In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Go ahead.

50 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. She was a thrifty full-time housewife who kept her family fed on $20 a week. She clipped coupons, chased bargains, measured portions. She was demented.

    Crazy Logic

    Anders Brievik and David Duke both said to have had plastic surgery for that ‘Aryan’ look not found in nature. Surreal that human isn’t white enough…

    Vicious and Vain

  2. If all heterosexual, PIC sex is rape, then how much time should sexually active heterosexual men have to do in prison?

    Molsen-Coors comes out with a pink beer, I get annoyed.

    On how banning pornography, and the so-called feminist push to do so, is unrealistic and harmful and ultimately anti-feminist.

    Please join us on a discussion about what we want from our political leaders/representatives, in general. A guest post from David Kames.

  3. Being a White Female Rapper Does Not Give You Permission to use the N Word: Kreayshawn and her crew, White Girl Mobs seem to feel that because they grew up poor and White that they are entitled to use the N word at will.

    True Blood – and why I can’t get behind all this pro-GBL praise: Despite being lauded as on of the most GBL friendly shows on television, True Blood does have its issues.

    Why is Ramadan important to me? : An empowering story on one Muslimah’s path agency and power.

    A Series of Questions: A touching array of trans people holding placards with questions they are commonly asked by cis people.

    On my urban fantasy blog we are holding our first give away. Enter to win a free signed copy of Kevin Hearne’s Hammered

    Review: Summer Knight by Jim Butcher, Book 4 of the Harry Dresden Files

    Thoughts on Season Seven of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

    Black People Are Disposable or Have No Humanity on “Falling Skies”: Somehow Aliens manage to kill 90% of the earths population and POC are even more disposable than before the invasion.

  4. Obesity Isn’t (contains fat-shaming) — Responding to some troll comments left on a previous size acceptance post.

    Give Generously — On being asked to give more when I’m continually being given less. AKA, This is not the way to run an educational system.

    I also reviewed a core yoga download, looking for friendliness toward bigger bodies. In that vein, I also continued my chair yoga series, this time focusing on restorative movements for the ankles.

    Finally, Thoughts on a Word: Focus, combining yoga plus physics.

  5. One seriously-serious post this week, I finally posted my retort/parody lyrics to Coldplay’s Fix You, and explained why I came up with them, in Don’t you dare to fix me.

    Still serious, but in a much more fun way, I finally returned to my series thinking about what interstellar war might look like, if we ever establish humanity outside of our solar system, thinking about strategy, and tactics based either on wormholes or natural space flight technologies. I’m trying to look at it more from the logistics and military requirements rather than what science currently says is possible, though also positing as little “fictional science” as possible (beyond the need for some kind of faster-than-light drive or the use of stable wormholes!)

  6. I have a blog now! Go visit, even though there’s not much up yet. It’s an introduction and a quick blurb while I played around learning how to embed videos. By the way, does anyone know how to embed discovery channel videos on wordpress? It refused to embed the full length video I wanted to post.

  7. This week at Gender Across Borders…

    I started the week off with a review of Eve Ensler’s ode to teenage girls, I am an Emotional Creature

    Next, Jessica posted a piece on polygamy in the United States, focusing on the Brown family from TLC’s Sister Wives.

    Guest contributor Elena Rossini discusses her film The Illusionists which explores unattainable beauty standards from around the world.

    Frequent contributor Sara Messelaar discusses Women’s World Cup popularity, and the attention that it may draw from sex appeal rather than skill.

    Carrie wrote for us about the major success of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, which was granted consultative status to the UN Economoic and Social Council.

    Atifa reviews Basanta Kumar Kar’s work The Unfold Pinnacle, which is a collection of poetry based on the lives of marginalized women in India.

    Lastly, Tanya gave us a quick hit yesterday to celebrate African Women’s Day.

    As usual, you can find all this and more at Gender Across Borders.

  8. When I read the Feministe entry:
    “If You Can’t Beat Them And You Won’t Join Them, You Can At Least Take Their Names”

    . . . I was elated. The commandeering of the term “feminist” by right wing nutburgers has been making me seethe with anger. It reminded me of a post I wrote a while back regarding the issue that Sarah Palin was being (still is) lauded as the poster child for the “New Feminist”; particularly I wrote about how South Carolina was in frenzied ecstasy over the idea of having it’s first female governor, which was supposed to be some kind of proof that the South had become pro-feminist. Here is that blog post:

  9. Nancy Green:
    She was a thrifty full-time housewife who kept her family fed on $20 a week. She clipped coupons, chased bargains, measured portions. She was demented.

    Crazy Logic

    About this: I’d like to point out it’s possible to write about irrational or mistaken actions without further stigmatizing the mentally ill. We have enough to deal with without being compared to people who do irrational things while perfectly lucid.

  10. heyjudi:
    . . . The commandeering of the term “feminist” by right wing nutburgers has been making me seethe with anger. …

    See my comment above regarding the use of the words “crazy” and “demented”. Please don’t equate views you think are wrong or bad with being a “nutburger”, which is an extremely derogatory term for the mentally ill. In fact, using this word is exactly like using the N-word.

  11. I started my first blog this week over at

    I wrote a short intro piece about why I started the blog:

    I also discussed the idea that emotional well-being is a sustainability skill:

    Finally, I wrote about how my urban camping plans were thwarted by security measures:

  12. Back in the ’50s, being a lesbian was considered perverse by mainstream society, so naturally, soft-core porn paperbacks featuring lesbian sex were wildly popular. They were often written by men, sometimes famous sci-fi authors going under pen names.

    When Being a Lesbian Was Profitable, For Men

    These books were clearly voyeuristic and usually ended with the heroine being “cured” by sex with a man. But given the times, they were surprisingly sensitive to women’s struggles. However, the authors also published pseudo-sexology studies that proved the experiences of real lesbians weren’t a concern at all.

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