In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Go ahead.

66 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Just quit my job and have decided that in addition to working on finally getting one of my manuscripts finished and published, I’m going to write a blog on the process of my life, from a feminist and progressive point of view.

    I’m including book reviews from a feminist perspective, stories about my daily life, knitting, baking, and gardening experiments, and occasional (or more than occasional) direct posts about stuff in the news (the personal is political). So here I am, shamelessly self promoting Am I the Only One?. I have two posts up so far, and two more scheduled for later today. I am planning one a day for the foreseeable future.

  2. American Wind Power and the Power of Advertising: Musings on advertisements, logic, reinforcing consumerism, Eric Reitan, and messaging for more sustainable views of the “good life.”

    Being Watched, Being Seen, and Walking Alone: Street harassment, femme visibility (and the lack thereof), and the need for community.

    Make History! Help Conduct the First Ever Community Safety Audit in the United States: An opportunity to combat street harassment.

    Not an Awful Waste of Space: Contact the movie, the necessity of faith, and how emptiness is ok.

  3. My friend Katie is going on a road trip across the country to find women who love muscle cars. She’s documenting the whole experience on video. She’s an awesome lady, and this could turn into something amazing, so I’m trying to spread the word 🙂

  4. At Global Comment this week we had

    Sady Doyle writing about Lara Logan and Julian Assange and the different ways rape culture functions

    Anna Lekas Miller on the “domino theory” of change in the Middle East and how that might play out in Libya and Bahrain

    Our writers talked about their favorite revolutionary music

    and my personal favorite, Hannah Cooper talked to artists in Cairo about the street art of the January 25th protests. There’s some great photos in that one.

    Next week we’ve got an interview coming up with Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox about his documentary Gasland and various other cool things.

  5. I hope this doesn’t fit into the “this happened to me” type of post Jill just wrote about, but I was thinking about why single dads seem to suddenly connect with kids they previously neglected, and whether or not it’s a good thing.

    I also wrote about my daughter’s habit of lying, and different ways men and women pursue a mate.

  6. This week at Captain Awkward, Rape: Awkward.

    It’s about how victim-blaming works – now that you were raped, people need to “helpfully” second-guess everything you’ve ever done that led to that moment (like, say, becoming a really successful reporter and being sent to cover an important story).


    <blockquote cite="Here’s how you got raped:

    1. You went about your life and used your liberty to pursue happiness.

    2. You encountered a rapist who decided to rape you.


    I realize that as humans we are wired to problem-solve. So faced with something horrible and wrong (like rape), we want to solve the problem, ie, figure out what led to the rape and what we can do to prevent it from happening again (or happening to us). So our inner prosecutor comes out…if we can make up a story where the victim sorry, “accuser,” could have controlled her fate by not wearing that short skirt and stuff, we can pretend that we have some control over who gets raped. Sometimes this argument comes out as “common sense”, like, “If you’d just used basic common sense about (walking home late/drinking/dating people/wearing makeup/having a sexual history/smiling at people/living in a better neighborhood/not dating that guy, etc.), this never would have happened.” How fucking insulting is that?”>

  7. I cranked out 2 posts yesterday to go with Lady Porn Day. I was a little late. They’re both SFW, I think.

    For (belated) Lady Porn Day: What are the experts saying? – This is a look at contradictory stuff that different sex educators & therapists are saying about porn. Some of them are all like, “Porn is ok!” and others are all like, “Porn is not ok!” And I’m like, people look to you guys for sex therapy. Why can’t you just come to an agreement so that patients & clients don’t get used as your political football?

    And then there’s For (belated) Lady Porn Day: This time it’s personal which is about my own personal experiences with porn. Probably TMI.

  8. Yesterday I participated in the Walk for Choice here in Austin, Texas. One of my good friends took a ton of pictures. See them here.

    I guess I was a bit angry this week because:

    STFU, John Boehner: My reaction to Boehner’s reaction to Obama’s decision to no longer defend DOMA in court. In short: Boenher’s a hypocrite of the worst order.

    STFU, Tabitha Hale – You are NOT Lara Logan: I wouldn’t even have a problem with Ms. Hale taking to the internets and spreading this video around and yapping it up about this union guy who pushed her camera. This is time is different, though.  Because Ms. Hale goes WAY TOO FAR in trying to make her point about how terrible this entire episode was.  She compares herself directly with LARA LOGAN and sexual assault victims who are blamed for their sexual assault. And she is neither.

    For Fun: George Mason University’s band perform Rage Against the Machine.

  9. I have two this week: Obama gets it right by refusing to defend DOMA in federal court.

    I also talk bout Saturday’s rally for Planned Parenthood in Columbus Ohio, and what the Republican Agenda toward women’s rights really means.

  10. I had a busy blogging week. Among other topics, I wrote:

    About muslim pioneer Daisy Khan:

    British indie film Starter for 10:

    Elvis’ pelvis (a funny anecdote from singing with 2nd graders):

    In thanksgiving for Lady Gaga, who has convinced Target to stop funding anti-GLBT causes:

    Why non-organic milk is not that good for women:

    Warning about Facebook scams:

    What the bible really says about sex (link to article):

    Rant about Rep. Bobby Franklin, who thinks women who miscarry are murderers:

    Breast milk ice cream, anyone?:

    For the GOP, “pro-life” applies only before birth:

  11. Warren on the GOP trying to defund public broadcasting, and why we need it:

    The importance of the Wisconsin protests, and where they’re occurring:

    More on Wisconsin. Specifically, the larger implications of the protests.

    DOMA was declared unconstitutional by the Obama administration, and Republicans lost their shit.

    In an attempt to lighten the mood at my blog, I want people to tell stories of embarrassing moments. IT’S FUN DO IT!

    A couple newfangled sexist things I’ve heard recently:

    About Mark Bittman’s column on McDonald’s oatmeal, and the importance of actually paying attention to whether or not someone is an elitist turd before treating them like they are:

    I installed a new commenting platform and want to know what you think about it, or whether or not it totally sucks.

  12. We discussed the concept of violence against women in the arts, and offered an introduction to Pagan Feminism. We further examined the challenge of getting women in the boardroom, the role of global media in women’s rights in Afghanistan, and the ongoing integration debate for Germany’s immigrants.

    GAB participated in the I Stand with Planned Parenthood Feminist Carnival and we announced the second annual Blog for International Women’s Day, on March 8, and look forward to your participation!

  13. I’ve posted a number of ‘mainstream-feminist-friendly’ posts over the past week or so, including:

    Some plaudits to Stephanie Coontz in her discussions of her re-appraisal of The Feminist Mystique.

    A brief look at the entertainingly infuriating Ann Althouse discussing ‘bad boy-ism’ with Robert Wright.

    Some looks at a couple of Bloggingheads excerpts about the challenges facing women in academe, including talks between Kathryn Clancy and John Hawks and some follow up between Maggie Koerth-Baker and Christina Agapakis.

  14. More on the Wikipedia 13% thing – (how females make up only 13% of Wikipedia participation)

    A feminist joke captions a fashion ad

    Browsed the New York Times spring fashion magazine as a feminist this morning and posted a series of images from it with thoughts – here’s the introduction to the series.

    I’m posting quotes from Anaïs Nin’s A Spy in the House of Love like this

    And on-going is my project of reading old issues of Ms. Magazine from the 90s and posting thoughts. The main one so far is this post about healing, addiction, travel, and ultimately: when a feminist loves the wrong person.

  15. A couple of posts related to my search for common causes (which isn’t quite the same thing as “common ground”) for feminism and men’s rights — a project I think is important because the real problem is still patriarchy. These all tend to relate to ways pre-feminist assumptions stereotype men’s roles either directly or in the process of also stereotyping women’s.

    Do Men Have Some Catching Up to Do? Sure, But It’s Not Women We Need to Catch Up With — It’s Our Own Supressed Potential, Via Bridget Crawford an Unusual Statutory Rape Case Suggests Need to Revisit Pre-Feminist Assumptions About Paternity, With Paternity Revision Comes Great Paternity Responsibility — Good Thing New Male Contraceptives Are Finally On the Horizon

    This one reflected on geek feminist Restructure!’s observation that it’s not tech that alienates women from tech culture. My interpretation is that it’s an odd role-reversal where women just want to talk about tech, while men keep interrupting to talk about their feelings. Yes, Male Tech Geeks Have Feelings and Emotions… and They Need to Find Outlets For In Non-Tech Venues to Share Them In

    And finally, more on my evidently-Quixotic quest to slow down anti-choice “fetal harm” legislation by throwing ‘wingers polluters, pesticide users, and unregulated industrial-chemical using buddies under their bus: “Pro-Life” War on Polluters Escalating? South Dakota Wants “Justifable Homicide,” Georgia Says Death Penalty

    Have a great week.


  16. Love seeing everyone’s contributions.

    This past week we started our Baroness Blogs, which follows a WVFC contributor through Europe as she begins work on a documentary about a remarkable woman and her life experiences starting with WWII.

    We also had a highly informative piece on HPV and Anal Cancer – Risks and Prevention.

    A new regular feature we just started as well is our Sex Talk Series, where two leading gynecologists talk about women, sex, and sensuality over 40.

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