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FNTT Season 7, the Bitches Be Crazy round

crazy cat lady

Background on Feministe’s Next Top Troll is here. I think the title is self-explanatory, no? Vote below the fold.

1. Alexis:

Just get out of the female victim mentality and you will be ok.

2. fdsafd:

My God… you feminist are crazy. So pretty much EVERYTHING has got something to do with bias and women-hatred and patriarchy than it having its any legitimate reasons huh. This is just crazy. YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY, GET A GRIP. Not everybody is out to get you. Maybe you’re all just thinking all this in your head and using your wild paranoid imagination to come up with some ridiculous claims.

3. Big Bad Man:

I would like to be able to say I was enthralled by your debate.
But in reallity I was just to distracted wondering what kind of undergarments you are all wearing.
Really criminalize cat calls? You ladies really tackle the hard issues don’t you.
I suppose if men had the voting numbers to start legislating womens speech that would be ok with you? Since your actually entertaining the reverse?
Nonsense like this really fuels the anti – sufferage consideration.
No rational person that is not ruled by emotions would even consider this.

4. Rachelle:

Let’s look at it this way, shall we?
To all feminist-chronic-complainers regarding MEN as husbands/fathers:
YOU choose how you let people TREAT you. You choose to let yourself continuously be ‘forced’ to live in situations in which your spouses are unjust and inconsiderate.
Whether you are moving in with someone or having their child, you should know them well enough to be able to figure out before hand if you are going to be treated fairly.
And please, I hope this is not one of those anal, please-pity-me, women who refuse to let others do things for them because what they offer is not good enough. That is precisely how new mothers work themselves into years of being a mother-wife-workhorse with no help from their spouses.
My partner and I have a child and share the work 50/50. I could have let him sit on his behind 24/7 and refused to let him do household chores, or care for his daughter because I didn’t think he did it exactly like myself or as efficiently but that would have made me one of you pathetic, offensive, bitter and ignorant women.
YOU choose your life, YOU choose how you feel, and YOU once again, choose to let others treat you unfairly!
Get a life.

34 thoughts on FNTT Season 7, the Bitches Be Crazy round

  1. I voted for Rachelle for suggesting that every person who is marginalized or oppressed in any way is responsible for how others treat them, instead of those who treat them poorly actually being responsible for their own actions.

    Although the runner up was definitely Big Bad Man, for being distracted by my fruit of the loom cotton undies.

  2. This was tough, but I went for Rachelle. I liked the compound hyphenate in the second line. Plus, a commenter who universalizes her own experience is always fun.

  3. Another tough one. I voted for Big Bad Man, although I was tempted to go with Rachelle for her rendition of, “Bad things happen to people who let bad things happen to them.”

    But Big Bad Man gets a lot of points for his whining about how protesting street harassment is limiting free speech for teh menz, and THAT’S why women should lose their right to vote. Also because clearly men never used their voting power to marginalize anyone before. They only used their powers for GOOD.

  4. Although ableism makes my blood boil, victim-blaming makes me actually scream at the screen. If only I could scream out torrents of boiling blood… Ah well, until my haem-scream-dream is realised, I’ll have to make do with branding Rachelle as the TT in this category.

    [expletives deleted]

  5. I’d also like to seriously cast my hopes out that ‘Rachelle’ is never a victim of any kind of abuse. In my experience, I’ve found that it’s people who use victim-blaming as ‘magical thinking’ that have the hardest time surviving.

  6. Rachelle, YOU had the best troll comment, I vote for YOU in this competition, YOU should be proud of yourself.

  7. I couldn’t help voting for Rachelle, as a tribute to CHOOSING how people treat others.

    My gay friend CHOSE to get kicked in the head on a busy street until he had a concussion.

    My partner CHOSE to receive sexist and homophobic abuse from coworkers until she had a major depressive episode.

    I CHOSE to get slapped in the ass by a random drunk guy while walking home.

    People everyone CHOOSE to be abused, oppressed, starved, etc.

    Yep, Rachelle, you’re a winner.

  8. BTW, there are a hell of a lot of trolls these days to vote for. Why do people sit around sending angry and illegible messages to people they don’t like? It’s kind of alarming that this has reached such high proportions.

  9. Big Bad Man, because when I browse my feminist blogs, I always make sure I’m wearing my sexiest and most uncomfortably itchy lace undergarments.
    Because he deserves it, and that’s just the kinda lady I am.
    You’re welcome BBM.

  10. my “crazy bitch” undergarments tell me: YOU have to CHOSE to vote for Rachelle. Sorry, bigbadman – close second!

  11. Big Bad Man gets my vote, but only because I didn’t even realise there was an “anti – sufferage consideration”.

  12. Rachelle, YOU win my vote because you CHOOSE to victim blame in the exact way that makes me CHOOSE to claw my own eyes out.

  13. Rachelle had some nice “it;s all your fault” mentality, but Big Bad Man managed to fit a lot of sexism, misspellings (“you’re” and “your” are different, godammit!), and logic fails in those 8 poorly written and poorly punctuated sentences.

  14. @ Neri…when you said BBM…it threw me into fits of laughter. See, I used to work in a nursing facility, where we charted people’s bowel movements, or BMs. And BBM just made me thing of a big bowel movement, which seems to be the equivalent of Big Bad Man anyway.

  15. Rachelle won it hands down because she believes feminists refuse to allow their male partners do household chores! Hilarious! Plus, she is 50% raising a DAUGHTER! That poor child. Lastly, I am a real life single mom, so I am sure Rachelle believes I am “pathetic, offensive, bitter and ignorant” since I do 100% of the work…

  16. I was going to go with Alexis because how can you pack such a punch in just 13 words but then I read Rachelle’s and was in awe at her everyone-is-responsible-for-what-other-people-do-to-them “logic”… totally sold me on that one.

  17. Rachelle because after saying that you have to know if a person will treat you fairly before you have a kid with them, says that she had to make her husband take care of their kid.

  18. Ooh, this was tough. I went with Little Bad Boy (hehe) cos little boy panty-sniffers are just so PATHETIC. Not to mention “reallity”.

    But Rachelle had me going with her victim-blaming masquerading as BE STRONG, WOMAN!!! along with her exhortations to keep a tight leash on your man, because after all, men are totz incapable of controlling themselves.

  19. I’ve got to go with the guy who mispelt “too” and came up with “just to distracted wondering” because I thing distracted wondering, my own inveterate habit of mind, is harshly, unfairly oppressed, sorely wants justice.

  20. Rachelle, for telling me I get to choose how I feel. I am happy to hear that she can fill her mind with happiness and puppies whenever she stubs her toe or gets her heart broken.

  21. I flipped a coin between BBM and Rachelle. BBM, because the notion that women wanting to not be harassed on the street is obviously eeeevil…

    And Rachelle because victim blaming is sexy. *vomit*

  22. Rachelle, for her “only the strong survive, and you have only yourself to blame” chastising. What a creep.

  23. BBM, for utter reading comprehension failure, and … why the hell is he here, if not to read the articles?

    … oh wait. He wants to be a Diva Troll. Well, here’s the shitstained tiara.

  24. Paraxeni: I’d also like to seriously cast my hopes out that ‘Rachelle’ is never a victim of any kind of abuse.In my experience, I’ve found that it’s people who use victim-blaming as ‘magical thinking’ that have the hardest time surviving.  

    This. And you don’t even have to blame other victims – yourself is enough. I stayed in a horrible relationship for three years that I would have told any friend of mine to get the hell out of because I thought I could control it.

    Fortunately, I eventually learned that I couldn’t, and life has been worlds better since.

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