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Do You Do That Dance?

Thursday evening, 7pm Eastern time, I want everyone to run outside and wiggle your bums, chanting, “Snow DAY! Snow DAY!” Then head indoors and recite incantations for to sky to dump four inches of snow on Central Indiana.

You down?

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43 thoughts on Do You Do That Dance?

  1. At 4:00PM tomorrow PST, I will be in Pilates class. I’ll lift one butt cheek off the mat and flex it while imploring snow to fall on your corner of the world.

    It might get down below 50 tonight, been a bit chilly.

  2. Here on campus we don’t really get snow days unless the engineering mall is totally submerged in snow, I really don’t want to have to walk in four inches of snow all the way to freaking Beering Hall. If it happens though I’ll be glad I bought those boots…

  3. Umm…no. An inclement weather day (because here in Ft. Worth/Dallas, Texas we don’t get that stuff which you call “snow”–just ice) screwed me to the max today, and I’m pissed at the weather gods. Get your own snow.

    Speaking of the weather gods…WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?!?! Four days after we set a record high for December of 91°, you give us cold, sleet, ice, and other general nastiness? As the wise Charlie Brown puts it, good grief.

  4. Can’t dance with a broken ankle but I’ll wave my crutches enthusiastically – send it as far north as SE Michigan pretty please…..our forecasts vary from 100% chance of 3-6 inches to 20% chance of anything. sigh. And no, on crutches I don’t really want any more snow but it’s not like I’m going anywhere.

  5. I’ll do it in the hopes that we can get dumped on in Chicago too. It’s been several years since they closed the plant due to snow; we’re overdue. It means at least an hour of hard work to shovel out my driveway, but I’ll make that sacrafice for you.

  6. It’s already snowing pretty hard here in Southern Illinois. Surely you’re in for it as well, even without a snow dance. 😉

    I will, however, throw some snow in your direction, just in case the Snow God needs encouragement.

  7. There’s mad speculation about the effects of global warming and all now that TX just went from 91degrees to 12 in what, 2 days? Yesterday on NPR they were sharing snippets from the movie Day After Tomorrow where it took 2 days for global storms to hit the entire world. Sure in reality it would take, say, 10-20 years, but the fact is something is beginning to happen and it’s not looking good. And how’s about how most of the East Coast totally skipped fall and went straight into winter?

    Fwiw, Lauren, I would do the snow dance but it’s supposed to hit here, too, and I want my celebration lunch tomorrow at a delicious Thai food restaurant a few blocks over.

  8. I’m going to do an interpretive dance signalling to the weather gods that they should take any bad weather that’s supposed to be heading my way and make it hit you guys instead.

  9. We don’t get too many snow days here in the Rockies.

    However, we did get a cold day yesterday – it made it up to a whopping 7 F, school was cancelled. We’ll do the Happy Snow Dance for you this morning and send some your way. Hopefully we won’t be sending the painful cold there too.

  10. Its less than that here in West Lafayette half the time and we don’t get cold days! I need to move out west it seems.

  11. My undergraduate institution, a Big State University Somewhere In The Upper Midwest, hasn’t called a snow day since it got sued by a law student. Apparently, the university called a snow day for one or two days, and he wanted a portion of his tuition, pro rated for the days that were “lost”, remitted to him. He won.

    At least that’s the story. Could be an urban legend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.

  12. I’ll do it for you if you promise to send some of that snow to Seattle. We got a little last week, but not enough even make a snowman.

  13. I’ll do it for you if you promise to send some of that snow to Seattle. We got a little last week, but not enough even make a snowman

    ‘Twas lovely, wasn’t it?

  14. 7 p.m. in indiana is what time in philadelphia (or, if you prefer, new york) this time of year? i never can figure out freaky indiana time

    Depends on the county. In Indiana, 77 counties use Eastern Standard Time consistently, which means that at present in those counties, the time is the same as it is in Philadelphia. In April, they’ll be an hour behind Philadelphia.

    Five Indiana counties near Cincinnati and Louisville do adjust between Eastern Standard and and Eastern Daylight time, so their time is always the same as in Philadelphia.

    Five counties near Chicago, and five near Evansville, IN observe Central Standard/Central Daylight Time, so they’re always an hour behind Philadelphia.

    The Indiana legislature recently passed a law instituting daylight savings time across the state. If it holds up, in April 2006 all Indiana counties will observe daylight savings time. Indiana will then petition the U.S. Department of Transportation to determine where the dividing line between the Central and Eastern time zones relative to Indiana will be.

  15. It just started smowing on the northwest side fo Chicago. The forecast only calls for 2-6″, but there is always hope for more.

  16. Yeah, it’s snowing pretty hard on the south side right now. I hope some of it has made it down 65 to WLaffayette. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  17. Its here, dumping like mad, could hardly see out the window of the bus on the way home. She got her wish it looks like.

  18. The Indiana legislature recently passed a law instituting daylight savings time across the state. If it holds up, in April 2006 all Indiana counties will observe daylight savings time. Indiana will then petition the U.S. Department of Transportation to determine where the dividing line between the Central and Eastern time zones relative to Indiana will be.

    I hate the idea of daylight saving for indiana. We are just inbetween Eastern and Central. If I had to choose, I choose Central saving time, just because why do we need darkness till 8 am in the winter and sunlight till 10pm in the summer with Eastern?

    I hate Mitch Daniels…

  19. Oh, snow day … That’d be so nice. I’d get to catch up on my grading.

    (Is it sad that grading’s what I think of doing on a day off?)

    the Leo

  20. I’ve always thought the only reason Michigan is in Eastern time is that the powers-that-decide-such-things wanted Detroit and NYC in the same time zone for business reasons.

    snowing here and they’ve upped our forecast to 8″ – my kids will dance their way home.

  21. I’ve always thought the only reason Michigan is in Eastern time is that the powers-that-decide-such-things wanted Detroit and NYC in the same time zone for business reasons.

    Probably. Standardized time was instituted by the railroad companies in the late 19th-century according to time zones devised by railway engineers. Standard time became law in the United States in 1918, and administrative authority over time zone boundaries was assigned to the Interstate Commerce Commission (the Dept. of Transportation is responsible now). The primary criterion for any change in time zone boundaries, according to the law, is convenience of commerce.

  22. Lauren — Went out, did a little dance, brushed the snow off the satellite dish becuase there was so much on it we didn’t have reception anymore.

    Looks like it’s going to snow for maybe another hour or so. Looks like we got more like 7 or 8 inches outside my door. Hurrah!

  23. It’s about 55-60 outside, but it is cloudy. I actually thought of you, Lauren, as I left Pilates and I sent prayers for snow towards your corner of the world.

  24. Well, I just got back from getting bailed out on the indecent exposure charges, it’s snowing like hell here. The doc says the frostbite shouldn’t be too damaging though. On the good side the cute lady across the street was a LOT friendlier than usual when I got back. So I hope you are getting the snow.

  25. Hugo Says:

    It’s about 55-60 outside, but it is cloudy.

    You must be in So Cal you lucky SOB.

    According to at this moment Sandy, UT is 3 degrees F. At my parent’s house in L.A. (where I was born and raised) it’s currently 61.

    Pardon me while I go kill myself.

  26. I’ll lift one butt cheek off the mat and flex it while imploring snow to fall on your corner of the world.

    Hugo, you’re going to get Lauren and Jill all hot and bothered.

    No, wait. This is a liberal site, a feminist blog. I guess you’ll only get a select few of the male members excited instead.

  27. Well Linnaeus, I don’t know about the tort reform thing – if that story is true, it’s BigStateU’s own bloody fault for letting someone like that in to begin with. Should raise their standards *g*

  28. Robert Says:

    You people are all wimps.

    Utah isn’t quite as low, but we’re making a good run at it. As I’m leaving work, it’s 0°F, Feels Like -13°F

    Heads up mormons, the next one of you who tells me this state is the Promised Land is getting smacked.

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