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FNTT Season 7, Round 2: Comrad vs. Atrollbro vs. Mr. RJ

Round Two of the seventh season of Feministe’s Next Top Troll is still underway. Today, vote for your favorite between three winners of their respective Round One brackets. The victor will go on to Round Three, and will be one step closer to winning the crown of Feministe’s Next Top Troll.

1. Comrad:

Oh, believe me, I sympathize with you on having a medical preference. I only go to white doctors if I can manage it. I just don’t want someone looking at me as though I was a representative of a colonialist tradition and looking down on me for a racial privilege that I may or may not benefit from. If I have to go for a specialist, I will, though.

2. Atrollbro:

1. Women need to learn there place, the fucking kitchen
2. Women shouldn’t have writes
3. Making a sandwich should be taught to girls in grade school
4. That is all

3. Mr. Rj – The Conservative Traditionalist:

Well, I find this very interesting. I would like all of you feminists to think about this one thing here. If your mother aborted you, you would not be here today and you would not be able to fight sexism.

23 thoughts on FNTT Season 7, Round 2: Comrad vs. Atrollbro vs. Mr. RJ

  1. Atrollbro.

    He seems so hungry. I bet he misses his mommy desperately and wants a sandwich but cannot figure out how to make one for himself. So he is mad at women in general because of this. Gotta love the misplaced anger!

  2. Atrollbro gets my vote, it’s his number two point that does it for me, I guess he means that women shouldn’t learn to read and write, but thanks to his lack of skill it comes out in a way that makes me think he opposes women having wives. I just find it all very sweet in a sad way

  3. Atrollbro’s list seems just a bit too contrived. Sure it’s got the requisite bad spelling, the ubiquitous and obligatory sexist statements, but item #4 is just a bit over the top.

    Mr. RJ, OTOH, seems utterly blind to his own faulty reasoning. Couple that with his condescension, and that makes him an ignoramus with an over-developed sense of superiority. FTW!

    Conrad, well, his racism may be a symptom of his medical condition, requiring a specialist. I just can’t find it in me to mock the afflicted.

  4. Mr. RJ just pretty much BLEW MY MIND. No one has ever brought up such an insightful argument against abortion, ever. Just wow.

    I’m going to go trade in my pro-choice buttons for signs of bloody fetuses, check you all later!

  5. Mr. RJ just pretty much BLEW MY MIND. No one has ever brought up such an insightful argument against abortion, ever. Just wow.

    I’m going to go trade in my pro-choice buttons for signs of bloody fetuses, check you all later!

  6. Isn’t it ironic that atrollbro probably also support English and the Offical (read only) language for the USA. But when it comes time to prove you got “rights” because you “speaka d’ English” atrollbro will discover he can’t “speaka d’ English” and ergo deserves all of his own scorn. How sad to discover you can’t speak you native (and only) language.

  7. OOPS — the last sentence is “How sad to discover you can’t speak you native (and only) language.” and should be written “How sad to discover you can’t speak YOUR native (and only) language.”

    Shame on me, I put myself in the same boat as atrollbro.

  8. I am seriously disappointed by the lack of trolling on these troll-threads.

    Unless they are just getting caught in mod? C’mon, trollies – I know you can do better. Start subtle and work your way up. You can do it!

  9. Comrad should be winning this one easy. I’m not a fan of atrollbro cuz he even comes right out and admits he’s trolling on purpose, and then his trolling isn’t even very good.

  10. I know I voted for Mr RJ’s sweet sweet blend of condescension and stupidity last time, but this time I’m going to give it to Conrad. The privilege denying! The mind-reading! Best of all, the part about making exceptions for a specialist… that’s how you can tell he’s not really racist, y’know.

  11. Atrollbro is too ham-handed and RJ’s argument is just boring and overdone. (Although the condescension is lovely.) I’m going with Comrad for the sincerity in his explanation.

  12. Atrollbro is so extreme, and obviously self-aware enough to know he’s going to be considered a troll, that it almost sounds like he’s joking. Comrad just seems confused and altogether oblivious to his/her own racism. Mr. RJ, on the other hand, actually eems to believe that he’s the first person ever to think of the “but what if YOU were aborted?!?!?!?!??!!” argument, and seems to believe that none of us have ever been presented with that question, ever, until now, and that as a result, we will magically jump over to the prolife side of the fence. Mr. RJ for the win!

  13. Atrollbro for his helpful use of a numbered list, misspelling “rights” as “writes” (or was it a misspelling? hm?), and because I still believe that everyone should learn how to make a sandwich in grade school.

  14. Another tough one :-/

    Atrollbro tempts me because I like lists and, while I usually consider it poor form to mock someone’s spelling/ grammar for many reasons, in this case I’ll make an exception.

    However … RJ wins my heart. I like the accusing tone of “you feminists” but what intrigues me is that he seems to think we all share a single mother?!

  15. Emeryn: I voted for Atrollbro. Apparently sandwich-making should take precedence before grammar in grade school.  

    See, I did know how to make a sandwich in grade school. It’s not terribly hard, you know? Bread and then some shit in the middle.

    I voted for Comrad because he made my flesh crawl.

  16. Oh, I knew how to make a sandwich, too. I just find the view that a teacher should spend time teaching the female students sandwich making skills instead of the actual curriculum worthy of a face-palm.

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