In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

This is how you write about a break-up.

After reading so much self-indulgent shit on the internet — especially about stupid details of peoples’ personal lives that are apparently shared with no greater purpose or message other than “This happened to me once” (to which I say, GET A LIVEJOURNAL WHY ARE YOU BEING PAID TO WRITE THIS IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY OR INTERESTING?) — this is a welcome reprieve.

Love to Chloe.

7 thoughts on This is how you write about a break-up.

  1. Ahhh I had my heart broken recently. Still sad. Good read though. Boys are dumb.

  2. I left her some comment Tea and Sympathy over at Feministing.

    Reading it reminded me of a particularly bad breakup that sent me immediately to a therapist. As it turns out, the therapist was exactly the person I needed at the time. She nursed me through one volatile, emotional, painful phase after another. But I came out of it stronger.

  3. I get totally derailed in reading something – as is the case in Chloe’s piece – when people of color are identified by their race (“black man”, “Hispanic couple”) and white people are identified by their hair color (“brunette”) or some other identifying feature (“married couple”). As if race is the only distinguishing characteristic for POCs, and white people are the standard model.

    It seems we’re actually NOT all connected.

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