In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


Conservative blogger Cassy Fiano is mad because we at Feministe have not yet written about a story that just came out yesterday in a Jerusalem newspaper that none of us read. Because if a woman did something awesome somewhere and we didn’t hear about it and therefore failed to cover it, it proves that we are fake feminists who only care about TV and non-stories like child rape. Also, this one time Cassy Fiano held a gun and told us that we’re all sluts and that celibacy is “the new craze” in New York City (“You sluts are such squares, you aren’t even hip to the new celibacy craze! Kids these days, bumping and grinding! Don’t give it away like they do in the hippy-hop videos and on the YouTube! Wait for the bling-bling! Something about cows and milk!”). She is clearly a way better feminist than we can ever hope to be, is my point.

Anyway, in going forward with Cassy’s logic, she obviously is a bad pro-lifer and a bad skeptic-of-government, since she hasn’t written about the seven-year-old girl who was killed by police in Detroit. “I hate children and love government.” -Cassy Fiano. That argument makes sense, right guys? Trump card?

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32 thoughts on Hypocrites!

  1. I still haven’t figured out why some people who identify as feminists think all other feminists must be THE PERFECT FEMINIST (TM) at all times. Do you claim to be some ultimate source of all things relevant to all women ever anywhere? No? Does Feministing? Then what exactly is she pissing on about? Is it stretching to imagine it’s really jealousy over hits?

    That said, regarding the Saudi woman – I’m glad she stood up for her, but am horribly terrified for her life.

  2. Errr I retract calling her a feminist, having now read her earlier post where she slutshames Miss USA to discredit her.

  3. Does it count that I, a reader of Feministe, tweeted it? Despite the fact that I don’t read the Jerusalem Post, because to compare it to the New York Post would be giving it too much credit? My favorite line:

    “Meanwhile, the feminists are silent about this. For all of their supposed championing of “womens rights”, they seem to have more pressing issues to worry about than real oppression of women in Saudi Arabia.”

    All the Arab feminists I follow have mentioned it, but I strongly doubt they consider the likes of Cassie Fiano as being among their allies. But, silly me, Arab feminists don’t exist! Of course, we all take our cues and our understanding of women’s rights from white people!

    Frankly, if Fiano really is the epitome of a True Feminist(TM), I’d be perfectly happy if she doesn’t give a shit about Saudi Arabian women. Oh wait- she doesn’t, unless they’re convenient props.

  4. I like her logic, that because we are allowed to socialise with men who we aren’t related to we’ve obviously won the ENTIRE feminist battle and now we should just stfu about it and get back to our celibate kitchens. It’s like suggesting that people of colour should stop moaning about racism because, hey! At least you’re not a slave anymore!

  5. Gotta love how she harps about people “complaining about so-called racism in the United States”. I wonder what constitutes real racism in her book.

    Ew. What an asshat.

  6. Intresting lady… that’s all I can say about her and her way of thinking.
    Oce again a proof that women could be as sexist and assholes as men. So… equality exists at least in some form. 🙂

  7. Gosh, Feministe bloggers, why are you not omnipresent and omniscient!

    Since you cannot react to EVERYTHING that happens EVERYWHERE, IMMEDIATELY, I hereby declare you hypocrites, bad bloggers, bad feminists, and eeeevil eeeevil women.

    That’s all.

  8. Of course it’s disingenuous all the way through and ignores the importance of pop culture in society, but I am particularly amused (read: sickened) at how she includes immigration and “so-called racism” in the frivolous topics feminists would not be talking about if they really cared about women. GOD, feminists, you with your MILEY CYRUS and your TEXT MESSAGING and your CONCERN ABOUT GIGANTIC WEALTH DISPARITIES BETWEEN BLACK PEOPLE AND WHITE PEOPLE.

  9. **raucous laughter**

    The picture… on her site… too funny… can’t breathe… oh good god…

    **laughter continues into eternity**

  10. Wait, are there actually comments here disparaging her looks? In all fucking seriousness? That is kind of a shitty thing to mock someone about.

    She’s a racist asshat. That’s more than enough.

    1. Magpie_Seven, I think that Kristina was laughing at the pose with the gun (which I also find pretty funny), not at her personal appearance. At least, I would certainly hope so. Because, yes, knocks on her looks would be appalling and misogynistic.

      1. Yeah, I interpreted the comments as laughing at the gun pose (which I also find hilarious). But if people are mocking her looks, stop!

  11. Also, the image is really badly edited.

    I saw the story Fiano mentions on one of the feminist blogs I read, though I can’t remember which one. So it’s not off everyone’s radar.

    Ah, here, it was in comments on Pharyngula which I don’t generally count as feminist, especially in comments, but c’est la vie.

  12. Lawyers, Guns, & Money had it yesterday morning. I think that’s the only place I’ve seen it so far before this.

  13. Hey, I appreciate the tone and aim of this post, but quite honestly the use of the murder of Aiyana Stanley Jones as part of an Internet troll smackdown makes me very uncomfortable.

  14. Jezebel had the story. Everyone else clearly needs to work harder on their omniscient feminism.

  15. Why do I get the feeling that if Feministe had posted something about this situation and NOT about Miley Cyrus, Cassy would have been berating Feministe for looking for problems in other countries and ignoring the problems that are RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA that should be fixed FIRST.


  16. Ahh, the old “REAL FEMINISTS ARE PRO-LIFE” argument. Apparently all we care about is abortion, and that is evidenced by the fact that Feministe’s omniscient feminism sucks. CLEARLY missing one story means ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS ABORTIONS and SHE is the true feminist.


  17. So I left a comment, because I just got ticked off. I’ve got lots of wingnut family, so my trigger threshold is low, I suppose.

  18. While I agree with the OP about the unreasonable nature of the linked post, it’s kind of low hanging fruit, no? The esteemed hosts of Feministe have the requisite sophistication to take on more substantive conservative views, but often go for the easy kill. If Ms. Fiano is hardly considered a top tier scholar in conservative circles. This fairly throwaway finger-flick and the equally easy critique of some Tea Party extremists are fun, but what about taking on the ideas of folks like Donna Milo, John McWhorter, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Allen West, Veronique de Rugy?

    1. Yeah, it was a one-off post literally written after several glasses of wine while I was watching the Real Housewives of NY or something. I’ve been super busy in my professional/personal life lately and haven’t had time to write anything of substance. Writing about people who put forward ideas that are more challenging to engage takes time, which I do not have right now.

      Also, I saw the link come in through our trackbacks and it pissed me off, so I shot off a post. Which is typically how I decide what to write about. Because at the end of the day, this blog is a hobby for me, and it’s something that I use to release stress.

  19. @octogalore: Damn it, I had no idea McWhorter was a conservative political commentator. I have one of his linguistics books and was eagerly looking forward to it, and even if that doesn’t come through in the book I’m afraid my enthusiasm’s dampened a bit. 🙁

  20. @Jill — fair enough! I realize this is pro bono for you. Best of luck with all the professional and personal stuff.

    @Rebecca — that is interesting. McWhorter is pro choice and generally pretty socially liberal. Out of curiosity, why would his fairly moderate economic views make his opinions on linguistics less worthwhile? (This is an issue of particular interest to me because my political views don’t fit anywhere, for the most part, so it’s a given that I will be disagreeing on issues here and there with most writers who are either left or right — nevertheless, I still enjoy various writings and blogs despite incomplete agreement).

  21. I’ve only seen the story posted on feminist blogs.

    And she actually criticizes Pandagon for posting about immigration? Really??? Because immigration is such a non-issue right now, I guess.

  22. @octogalore: It always just disappoints me to have given money without realizing it to someone who supports views that are abhorrent to me, but if he’s socially liberal and economically moderate, it could be worse.

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