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Kansas Should Serve as a Warning to Virginia Women

This is a guest post by Dr. James Kenley. Dr. Kenley is the former Commissioner of Health in VA from 1976-1986. He was also the Clinical Instructor in Preventive Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University from 1986-1992. He is currently retired.

A few weeks ago, a disturbing situation arose in Kansas that brought the state perilously close to banning abortion within its borders. The legislature, with the governor’s support, enacted a new licensing and regulatory law that resulted in the creation of “emergency” regulations giving abortion providers just a few days to comply with impossible and medically unnecessary requirements.

These regulations, which demanded precise sizes for janitorial closets, no-variance room temperatures, and other ridiculous requirements, were purportedly established to protect the health and safety of women, but in truth had one and only one purpose: to shut down the three existing abortion facilities in the state.

Fortunately, a federal judge temporarily enjoined the new regulations, and all three clinics in Kansas are still able to provide services, at least for now.

The situation in Kansas should serve as a warning to Virginians. Our General Assembly passed its own regulatory law this spring motivated by the same anti-choice agenda that spurred the foolishness in Kansas. And now Governor Robert McDonnell is forcing the Board of Health to adopt new regulations in an unprovoked “emergency” process that bypasses the normal public notice and comment periods for changes in state regulations, and reduces opportunities for input from the trained professionals at the state agencies who know the most about the issues at hand.

As a retired doctor and former health commissioner for the Commonwealth of Virginia, I am deeply concerned about these developments, because I fear that we, like Kansas, are attempting to turn back the clock on women’s health in a way that could have devastating effects.

Although I never performed an abortion, when I was a young physician in Cincinnati and Atlanta in the 1950s, I helped women who needed emergency medical care following either self-performed or “back alley” abortions. Later, in practice, one memorable case was a mature, educated mother of two whose spouse had recently survived a brain hemorrhage. Pregnant some 20 years before the Supreme Court legalized abortions and with nowhere to turn, she desperately tried to self-abort with a hat pin.

In the middle of the night, I was called to her house where I found her in excruciating pain suffering from severe chills and a fever of 105 degrees. After telling me what she had done, I rushed her to the hospital where she received emergency, medical treatment that thankfully saved her life.

In September, the Virginia Board of Health will propose emergency regulations to require abortion clinics to meet hospital-like standards of care, even though abortion is one of the safest medical procedures available in this country and is already heavily controlled by state and federal regulations.

To be certain, supporters of these new regulations will claim that elevating abortion providers to mini-hospitals by forcing them to make costly architectural upgrades will somehow protect women’s health and safety. Women definitely deserve the highest standard of medical care especially when it comes to reproductive healthcare. But women in Virginia are already receiving abortion care at the highest standard, and medically inappropriate and unnecessary regulations will only serve to restrict access to the full range of reproductive health care services and further marginalize young, low-income, uninsured and minority women by decreasing their health care options.

Early abortion care is already difficult to access in the Commonwealth, with 86% of Virginia’s counties lacking any abortion providers at all. The new regulations could make abortions both harder to get and more expensive, possibly taking us back to something akin to that time I recall with such great dismay, when every abortion was a health risk.

That’s why I hope my fellow medical professionals with the Board of Health will not bow to political pressure or rhetoric from special interest groups. Women in Virginia are already receiving outstanding abortion care, so there is no need for medically inappropriate and unnecessary regulations that will not only reduce access to abortion for all women, but especially for existing marginalized women.

There are additional consequences of fewer providers and more expensive abortion services as a result of overregulation. Virginia abortion providers also offer an array of reproductive healthcare services to women as well as men, including life-saving cancer screenings, birth control, STI testing and treatment and pre and post-natal care. These critical health services could be reduced or eliminated altogether.

As the former Commissioner of Health under four governors, I urge the members of the Virginia Department of Health and the Board of Health to adhere to their charge – to protect the public health and safety of the people of the Commonwealth by adopting only those regulations that are medically appropriate, and based in science.

If they do, they will show us that on important matters involving constitutional rights and health care, Virginia can rise above politics. We can be better than Kansas.

9 thoughts on Kansas Should Serve as a Warning to Virginia Women

  1. Thank you Dr. Kenley. I have written an editorial to my local paper on this in Virginia, but alas the only opinions that get published are those of anti-choice supporters.

    Unfortunately our Attorney General, Governor and majority of the State Legislature would rather see abortions go underground than be obtained legally and safely in VA. If they are the party of “life” I am Santa Claus.

    Letters to the Board of Health in Virginia before this decision is made. Letters, or sample ones can be given to anyone from either Planned Parenthood Advocates of VA or NARAL Virginia.

    A Demonstration is scheduled for September 14 at the VCU campus in Richmond.

    On a side note, the one clinic by me in Manassas VA is picketed daily by anti-choice protesters. They appraoch the cars as they turn into the office complex and direct their signage and presence to the women entering. ACCROSS the street, on weekends is one lone pro-choice advocate. If you live in the area or can get to it with a reasonable drive, consider going out and standing with him. :>)

  2. ElleBeMe:
    On a side note, the one clinic by me in Manassas VA is picketed daily by anti-choice protesters.They appraoch the cars as they turn into the office complex and direct their signage and presence to the women entering.ACCROSS the street, on weekends is one lone pro-choice advocate.

    Saddest thing I’ve read all day. :-/

  3. That site in Manassas is where I had my abortion. Amazingly, it’s right next door to an “emergency pregnancy centers” that pretends to offer options but instead browbeats women into carrying unwanted pregnancies to term. It can be very confusing for a scared young woman being harassed by protesters, and a lot of women end up going into the wrong clinic.

  4. I hope this was posted/sent elsewhere besides this blog – it’s excellent, but here it’s preaching to the proverbial choir. (Does anyone know where else it’s been distributed?)

  5. Great post. Thank you, Dr. Kenley. I hope that the people of Virginia stop these religious extremists from tearing down years of work to ensure women’s rights.

  6. Thank you for this, Dr. Kenley.

    What is equally worrisome is even if we can manage to keep such clinics open, who will be the providers who can perform abortions?
    The passage of the Foxx GME Amendment last may seems to me likely to further reduce physicians who are appropriately trained.
    (From the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists website. For the record, the ACOG opposed this legislation).
    On Agreeing to the Amendment

    05/25/2011 —
    Foxx amendment (No. 7 printed in the Congressional Record of May 23, 2011) that was debated on May 24th that prohibits the use of funds provided for graduate medical education from being used to provide abortion or training in the provision of abortion. Additionally, funds will not be provided to a teaching health center if the institution discriminates against individual health care entities that refuse to provide abortion, undergo training in the provision of abortion, or offer referral for abortion services (by a recorded vote of 234 ayes to 182 noes, Roll No. 338).

  7. Pingback: Well Woman Blog

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