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If you want to know the best places to eat in New York…

Dinner on the rocks, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Ask marijuana users. This article basically lists half of my favorites places in NYC (Frankies, Roberta’s, Momofuku, Prime Meats, the Breslin). Wow. Apparently I like haute stoner cuisine. But really, who doesn’t? (Communists, that’s who).

12 thoughts on If you want to know the best places to eat in New York…

  1. Uh oh Jill, I hope none of those places cost $100. Otherwise people may think you are classist. ;D

  2. Apparently I like haute stoner cuisine. But really, who doesn’t? (Communists, that’s who).

    In my experience communists and stoners tend to have a relatively large intersection, but maybe that’s just Europe?

  3. “Apparently I like haute stoner cuisine. But really, who doesn’t? (Communists, that’s who). ”

    This sounds like something I would say. So (to return the favor) California rolling is a form of cultural appropriation.

  4. i was known for mating food and doob in college. “lets get stoned and munch on our best food” was my rallying cry. i started out with freshly baked bread with baked brie and prosciutto which went well with a good red zinfandel and California skunk. nonetheless, the evening would always somehow end with doritos and caviar.

  5. the best steak in nyc now is minetta tavern. its not quite as gamey as peter lugers but the charring is the best i’ve encountered–crisp black on the outside and dead ass rare in the middle–an as can be seen in these pics:

    a little under the radar is the old homestead steakhouse in the meatpacking district. it looks past it prime on outside but once you’re in you can sense something uis up. i had kobe bacon (about a 1/2 inch thick) there. wow.

    of course Kobe bacon can be seen as cultural appropriation, but kobe is the the tool the japanese, colonialists themselves, used to appropriate steak in first place.

    so that makes kobe bacon anti-colonialist, for the record.

  6. That picture makes me really sad that I’m at work. Weed + wine + snacks on the waterfront just might be my favourite thing in the world.

  7. To make you more jealous, that picture was taken on the rocks in one of the towns in Cinque Terre, Italy, while the sun was setting. (It makes me sad to be at work, too).

  8. “marijuana users?”

    Jill, that sounds like it came from a “This-is-your-brain-on-drugs” brochure.

  9. With me going to NYC by myself for the first time this Friday, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Now, to find out where the best bars are…

  10. Jill, that sounds like it came from a “This-is-your-brain-on-drugs” brochure.

    Yeah, it was supposed to be funny. I also like making reference to kids smoking “marijuana cigarettes.”

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