the attention where it really matters, on the people whose sexual desires are real and important: Men. Women can masturbate men, and that’s ok as long as those men are their husbands. A man can masturbate if he’s got one hand on his wife’s boob. But men masturbating alone: That’s a big no-no, because it makes you gay. Since you’re touching a cock.

First, masturbation can be a form of homosexuality because it is a sexual act that does not involve a woman. If a man were to masturbate while engaged in other forms of sexual intimacy with his wife then he would not be doing so in a homosexual way. However, any man who does so without his wife in the room is bordering on homosexuality activity, particularly if he’s watching himself in a mirror and being turned on by his own male body.

I’m not going to pretend like I’m brand-new here, but is the jerking-off-in-the-mirror thing a thing? Is that one of those things that dudes just collectively do that women don’t know about until one of them gets drunk and tells us, like how all men apparently blow their noses into their hands while they’re showering (which is so gross, why do you guys do that)? Most men I know don’t even own full-length mirrors, so this is really confusing.

[As a sidenote, this article says that 48% of single men admit to masturbating once a week or more. Only 48%? WHAT are you guys doing? Are there too many video games that need playing or something? Pick up the pace, homeboys].

So the “Touching yourself? No homo!” thing is the part of this article that’s gotten the most play, but the whole thing is… well, it’s something:

Fourth, masturbation can establish a pattern of laziness. If a single man wants to have an orgasm, he needs to first become a man and undergo the hard work of courting and marrying a woman. If a married man wants to have an orgasm, he needs to first undergo the hard work of loving, leading, and romancing his wife. But, lazy men are prone to rub one out in the shower each morning rather than undergo the labors usually associated with responsible masculine married life.

I like how the definition of “lazy” is “not turning 18, getting a job, dating, meeting women, falling in love and entering into a life-long commitment with another human being.” GET OFF THE COUCH, LOSERS.

Question: My wife and I watched pornography together a lot before we became Christians and imitated what we saw people doing on the television. We both really enjoy watching pornography and wonder if it is okay to continue watching pornography if we do it together and only have sex with each other?

Answer: No, you should not watch pornography because it is a sin of lust. Also, you do not want your lovely wife to think of herself as a whore. Since it is your job to wash her with the Word of God, cleansing her and making her holy, you should put down your dirty, defiling porn and pick up your Bible as the beginning point for your marital intimacy.

[No comment, just sayin’].

108 thoughts on Masturbation is totally gay

  1. “As a sidenote, this article says that 48% of single men admit to masturbating once a week or more. Only 48%? WHAT are you guys doing? Are there too many video games that need playing or something?”

    And this is what’s wrong with kids these days. I’ve been saying it for years, but did anyone listen? No. And now look what it’s come to: hell in a handbasket. In a handbasket!

  2. TW

    “If a married man wants to have an orgasm, he needs to first undergo the hard work of loving, leading, and romancing his wife. ”

    Because women need to be led, and of course it’s hard work to get a woman to agree to have sex, because women just don’t have sexual desires. Yeah, that attitude won’t lead to marital rape or anything.

  3. And now look what it’s come to: hell in a handbasket.In a handbasket!

    Why would you want to come in a handbasket? That’s worse than blowing your nose in the shower with your hand. Yuk.

  4. I’m pretty sure that my husband does not view getting it on with me as hard work. Perhaps these guys are just doing it wrong. I’m sure he’d be happy to offer some tips.

    Seriously, since when is loving your wife “hard work”? What a f’ed up view of marriage and romance. No wonder they’re worried that the men would rather jack off.

  5. I’m pretty sure that my husband does not find getting it on with me to be hard work. Perhaps these guys are just doing it wrong.

    Seriously, loving your wife is “hard work”? What an f’ed up view of love and romance! No wonder this guy is worried that the men will prefer to jack off.

  6. Yes, mirrorbating is a thing, but it’s not exclusively a guy thing, and I don’t think it’s even mostly a guy thing. I usually hear about females doing it. Pulling a comfortable chair up to a long mirror and enjoying the view. Try it, you’ll like it.

  7. Well you know, both partners have to give in a marriage. Assuming that it is not a marriage between asexual people, if one partner isn’t interested in sex (believe me, this does happen,) the other one will logically need to find a way to get his/her jollies. I also totally distrust the 48% figure – nonsense. How do I know? I asked showercat ( showercat knows.

  8. As a sidenote, this article says that 48% of single men admit to masturbating once a week or more. Only 48%? WHAT are you guys doing? Are there too many video games that need playing or something? Pick up the pace, homeboys.

    Crucial point – “admit”.

  9. Doug A:
    Yes, mirrorbating is a thing, but it’s not exclusively a guy thing, and I don’t think it’s even mostly a guy thing.I usually hear about females doing it. Pulling a comfortable chair up to a long mirror and enjoying the view.Try it, you’ll like it.

    I can say from experience it’s not just a guy thing.

  10. I’m with Jill. I had no idea that masturbating while watching in a mirror was a Thing! And here I thought I was an old hat at this masturbation nonsense!

  11. They’ve been trying to stop masturbation for thousands of years. Back when virtually the whole culture thought they’d go to hell for masturbating, it didn’t stop men from doing it. Telling boys they’d go blind or grow hair on their palms didn’t make a dent. So now they’re going with “it’s totally gay!” which didn’t stop actual gay, lesbian, bi or pan folks from having sex with MOTSS for, like, all of history. So it’s not going to stop people from masturbating, either. Attempts to stop people from seeking sexual fulfillment actually seems to me like a massively doomed, historically impossible fool’s errand, perhaps only slightly less futile than predicting the end of the world.

  12. you should put down your dirty, defiling porn and pick up your Bible as the beginning point for your marital intimacy.

    Well, sure, if you’re goal is to completely kill and any all sexual desire

    . . . . .

    Oh, right. That’s exactly the point.

  13. I’m not going to pretend like I’m brand-new here, but is the jerking-off-in-the-mirror thing a thing?

    I can only speak for myself, but when I first figured the whole masturbation thing out when I was 13 or so, I used a mirror. After a week or two, I figured out what it basically looked like and lost interest in watching myself.

  14. Since it is your job to wash her with the Word of God, cleansing her and making her holy

    So that’s what they’re calling it these days?

  15. First, masturbation can be a form of homosexuality because it is a sexual act that does not involve a woman. If a man were to masturbate while engaged in other forms of sexual intimacy with his wife then he would not be doing so in a homosexual way. However, any man who does so without his wife in the room is bordering on homosexuality activity, particularly if he’s watching himself in a mirror and being turned on by his own male body.

    This paragraph contains so many idiotic ideas, it deserves an retort in bullet point format.
    a) What’s wrong with homosexuality? (rhetorical question – I know Jill is quoting, not expressing these views)

    b) I have always considered it respectful to my wife not to insist she chaperone my wanking sessions.

    c) I would never masturbate naked in front of a mirror but not for any reason to do with homosexuality- because seeing my upper body (which resembles a white kitchen garbage bag filled with yogurt) would immediately turn anyone off.

  16. Rare Vos: Well, sure, if you’re goal is to completely kill and any all sexual desire

    . . . . .

    Oh, right.That’s exactly the point.

    Hey, now. There’s a lot of sex in the Bible. 😉

  17. Is the phrase “since it is your job to wash her with the Word of God, cleansing her and making her holy” as creepy to anyone else as it is to me?

  18. Another fucked up part is where a guy is like, “I want sex more than my wife, so I watch porn and beat off instead of haranguing her, and she’s ok with it. Is it a sin?” And the answer is “Yes it is a sin, you are a failure as a husband if your wife doesn’t always want sex,” which I guess is better than just saying he should rape her, but not much, because I think in practice it will amount to the same.

    And then the next question is from a guy who has a lower sex drive than his wife, and the answer is basically, “You are not a real man, wtf is your problem! Men always want sex and women never do. You should fuck her whether you want to or not, and be glad about it! Forget enthusiasm or consent- YOU’RE A MAN”

    so. gross.

  19. Fat Steve: This paragraph contains so many idiotic ideas, it deserves an retort in bullet point format.
    a) What’s wrong with homosexuality? (rhetorical question – I know Jill is quoting, not expressing these views)

    b) I have always considered it respectful to my wife not to insist she chaperone my wanking sessions.

    c) I would never masturbate naked in front of a mirror but not for any reason to do with homosexuality- because seeing my upper body (which resembles a white kitchen garbage bag filled with yogurt) would immediately turn anyone off.

    I’m assuming it doesn’t turn off your wife…?
    Don’t hate your body!! That’s what’s a turn off!

  20. I’ll just put in a plug for this book which suggests that masturbation was a relatively mild sin until a patent medicine salesman of the 18th century made it into a public health issue.

  21. what is it lately with the misogynists lately insisting that straight women are all gay men? This is about the sixth time in the last month that something to that effect has been said for one reason or another. I just don’t get it

  22. I’ll say that if you read down to the “questions I’ve taken from my flock” section, he does seem to have fairly liberal ideas about what’s OK for husbands and wives to do sexually, as long as there’s no actual porn involved, and he’s fine getting down to cases in discussing specific acts. As someone raised in the very sexually prissy, close-mouthed evengelical/fundamentalist Christian movement of the late ’70s/early ’80s, I actually find that kind of refreshing.

    The whole ‘masturbation is gay’ thing, though? Not so much.

  23. Brandy:
    How else are you supposed to blow your nose in the shower?


    This is hilarious. I still can’t wrap my head around the mirror thing, though. Can we have a poll? I’m not doing that, except when I’m accidentally in a room that has one in a good position, then it’s fun. But where am I going to find a suitable mirror spontaneously? Or are you supposed to store it for the purpose?

  24. That is an numbered ordered list and not a bullet point list. just saying

    Fat Steve: This paragraph contains so many idiotic ideas, it deserves an retort in bullet point format.
    a) What’s wrong with homosexuality? (rhetorical question – I know Jill is quoting, not expressing these views)

    b) I have always considered it respectful to my wife not to insist she chaperone my wanking sessions.

    c) I would never masturbate naked in front of a mirror but not for any reason to do with homosexuality- because seeing my upper body (which resembles a white kitchen garbage bag filled with yogurt) would immediately turn anyone off.

  25. Question: My wife wants sex more than I do, what should I do?

    Answer: Don’t tell your buddies or they will mock you incessantly for the rest of your life after staring at you blankly without blinking for about an hour in total silence. Do have sex with your wife as often as she likes and thank God.

  26. Never tried watching myself masturbate, not really interested. If I’m getting off in the morning while my wife is in the shower though, I hold off until she’s done and she’ll usually give me a little visual to come to.

  27. When my former BFF was trying to explain to me what a sin it was to engage in my queerness (SN: apparently I’m only a lesbian when actively having sex – funny, huh?) and that it was perfectly within God’s plan for me to be a celibate queer — she compared it to not really understanding why God hates masturbating, but he “clearly” does and that it is hard to abstain, but we all can. Or, erm, not hard, as the case may be.

  28. I. Uh.

    One thing that comes up a lot in asexuality talk is that people Do Not Get how you can be asexual and masturbate, and an argument I really like to use there is how masturbation isn’t generally considered to be part of your orientation, as otherwise nobody who masturbated could be considered straight. Because, you know, I figured that nobody would ever actually believe that masturbating counted as same-gender attraction and disqualified you from straightness!

    Silly, silly me. By now I should know that there is no idea about sex that is too out there for at least one person to believe.

  29. If a married man wants to have an orgasm, he needs to first undergo the hard work of loving, leading, and romancing his wife. But, lazy men are prone to rub one out in the shower each morning rather than undergo the labors usually associated with responsible masculine married life.

    Yeah, but if he wants his wife to have an orgasm, rubbing one out in the shower each morning can be a useful tool for making him last longer during sex that night (or afternoon or whenever.) But clearly this tool hadn’t considered that tool, probably because he doesn’t consider women’s orgasms.

  30. Wow, if anyone thinks that being a semiconsiderate lover to their spouse is such hard work then I feel sorry for them. And their wife.

  31. Christina:
    Is the phrase “since it is your job to wash her with the Word of God, cleansing her and making her holy” as creepy to anyone else as it is to me?

    I didn’t find it creepy, but it sure did read like some strangely coded enema porn to me.

  32. God also hates it when you blow your nose in the shower (which might be why it’s also very satisfying).

  33. Kat: God also hates it when you blow your nose in the shower (which might be why it’s also very satisfying).

    But…the real question is how does God feel about brushing your teeth in the shower?

  34. Kristen J.: But…the real question is how does God feel about brushing your teeth in the shower?

    The shower is okay, but the bathtub is right out. Respect yourself and God. Bathe without the brush.

  35. Hmm. This link, which I bookmarked, suggests that 80% of men masturbate once a week or more. Would be nice to have access to the studies behind both…

    I’ve had a few boyfriends who felt that masturbating while they had a girlfriend was something to feel guilty and ashamed about (although they still did it, just in secret).

    Jerking off with a mirror is totally a thing. Not just for guys. Heck, I’ve suggested to friends that they try it, because it’s kinda awesome.

  36. I was about to say that this is the stupidest thing I’ve read all day, but that would be incorrect. Rather, it is indisputably the stupidest thing I’ll read all month.

  37. It’s true: last year, we held a big manmoot, and it was decided that ALL men mist blow their noses in the shower EVERY DAY. Compliance is mandatory, to get your male gender identity prize.

  38. It’s true: last year, we held a big manmoot, and it was decided that ALL men must blow their noses in the shower EVERY DAY. Compliance is mandatory, to get your male gender identity prize.

  39. pick up your Bible as the beginning point for your marital intimacy.

    “OK, so tonight, you’re the Queen of Sheba, and I’m a lowly slave, and…”

  40. I know the church this pastor works at. I’ve been by it several times! Hard to believe this came out of Seattle.

  41. morf:
    Hmm. This link, which I bookmarked, suggests that 80% of men masturbate once a week or more.Would be nice to have access to the studies behind both…

    I’ve had a few boyfriends who felt that masturbating while they had a girlfriend was something to feel guilty and ashamed about (although they still did it, just in secret).

    I’ll admit that I feel somewhat guilty that I could potentially cause my wife to feel like she wan’t enough for me. I know it’s totally irrational, but I do feel it’s a bit of betrayal.

  42. I utterly cannot think of a worse message for the world than “every time you have a sexual urge you must have a partner to satisfy you.” Dangerous stuff.

  43. Yeah.. a lot of women are pretty understanding about that, especially since even in the context of a relationship, we’re not above rubbing one out on our own. Sometimes it’s just consideration, you know? “Hmm.. I could wake him/her up, but well.. work in the morning.. I can take care of this myself”

    Masturbation > Coercion.

  44. you should put down your dirty, defiling porn and pick up your Bible as the beginning point for your marital intimacy.

    Again with the Christian BDSM…

  45. Fat Steve: But clearly this tool hadn’t considered that tool, probably because he doesn’t consider women’s orgasms.

    In his defense, he suggests basically this, except that they do it together.

  46. Mr Millar @12 – While it might not have prevented activity with MOTSS, it might have shamed some of the lower-hanging fruit into activity with MOTOS, so that at least something was achieved, especially factoring in all the Providential (from the shamers’ point of view) pregnancies. It’s a slightly sticky position, as P-MS is officially a no-no, but they can try to fix the ticket if it diverts someone from the road to Sodom; it quite reminds me of the film *Saved*.

    (Will anyone believe the LHF pun was entirely inadvertent? It’s actually disturbing me a bit, but I leave it in for the benefit of those who like such things.)

  47. Bushfire: Mirrorbaiting FTW!

    I’m not gonna lie, I’ve totally mirrorbaited. But I actually am a queer girl who likes girls so maybe its somehow even more gay when i do it??? My head hurts now. I Dunno. I don’t bust out the mirror every time, but it don’t hurt once in a while…

  48. @Thomas MacAulay Millar #31, GROSS. I get that this is a discussion about masturbation, but you basically turned it into Penthouse Forum with that comment.

  49. Fat Steve:
    c) I would never masturbate naked in front of a mirror but not for any reason to do with homosexuality- because seeing my upper body (which resembles a white kitchen garbage bag filled with yogurt) would immediately turn anyone off.


  50. When I was sixteen I made some masturbation joke to my friends and they were like, “You masturbate… that’s gay” and they ditched me. They came from families where their father would sit them down and tell them the facts of life, and if they were gay he would simply shoot them. So their apprehensions were understandable, and once they left home I heard they got over their bigotry and had gay friends and so on.

  51. Honestly, I’d never thought of masturbation as inherently homosexual, because aren’t you usually thinking about whatever gender turns you on when you’re doing it? I mean, what’s the difference between masturbating while touching your wife and masturbating while thinking about touching your wife?

    Also, sex while looking in a mirror, yes, masturbation while looking in a mirror, no. The latter never occurred to me, to be honest.

  52. 1. I’m actually an observant Christian, and I really would hate it if my husband considered getting it on with me as work. Look, dude, sex shouldn’t involve that much effort, especially if you’re married. (Granted that since we had kids there is a LOT of logistics involved, but that’s different from expending effort to get excited about a partner.)

    2. That bit about putting down the porn and picking up the Bible? My first thought was “WOW, your Bible has better pictures than mine does. I just don’t see using all those maps of ancient Israel and Palestine as sex toys, but whatever floats your boat.”

  53. After reading the second part of your comment, Karen, I want to officially nominate this comment thread for Thread of the Year.

  54. Echo Zen:
    After reading the second part of your comment, Karen, I want to officially nominate this comment thread for Thread of the Year.

    As someone who given away lot of personal information on this thread, I’m quite happy of fit to be forgotten.

  55. Honestly, after reading those sections, I did a lot of poking around the website because I was *convinced* it was a satire. It doesn’t look like it’s a satire. But I mean, it has to be, right?

    miss elizabeth:
    Another fucked up part is where a guy is like, “I want sex more than my wife, so I watch porn and beat off instead of haranguing her, and she’s ok with it. Is it a sin?” And the answer is “Yes it is a sin, you are a failure as a husband if your wife doesn’t always want sex,” which I guess is better than just saying he should rape her, but not much, because I think in practice it will amount to the same.

    And then the next question is from a guy who has a lower sex drive than his wife, and the answer is basically, “You are not a real man, wtf is your problem! Men always want sex and women never do. You should fuck her whether you want to or not, and be glad about it! Forget enthusiasm or consent- YOU’RE A MAN”

  56. you should put down your dirty, defiling porn and pick up your Bible as the beginning point for your marital intimacy.

    Song of Solomon, anyone?

    Or do you think he’s referring to all those parts where men have more than one wife, or to a wife sending her maid to her husband for sex/procreation, or the ‘rape a virgin and get to marry her’ part? *vomits*

  57. you should put down your dirty, defiling porn and pick up your Bible as the beginning point for your marital intimacy.

    Read what? The bit in Genesis where Tamar’s husband masturbates and won’t give her children so she seduces her father-in-law while dressed as a whore? Or in Samuel, where another Tamar, David’s daughter, is raped by her brother?

    Or you want to go back to the Song of Solomon, where the girl lets her boyfriend into her bedchamber–no mention of marriage there. And of course the brothers who are worried about their little sister because she hath no breasts?

    I don’t know about you, but those and the Lord’s Prayer never exactly made an erotic experience for me. YMMW, natch.

  58. miss elizabeth: I’m assuming it doesn’t turn off your wife…?
    Don’t hate your body!! That’s what’s a turn off!

    ‘Hatred’ of my body is the only thing that gets me on the bicycle or prevents me from finishing the pizza my wife has only has two slices of. It’s more of a hatred of how it looks at the moment and what that says about my self-control.

  59. zuzu:

    Unless you’re smearing salmon roe on your mirror, then carry on.

    Wait…you mean you DON’T masturbate with salmon roe?

  60. what if one wants to get rid of this homo thing, which he is doing since 12 years back continuously…..

    i guess, you must have answer of this Question as well…

  61. Masturbation is totally healthy and all humans do it to some extent. You’re not gay unless you’re imagining someone of the opposite sex to jerk off. These days, masturbation is fine as long as you don’t become obsessed with it while in a relationship. For many men, the most appealing women they see daily are on the internet, which often makes it difficult to “get up” for a real life woman who is not as pretty or interesting as the images onscreen.

  62. I was poking around the website, and here’s an excerpt of advice he gives to an unmarried man who claims to masturbate without thinking sexual thoughts, or “lusting.” He starts by saying the guy should be “working towards marriage” because he was “obviously not build by God to endure a life of singleness,” but then there’s this:

    “…it seems possible but unlikely to be sexually aroused without sexual thoughts; I guess you could think of tractors or something to divert yourself, which seems peculiar but not evil.”

    All I can think of here is Socialist Realism—”boy loves girl loves tractor.”

  63. What’s the problem with blowing my nose in my hand when literally the next thing I am going to do is wash that very hand?

    Also, if I were masturbating thinking about my wife, would that be ok? Strictly hypothetically, of course — I’m not married.

    Katya: Honestly, I’d never thought of masturbation as inherently homosexual, because aren’t you usually thinking about whatever gender turns you on when you’re doing it? I mean, what’s the difference between masturbating while touching your wife and masturbating while thinking about touching your wife?

    Ha, great minds. That’ll teach me to write comments before reading the thread. I wonder if the piece was written by someone who believes (or, um, claims to believe) that when you’re alone and masturbating, your mind is a blank.

  64. I know the church this pastor works at. I’ve been by it several times! Hard to believe this came out of Seattle.

    Yeah, Mars Hill is sadly not satire. And the fact that the church is in Seattle is curiously disconnected from its political views.

    And the guy who runs it (and wrote that post), is a raging misogynistic homophobe. He’s vile.

  65. evil_fizz said it. Mark Driscoll is a nightmare. Except he’s real.

    I also am super puzzled about his popularity in Seattle. The churches I went to in Seattle were big liberal or socialist love and justice fests, one of which was totally the place to scope cute gay guys wearing immaculate outfits on Sunday morning.

    Song of Songs is hot. At our Big Queer Episcopalian Love Party we had a staged reading of basically the whole book, two of our friends reading it back and forth to one another, and people were fanning themselves by the end of it.

  66. My uncle also maintains that the Song of Songs is hot. I have, unfortunately, never been able to see it that way, because of having to sit through far too many stilted, monotonous readings of it at other people’s weddings.

    PSA: Please do not ask your best friend to do a reading of Song of Songs at your wedding! I guarantee you that the guests around your age will be attending at least two and possibly four or more weddings in that year at which the couple will have exactly that brilliant idea. All I can now think of any time I think of the Song of Songs is some friend of a friend droning in a self-conscious, solemn way, with the pauses in all the wrong, awkward places “Hark! my beloved! behold, he cometh, leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice,” while I sneak a look at the wedding program, wondering how much longer it is going to be before the actual ceremony (I always am moved by the couple speaking vows to each other), and if at the reception, I am going to be seated near friends/family, or if I’m going to be put at a table with some equally unfortunate single man who is also friends with the couple. (Couples–do not do this! Your single friends by and large, do not like it! It just makes us feel self-conscious! Let us sit next to our friends!)

    Sadly, this is the equivalent of having all potential hotness surgically removed.

  67. No, Thomas MacEtc. you said in the first sentence that you are “not interested” in masturbating in front of a mirror. Done! Okay!

    Then you turned it into a creepy little description of how and when you ejaculate, and what part your wife plays in your morning wank. Really inappropriate.

  68. evil_fizz:
    I know the church this pastor works at. I’ve been by it several times! Hard to believe this came out of Seattle.

    Yeah, Mars Hill is sadly not satire.And the fact that the church is in Seattle is curiously disconnected from its political views.

    And the guy who runs it (and wrote that post), is a raging misogynistic homophobe.He’s vile.

    Wait, wasn’t there a post about this church here a few years back? The pastor is all “Rawr, I’m so alterna-hip Christian, but really, I’m just dressing up the same old regressive, woman-hating shit in a tattooed package.”

  69. tinfoil hattie: No, Thomas MacEtc. you said in the first sentence that you are “not interested” in masturbating in front of a mirror. Done! Okay!

    Then you turned it into a creepy little description of how and when you ejaculate, and what part your wife plays in your morning wank. Really inappropriate.

    Not to turn this into a referendum on Thomas’s comment, but I found it on topic if a little oversharey (though, I like tend to enjoy overshares). I mean, this is a thread about, among other things, masturbation being totally gay. People talking about how masturbation fits into heterosexual sexual practice (and Thomas isn’t the only one who’s done that) is totally on topic. Sometimes in threads about sex people will talk about the sex they have. Sharing stories of consensual sex in that context is really not creepy, and saying that it is feels really gross and kinda slut-shamey to me.

  70. And on mirrorbating, haven’t done it with an actual mirror, have done it with a webcam. It’s not really about being attracted to my own body though, but instead that I can find things I like about my body and how it looks and feel confident and sexy. It can actually be really nice and self-caring to do and the masturbation part is just an added bonus.

  71. tinfoil hattie:
    Then you turned it into a creepy little description of how and when you ejaculate, and what part your wife plays in your morning wank.Really inappropriate.

    I really don’t understand how this is inappropriate or gross in this context and I think that your repeated insistent criticism of his small comment comes off as very sex-negative. Would you have been just as quick to criticize had the commenter been a woman describing her shared masturbation with a woman?

  72. I am a guy and I sometimes masturbate in front of a mirror and I like it. What’s wrong with it? It’s none of your business.

  73. AC:
    I am a guy and I sometimes masturbate in front of a mirror and I like it….It’s none of your business.

    I thoroughly agree. So don’t tell me about it in a public blog comment.

  74. EG: I thoroughly agree.So don’t tell me about it in a public blog comment.

    Shame on him! A man talking about sex on a women’s forum!!

  75. Masturbation is the better of Love. It0s the only manner to see god and all the saints, gurus, and dick bigger tellers….

  76. Because: a man I don’t know talking about his specific technique for timing his ejaculation is creepy. It violates my boundaries, and I don’t have to like it.

    I’m rather bemused that yet a different stranger personally feels shamed b/c I don’t want to hear the specifics of some man’s masturbation techniques.

    My boundaries: They’re not set up for your convenience.

  77. With all due respect, if some fairly on-topic blog comments about sex turn you off, you are free to scroll right past them. Your personal boundaries might be relevant if this was your personal blog, or if we were having this discussion in real life and you could not exit the room without social penalty.

    I don’t particularly care for vivid descriptions of strangers’ sex lives, but they don’t comment to please me, either.

  78. tinfoil hattie, there was precisely no way for thomas, or in fact any of the other commenters here to know about what you would consider acceptable commentary in this thread before he commented. Even now I don’t know what you would consider ok. Are comments ok only if they don’t mention orgasm? Like, where is the line? How are we meant to predict what your boundaries are? And your personal boundaries not being universal, how do we know what everyone else’s boundaries in this discussion are?

    I’m not saying this to criticise you having boundaries, but I don’t think it’s particularly reasonable for you to expect us to work around them ahead of time or risk being called creepy. If you don’t want to hear about stranger’s masturbatory habits, maybe the thread about masturbation isn’t the place to hang out.

  79. Dan: Crucialpoint–“admit”.
    The word admit does have some alternative meanings to it, 99% of people masturbate, the other 1% lie about doing it !

  80. Claire: Shame on him! A man talking about sex on a women’s forum!!

    It was mockery. You don’t see anything silly about saying, in a public forum, “Hey, I do this thing! It’s none of your business”? I believe I’ve made fun of a woman commenter for similar.

    In other news, what’s up with the “quote this comment” function eliminating all spaces?

  81. So if I don’t like masturbating is that a form of homophobia now? And what if I like watching women masturbate? Oh wait, I forgot, they don’t do that. I guess my ex just had a bad itch….

  82. tinfoil hattie:



    If you have boundaries reading about men masturbating, then don’t read a blog thread about masturbating on a blog where men post comments. What did you expect to find?

  83. Wait, wasn’t there a post about this church here a few years back? The pastor is all “Rawr, I’m so alterna-hip Christian, but really, I’m just dressing up the same old regressive, woman-hating shit in a tattooed package.”

    Possibly. There’s another church called Mars Hill in Michigan, and that one was in the news because the pastor wrote a book about how God will eventually save everyone (i.e. everybody goes to heaven). I was confused when I first read this, because my impression is that the Michigan Mars Hill stands out as a progressive megachurch.

  84. This is interesting- if you look at the preceding paragraph before the part that’s quoted, there’s a list of Biblical considerations that seems relatively reasonable to me:

    It must be noted that the Bible does not condemn masturbation outright. Though the practice is as old as the Scriptures, the Bible’s silence on the matter should cause us to avoid calling something a sin that God does not. So, we must examine the issue principally with the following questions:

    Question #1 –
    Can you masturbate without lusting (Job 31:1)?
    Question #2 –
    Can you masturbate in a way that builds oneness with your spouse, pulling you together more intimately through the act (Gen. 2:24)?
    Question #3 –
    Can you masturbate without experiencing shame (Gen. 2:24)?
    Question #4 –
    Can you masturbate with a clear conscience (Titus 1:15)?
    Question #5 –
    Can you masturbate without capitulating to the cravings of your sinful desires and thoughts (Eph. 2:3)?

    The author goes on to conclude that this is theoretically possible, but “highly unlikely” (for men at least, but that’s another issue…) But I’m wondering if it might actually be useful as a set of goals or guidelines for Christians who want to masturbate in such a way that is consistent with the teachings of their faith. Rather than “don’t masturbate,” the message is more that you shouldn’t be trying to “hide” anything from God, and that if you have a partner, masturbating should support the closeness of that relationship rather than damaging it.

  85. This site is entertaining. Wow, feminists/libs are okay with porn even though it’s unbelievably degrading to women?! Is this right?!

  86. “As a sidenote, this article says that 48% of single men admit to masturbating once a week or more. Only 48%? WHAT are you guys doing? Are there too many video games that need playing or something? Pick up the pace, homeboys.”

    This is waiting for the other shoe to drop, which I will graciously do for you.

    52% of single men say they don’t masturbate … any more.

  87. Oh, come on, this is a bit of an easy target for you, isn’t it? Des anyone with more than 2 brain cells take this religious nonsesnse seriously?

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