In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing.

64 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. My rant on the proposed food stamp soda ban, as a New Yorker on food stamps.

    With all this talk and confusion about class lately (like that guy in Chicago whining that $250,000/year isn’t that much), I thought I would offer a public service. Calculate your class! This is based on government categories and your income, and I know that’s not the whole picture. But it’s an interesting exercise nonetheless. Unfortunately, this method only works for USians.

  2. Sesame Street: I love my hair: A puppet sings about how she loves her nappy hair and the fact that it can be worn in various ways. As well as a discussion about how positive this message is for little Black girls.

    Relief for Haiti, The White Man Will Save Them: Looking at the conditions 9 months after the earthquake. As well as examining the Clintons recent donation to Sean Penn’s relief agency rather than one run by the Haitian people.

    This is your Brain on White Able Bodied LGBT Privilege: Looking at the claim that anti-gay bullying is the only form of bullying that needs attention.

    Murder in the Name of God: A young girl is beaten to death by her father for failing to pray.

    Ridiculously Sexy Halloween Costumes: Looking at how a female version of common Halloween costumes automatically means as sexay and revealing as possible.

    The Futility of Suicide as a Response to Bullying: Looking at how the community quickly moves on after showing the necessary sadness.

  3. This Week on Yes Means Yes Blog:

    We Aren’t Objects To Take, We Are People To Understand, Jaclyn’s interview with Ali Jean Reynolds, phenomenal seventeen year old activist with Hardy Girls, Healthy Women, about the sexualization of girls.

    Ken Buck: The Pro-Rape Lobby, my take on antichoice Senate candidate Ken Buck’s refusal, as a prosecutor five years ago, to prosecute a rape that the defendant essentially admitted.

    We Made The List!, recognition for Yes Means Yes Blog.

  4. Wrote a blog post about the full body scan at Schiphol here.
    I think the way women are made to remove more items of clothing than men is actually quite sexist. So there.

  5. While we support equality we still need to be treated like women Just A Reminder Of How Men Who Appreciate Women Behave

    Why we must continually redefine what works to empower women and how to even out the playing field when possible “5th” Wave Feminism/Womanism That Works FOR Black Women

  6. It Doesn’t Always Get Better” – A response to the “It Gets Better” campaign

    Trans Athletes and The Bathroom Question – On the surface, placing trans athletes seems like a unique question. But it’s really just a repeat of the same ole’ Bathroom Question

    “We are all queer!” Really? – A Facebook group claims “We’re All Queer!” Good job on the goals, bad job on the message.

    ‘Uncovering the Mirrors’ full show video – The full video from my recent critically-acclaimed show, Uncovering the Mirrors

  7. This week at SexGenderBody:

    Olga Wolstenholme women’s bodies in Killing Us Softly and reflects on colonialism in MHappy Thanksgiving: Or Why it’s Never Too Late to Brush Up on Your History.

    Christina Engela talks about the difference that PFLAG has made in her life and her giving back now, in Holding Hands.

    jaded16 addresses cultural and social compartmentalisation of women in Hark! I Hear Whispers Of ‘Hysteria’ Again*.

    Kaberi Gayen posted a six-part series on women, feminism and fundamentalism, beginning with Feminist Responses towards Fundamentalisms and Neo-liberal Economy.

    James Turnbull looks at male gender image and the male gaze in media, in Korean Sociological Image #51: Male Objectification & Double Standards.

    jarrahpenguin takes a long look at the relationship the impact of moralizing on the rule of law and its impact on real people, in Canada’s Prostitution Laws: Where do we go from here?.

    Alex Karydi talks about what we think we are owed when we are upset, in Self Entitlement…The Ins And Outs.

    Lastly, I contributed to the Scarleteen Blog Carnival in Sex Education Is A Political Act and talked about privilege in Confessions of a Gender Traitor.

  8. I haven’t shamelessly self-promoted in a few weeks, because I’ve been writing more of a science blog than a feminism blog. However, I did come across this piece about how evolutionary psychology has screwed up when it comes to studying gender differences, and wrote a brief comment on it.

  9. This week I was caught up in the issue of LGBT/TQ suicide that stems from abuse, bullying and discrimination making our lives much harder than straight people’s lives.

    One of my readers wrote a comment about facing homelessness, unemployability etc and how she was considering suicide.

    Thrusday my partner and I took a mental health break from the computers, blogs and worry. We went to the Texas State Fair.

  10. This week I wrote about the NYT Article “Sacrifice and Devotion in the Indian Tradition” for (seemingly unintentionally) highlighting devotion and the way in which the profiles of the couples stood for equality despite what most people think of “traditional” and “other” religious unions.

    Read it here:

    (sorry I don’t quite of the hang of the tags.)

  11. (My comment seems stuck in moderation… I’m trying again.)

    My rant on the proposed food stamp soda ban, as a New Yorker on food stamps.

    With all this talk and confusion about class lately (like that guy in Chicago whining that $250,000/year isn’t that much), I thought I would offer a public service. Calculate your class! This is based on government categories and your income, and I know that’s not the whole picture. But it’s an interesting exercise nonetheless. Unfortunately, this method only works for USians.

  12. Check out the disgusting comments about Maureen Dowd by Althouse’s tea party contingent:

  13. After a little hiatus, I’ve starting posting a little bit again on my blog.

    I’ve post summarizing some of background to what shapes our sexuality as North Americans and Europeans for a course I’m teaching:

    I’ve another post theorizing about how American political identity operates today:

    And, just for interest… I looked over my site statistics and one post of mine gets more hits than probably the rest of my posts combined. So, apparently people are interested. It’s a historical analysis of the “fair skin preference in South Asia”. If you want to check it out, it is here:

  14. Even if you approve of porn in principle (in principle I think it’s fine) you can’t avoid Marshall Mcluhan’s dictum that the constraints of the medium imposes its own messages. Thus Labiaplasty: Another Stupid Consequence of Porn Production Shortcuts Spilling Over in to Viewer’s Imaginations.

    And since I can be really shameless here I’ll point to a related but much older comment on Em & Lo’s blog that got bumped to their Comment of the Week. (It’s about the kind of body-image anxiety that can lead both men and women to seek body modification.)

    I also discuss a… mistaken expectations underlying what often shows up as male entitlement or privilege: Coke Talk on the No-Sex Class Paradigm: My Instinct Isn’t to Reward Artists With My Vagina When I Respect Their Work.

    Two more on the overarching theme of self-assessment and entitlement: It’s Not So Much That Men Are “Expendable” as… and Carolyn Hax Paradox: If You Insist Women Only Date Assholes Then Why Are You Alone on a Saturday Night? Did I say two more posts about entitlement thinking? I meant three: More on the Drastically Overlooked, Under-Accounted For Phenomenon of Men Needing to Feel Special.


  15. This week at Gender Across Borders, the editors and contributing writers blogged about rape in Haitian refugee camps, the cancellation of research into a “female viagra” and the newest National Sex Poll completed by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, Britain’s recent passing of a new Equality Act, which is expected to become a vital force in fighting employment discrimination on the basis of disability or health condition, and why traveling to other countries is good for you.

  16. This past week on Man Boobz, my blog critiquing the Men’s Rights Movement and antifeminism generally:

    “Fag bashing,” woman-hating, and Men’s Rights myopia

    Whatever terrible shit men do, it’s all women’s fault. Their sexy fault.

    The anti-feminist blog The Thinking Housewife thinks the solution to all our ills is for employers to discriminate against women,

    And last but not least, a post highlighting the hilariously terrible prose in a new book called Real Men Can Read Women Like a Book.

    Check out the comments on my blog, too, but Trigger Warning: the bulk of the comments come from some really really angry dudes.

    I just want to say thanks to Feministe for having these self-promotion threads, and not just because they give me a chance to self-promote. I’ve discovered a lot of great blogs by following the links here.

  17. I knew two things for certain when the It Gets Better campaign started: 1) This was an awesome project that both can immediately help LGBT youth as well as keep attention on the way homophobia destroys young lives and 2) The usual leftist willingness to let the perfect be the enemy of the good and just general unwillingness to let anyone actually feel hopeful or joyful for a moment would kick in and a million blog posts grouching about It Gets Better would be written. I’m both happy and chagrined to see how right I was.

  18. I’m startin up a project for my art education class about street harassment, and I’m going to be putting out a call for individuals’ perspectives & stories on the subject (in the form of video, writing, etc.) . so if you want to tell me your thoughts so I can tell them to the public, here you go. there will be more info up soon when my plans are more solid.

  19. @Amanda Marcotte, in another outlet, have you engaged with some of the sophisticated and uplifting critiques of “It Gets Better” (two of my favorites here and here)? In your comment, it feels to me like you lump all criticisms into one big strawman.

    In my neck of the woods this week:

    Occupying a long-empty apartment building to celebrate World Homeless Day

    and my guilty pleasures around “Fuck You,” by Cee Lo (or, as I now affectionately refer to him, thanks to an initial gender-ambiguous interpretation of this work, “Ze Lo”).

    And since I missed last week:

    Rethinking “classism”;

    Loving failure as happy failure;

    and local historiographies on the higher-ed origins of the Black Panthers.

    take care, y’all,


  20. A new report out of Wales shows an ugly back door exit out of the national adoption statistics, kids are ending up back in care due to adoption disruptions:
    Perhaps as many as one third of Adoptions in Wales end in disruptions/”breakdowns”

    Ignoring the corruption in Ethiopia:
    Ethiopia, riddled with fraud, surging towards #1 destination for US adopters to collect kids

    A report card of sorts on the “baby Moses” or “safe haven” legalized child abandonment schemes. This serves as sort of a part 1:
    After almost a decade, Mississippi “safe haven” legalized child abandonment scheme still fails

    Anti-Queer ratf*cking in Florida and the Gay lifestyle of one of the Florida’s most rabid anti-gay adoption proponents:
    Florida, Queer Adoptions, and the reek of George A. Rekers & a cast of cronies

    A continuation along those lines:
    Florida Queer Adoptions Post follow up, some theory, and some clarifications

    The ongoing fight by Tribal peoples to retain their parental rights and not have their children routinely confiscated.
    First Nations peoples’ fight for their kids brought to the Iowa Commission on Native American Affairs

    Blocking stem cell research and other forms of embryo destruction as a means to christian movement growth:
    In-Vitro Fertilization, “Snowflakes,” and the growing Christian Eugenic movement

  21. I am looking for people to participate in a research study I am conducting about fat chicks and their tattoo. So if you identify as fat and female, and would like to be part of the study, please drop me a line at bri @

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