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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know the drill: Link to something you’ve written this week, and leave a short description. Enjoy!

33 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Looking at why Winona State U named 11th safest in USA shows how crime prevention can be so much more than lectures on self-defense.

    Examining evidence behind spiking of drinks with date-rape drugs as urban myth looks at misuse of a scientific study to call women who believed they were drugged liars and looks at how the study conflated not detecting certain drugs with proof that those tested hadn’t been drugged.

    Contrasting response to Richmond CA beating and gang rape and other reported gang rapes highlights that the outrage over gang rapes is often muted or absent by looking at the outcome of the De Anza gang rape case where an unconscious girl was rescued but nobody was charged.

    Where did those gang rapists and their cheering section get their ideas? (trigger warning) looks at what those who knew and approved of this crime were telling people and compares that to what many people say about rape online.

    Carnival against sexual violence 81 provides a variety of links.

  2. This week at re:Cycling, the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, we’ve written about lawsuits against Prempro, Redbook magazine’s thoughtless diss of a new book about menstruation, Chella Quint’s brilliant Redbook satire in response, Men With Cramps, seasonally appropriate cloth menstrual pads, fertility awareness, and efforts to improve the menstrual life of girls in developing nations.

  3. Sunday Shame Halloween Edition: Yes this is for those who have been known to tax their childrens Halloween candy.

    Wanda Sykes wouldn’t fool anyone with Black babies: Looking out how reproductive choices can reveal internalized racism.

    Disability and Loss: Looking at the transition from able to differnetly abled

    Joe The Plumber: Everyone is Entitled to an Opinion: Looking at how Free Speech is used to forestall any dissenting opinion

    What a Black barbie should look like: Looking at barbie dolls that have been retooled to have a more Afrocentric look

    Monkey Sex: Looking at the ways in which gender performance effects good sex.

  4. Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network posted a lurid fantasy about how witches put time-release curses on Halloween candy. CBN took it down, but you can still find a link in the ‘comments’ section of my post. It’s really creepy. Also a link to many common candies, and why they are gateways to perdition. After all, what decent man would suck on chocolate-covered nuts?

    Parents Beware

  5. Virginia Wolff was haunted by the Angel in the House, we are haunted by Barbie. And just as the Angel was shadowed by the slutty virago, Barbie’s nemesis is the physicality of the real woman’s body.
    Wolff couldn’t vote, but she got to keep her clothes on. We are expected to paint, shave and surgically alter what can’t be starved out. Not doing this is a form of rebellion, but one we don’t speak of much, lest we be called ugly and dirty.

  6. Howdy Feministe in exile!

    It’s been a little while since I posted on one of these blogarounds. I stopped by to do it, and the site is dressed up for Halloween!

    I wrote a reply turned post today based on a reply on a post on the site Feminists for Choice. I am a future doctor, and I was writing about why conscience clauses can be OK.

    I also wrote a lot of birth and pregnancy posts this week, including a submission to the Healthy Birth Blog Carnival #2 about moving during labor, and a post on fat bias and pregnancy.

    I wrote about being sick, arguing on web sites and getting annoyed at what was on TV.

    And, I wrote about how a CBC radio program about fat doctors made me feel self loathing and self doubt.

  7. I wrote about the Great Material Continuum and how it appears in communist thought too. Also on communism, I talked about how Theory Y management is proof communism could work.

    I refuted a claim that porn is ALWAYS rape in It Really Isn’t.

    Finally, I wrote about what happened when British TV’s Channel 4 invited Jane Elliott to do her thing in the UK, and how it revealed just how racist we Brits can be; I also had a troll pop in to claim that I was being racist against whites.

  8. Is Sleeping With a Married Man Sexist?
    Written by a feminist academic who had the (dis)pleasure of deliberately being “the other woman” in an ongoing affair, Cheating on the Sisterhood: Infidelity and Feminism explores Lauren Rosewarne’s personal struggles as a willing participant in an illicit relationship that resulted in another woman’s devastation, as well as her own. It is a political look at the motivations that fuel situations of betrayal and the justifications one provides oneself from the inside.

  9. As a dancer, I feel most alive when I’m present in my body; when I breathe hard, feel the power of my feet on the ground, and sense the weight in my head and arms. To feel embodied is an exhilarating experience, and after seeing Sins Invalid’s fourth annual performance, “An Unashamed Claim to Beauty in the Face of Invisibility,” I was struck by the complexities of being present and proud in a body that can make others feel deeply uncomfortable.

    As an avid consumer of coming out stories in more languages than I care to count, I decided that Girl Crazy: Coming out Erotica would be perfect summer reading.

    You might come to this film with some knowledge of hip-hop, or you might not. You might even have some knowledge of Islam, too. Neither is required, however, because New Muslim Cool is, when you get right down to it, a story of a man trying hard to know and be himself in the world.

  10. I wanted to share my post about the injustice done to a Canadian Forces Service woman.

    Through the arcane labyrinth that is known as our legal system, this young recruit was raped as of 2004, and then ‘magically’ unraped in 2009.

    Trigger warning.

  11. This week on the Yes Means Yes Blog:

    How to teach preschoolers not to rape, before they know what that is: If She’s Not Having Fun You Have To Stop.

    Also, in the wake of the Richmond gang rape I’m Bracing For The Rape Apology. I expect the kind of slut-baiting we saw in the Orange County Haidl case, and at least in the cesspool that is comment threads on mainstream sites, it has begun. I talk about the role that the rape apologist and the bystander fill in creating an environment where rapists can continue to operate.

  12. Here’s what’s going on @GABblog (Gender Across Borders):

    This month’s Global Feminism in the News: Women in Progress

    A Beauty Pageant for Women with Untreated Skin in Cote d’Ivoire

    Are Bonobos Riot Grrls, Are Primates Feminist-Friendly?

    Women of Northern Uganda–A beautiful slideshow of photographs by Nora Chovanec of women in Uganda during the bitter war that has been battling the country for over thirty years

    Leave your links in today’s Global Feminist Link Love!

  13. How (not) to Teach Masculinity: Oh so problematic, Rules for My Unborn Son nicely illustrates how gender is constructed and how (in this case) a by product of that is you must explicitly tell your son “Don’t be a rapist.”

    More than “Unfortunate”: My thoughts on the brutal gang rape of a Richmond High School student.

    How to Get Me to Hide You in My Facebook Feed: I now have two reasons….ugh.

    Your Friday Awesome: A fun Friday diversion series I’ve started. In this edition I got excited that celery sucking bunnies are included in the Vampire cannon.

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