In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Post a short description of something you’ve written this week, along with a link. Make it specific — don’t just link your whole blog.

88 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. For the next seven days I will be going hungry in honor of world hunger and the 1.2 billion women, men, and children who are chronically undernourished. As I research the myriad causes and potential solutions to the devastating phenomenon of chronic hunger, I will eat the staple foods of the regions hardest hit by food insecurity and concentrate my daily allotment of less than 1,000 calories into one evening meal to adhere to the typical habits of those afflicted with hunger. I will also be interviewing experts in the field such as Anna Lappe, Dr. Atenah Roba, Socheata Sim, and Rosanna Barbero.

    I will cover this journey at The Conducive Chronicle, as well as on my blog, The Voracious Vegan. I am asking you to help me spread the word about this journey, so we can build a movement to fight World Hunger. We are hoping to have a lot of participants in time for our 21 day Souljourn in October, just in time for the World Hunger Forum.

    Conducive Chronicle:

    The Voracious Vegan:

  2. This week at SexGenderBody:

    Clarisse Thorne discussed the damage done by people claiming to help while advancing their own agenda of intolerance and judgment at SGB: Anti-BDSMers pretending to look out for us are dangerous and her own site.

    LaPrincipessa touched on several issues this week: A Woman’s duty – Breed! – how women wishing to end fertility are harassed and pressured not to; Time To Put Abortion Under New York’s Health Code, Remove From Penal Code – a legal right, framed in the language of criminal behavior; Commentary on the Portrayal of Women and Rape in America – an increasing trend in the celebrity world (athlete and non athlete) to demonize women involved in situations that society normally deems unacceptable.

    Fatma Emam talks about feminism as an Arab woman in Young Arab Feminist Network: a New Hope.

    Christina Engela listed 40 Myths, Busted which dispels common delusions about LGBTQI and 20 Things I Take For Granted As A Heterosexual Couple Getting Married.

    James Turnbull looked at commercial images of gender in Korean Sociological Image #38: Gendered Marketing and Gender Advertisements: What, boys can drink girly drinks now?. He also looked at a sexist photoshop disaster in Korean Photoshop Disaster #4: NOBODY’S Perfect!

    I was too busy writing code and cleaning up the website in advance of our one year anniversary to do much real writing. However, I did have time to talk with Maymay & Emma- plus Megan Andelloux at the podcast, Kink On Tap, where we did get to discuss feminism, rights, #boobquake / #brainquake / #femquake along with much more.


  3. I wrote about the love your body issue of Good Health magazine, which, rather than helping women love the bodies they already have, seems to be merely showing them how to get their bodies to look as close as possible to the body that women are “supposed” to have.

    I discussed the Canadian government’s decision not to fund abortions in developing countries as part of the G8 summit’s maternal and family health coverage.

    And, on a lighter note, I wrote some thoughts on Lady Gaga. One moment I love what she is doing, the next I don’t get it, so I just decided to write about it.

  4. This week at femonomics, I discuss the necessity of listening in advocating for others, and on that topic, ask what I can do to contribute to blogging against disablism day.

    We talk about Arizona’s awful new immigration legislation, with one personal story and one examination of the ways federal inaction has contributed to the problem.

    I get femangry over Page Six’s Cindy Adams telling victims of sexual harassment to “deal with it,” and Recovering Economist argues that the so-called concern for the disabled exhibited in Oklahoma’s new abortion legislation is really just misogyny in progressive clothing.

    In other news, Mongoose6 takes on the ethics of horse racing in light of the Derby, I discuss fighting back against malaria, and we venture into the world of raw food with an easy salad.

  5. The Concept of Informed Advocacy in Victim Services Organizations:
    A central mandate in any policy I have created for staff or volunteers (not to mention, myself) is that they practice informed advocacy. Informed advocacy is a fluid practice of seeking relevant, up-to-date knowledge that will enhance their effectiveness as an advocate. Informed advocacy is self- propelled. There is no stagnant mindset resulting in “No one told me how” or “ I didn’t know” responses to unresolved problems.

  6. After a professor in my university calls two of his advisees “black bitches” at a conference, I debate a student newspaper columnist who defends him:

    I conclude my series on the Rifters science fiction series with a piece on post-global-warming SF:

    And I’m also reading a book on Marxism and science fiction, for those who are interested (spoilers for some SF movies ahead?)

  7. I’d be really interested in other feminists’ opinions…

    My blog post – – is about the new advert for John Lewis, which is a UK-based department store. The ad’s received lashings of praise and triggered a torrent of emotion from women all over the country. But it’s sexist! Not just unfair to women, but also to men. What do others think? Seems like strong stereotyping to me…

  8. Wow, turns out 3 people blog a lot more than 1 person. Also, we’re still looking for contributors; email us at angryfeministdoc[at]gmail[dot]com if you’re interested in joining our feminist med student blog.

    I wrote on my impression of the administration’s reaction to a group of students hiring a stripper at a school-sponsored function, mused about having the strength and patience to deal with some of my classmates, and enjoyed a discussion of gendering Stephanie Grace before we knew her identity.

    What’s Next introduced herself and reflected on her semester with her cadaver, Pearl.

    Mrs.set.element reflected on explaining the uterus to her 4-year-old son.

  9. We are giving one of our readers a chance to win a signed copy of Diane Meier’s The Season of Second Chances, a feminist coming-of-age novel focusing on Amherst College professor Joy Harkness’ rediscovery of herself while renovating a newly acquired Victorian house and establishing herself in a new community.

    Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls is a collection of essays that are charges against the worldwide phenomena of the pornification of childhood through advertising, marketing, and pop culture. This was a great book to read, particularly as the authors are Australian and I sometimes wonder how much of our collective reaction to porn and adult images going mainstream is a reflection of our country’s Puritanical leanings.

    Sometimes She Lets Me: Best Butch/Femme Erotica is about “dispelling myths, realizing fantasies, and delivering outstanding writing with distinct contributor voices.” In the introduction, Taormino expresses the desire to “queer gender throughout the spectrum,” viewing gender as multilayered, constantly changing, and problematizing the reductionist and prescriptive discourses around butch/femme identities.

  10. This week’s Kloncke-ly thoughts on social/spiritual liberation:

    How do we relate to the dharmic precept to “avoid stealing” in a super-capitalist nation founded on stolen land?

    Real-time solidarity opportunity! Support the work of radical mami blogger and Feministe guest contributor brownfemipower: she needs a real computer to blog upon! Donations have brought us 3/4 of the way there already. (Link goes directly to her site since my post about it is incidental.)

    And finally, I swallow my pride, crack open a technology self-help book…and find my gadget experiences improving 500%.

    Happy Sunday, y’all!

  11. [big apologies if this shows up twice]

    This week at femonomics, I discuss the necessity of listening in advocating for others, and on that topic, ask what I can do to contribute to blogging against disablism day.

    We talk about Arizona’s awful new immigration legislation, with one personal story and one examination of the ways federal inaction has contributed to the problem.

    I get femangry over Page Six’s Cindy Adams telling victims of sexual harassment to “deal with it,” and Recovering Economist argues that the so-called concern for the disabled exhibited in Oklahoma’s new abortion legislation is really just misogyny in progressive clothing.

    In other news, Mongoose6 takes on the ethics of horse racing in light of the Derby, I discuss fighting back against malaria, and we venture into the world of raw food with an easy salad.

  12. Questions on being trans, from highschoolers (pt 5) – In this round, “the surgery,” discrimination and sperm!
    Review: Transgender Voices – The book, by Lori Girshick, explores 150 interviews she conducted with individuals who responded to a survey looking for “gender transgressors.”
    Banging my head against a wall – A futile conversation with my dad about what constitutes a ‘civil right’ and whether going topless should count
    A pro-choice survey via The Abortioneers – A thought-provoking survey on abortion rights and access

  13. I talk about the Stephanie Grace email, but from a different perspective. I respect Feministe’s position to not address her specific arguments because they are so obviously wrong; that makes sense for this audience. But I also think there are a lot of people out there who probably haven’t ever critically thought about race issues, and who are worried about censorship and freedom of ideas (and who would defend her as saying “she didn’t actually say this racist thing, just was thinking critically about the science”). So I try to explain a) why what she said is wrong, piece by piece and b) why her tone is also problematic.

    I’m no expert myself, so I’d appreciate any help you can give in how to better explain things like this, that are “obvious” to most people in this community but really, when you think about it, the average person doesn’t ever really talk about. Please be kind 🙂

  14. This week at Yes Means Yes Blog:

    Denial And The Rapist Next Door, which was my reflection on Jaclyn Friedman’s Hartford Courant editorial. Jaclyn dealt with rape apologism as a form of denial, an effort to feel safe by believing that every rape can be explained away. I expanded on the “just world” aspect of this thinking.

    I also answer the question What Is A Safecall? It’s the term BDSMers use for a pre-arranged check-in call for a date or other encounter with an acquaintance one does not know very well. She posted at Feministing and at Guy’s Guide to Feminism (links from my post) about safecalls and how they work. I explored the function of safecalls in light of Predator Theory; what safecalls do to the risk profile that repeat rapists face and what they mean for a rapist’s social license to operate.

  15. When I wrote “She posted” I meant to refer to activist Courtny Hopen, whose post at Feministing and Guy’s Guide I linked.

  16. Busy week at Austin to A&M!

    First, I responded to Amanda Hess’s and Sady Doyle’s utterly entertaining conversation about virginity, and concluded that virginity is an utterly useless concept in talking about how most women experience sex.

    Then, I blogged against disabilism, using my own thoughts about swearing (and talking about why I do it so much) to point out that what I try to avoid is actually offensive language.

    Topped off the week late last night with a post about cosplay, race, gender, and disability. What does it mean that I get so excited by “minority” fans (disabled, POC, women) radically altering white male abled protagonist characters to make them look more like the fan? Jumping off of CaitieCat’s post at Shakesville about why it’s problematic for white fans to dress as characters of color.

  17. I’m excited to share with all of you that this marked the first week of FemineUs, our group blog run by 18-23 year olds on youth feminism.

    Yesterday we looked at an Australian sexual assault case that ruled that Skinny Jeans Make You Un-Rapeable and, of course, tore it a new one.

    We blogged about
    Ceara Sturgis
    , a Mississipi lesbian teen completely erased from her yearbook because she tried to take her senior portrait in a tuxedo. This is one of the myriad examples of why we need the Student Nondiscrimination Act to be set into law!

    We also wrote about a study released this week showing that most states give incarcerated girls access to the HPV vaccine. We looked at why that’s so important and issues of access to Gardasil and Cervarix.

  18. Comment seems stuck in moderation, trying again:

    After a professor in my university calls two of his advisees “black bitches” at a conference, I debate a student newspaper columnist who defends him:

    I conclude my series on the Rifters science fiction series with a piece on post-global-warming SF:

    And I’m also reading a book on Marxism and science fiction, for those who are interested (spoilers for some SF movies ahead?)

  19. First off, I wrote about how women that work on Capitol Hill take behind-the-scenes jobs – and how it’s sexist when men insist women are better at scheduling, which is why they do lesser jobs:

    And I did a post imagining a Democratic party without conservatives:

    And finally, I did a post on Florida’s new ultrasound bill – and the problem of insisting on “proof of rape” to get out of mandatory pre-screening:

  20. This weeks Sunday Shame: Decorative Soap and Guest Towels. Pop by and weigh in on long standing marital feud.

    Now Republicans Want to Microchip Undocumented Workers: Yes a republican candidate thought this might be a good way to deal with immigration issues.

    Black Mothers are in the Best Interest of the Black Child: Looking at inter-racial adoption as well as the special issues that arise with raising a Black child.

    Latinos in Children’s Programming: What Does Handy Manny Teach Us?: Looking at images that may appear harmless but in the end paint a negative image of Latinos.

    It’s Official, Quebec School Discriminated Against Filipino Child: Looking at a little boy who was shamed for eating his pasta with a spoon and a fork.

    “Lo que no haces podría matarte, or, what you don’t do may kill you”: Examining how the disrespect of Indigenous culture has lead to high rates of ovarian cancer in Bolivia.

    Don’t You Dare Touch the Animals, but Women Are Fair Game: Why Does Nike Continue to Do Business with Ben Roethlisberger and Other Athletes Who Have Abused Women?: Looking at what message Nike sends with its use of certain athletes in their advertising campaigns.

  21. J wrote more about Conservative attempts to further privilege marriage, informed by his own experience as a child of divorce.

    And I wrote about the implications of using the term ‘nude’ (for clothes) to refer to a sort of pinkish colour.

  22. [Please mod out if duplicate–I just can’t tell if my comment is coming through]
    This week at femonomics, I discuss the necessity of listening in advocating for others, and on that topic, ask what I can do to contribute to blogging against disablism day.

    We talk about Arizona’s awful new immigration legislation, with one personal story and one examination of the ways federal inaction has contributed to the problem.

    I get femangry over Page Six’s Cindy Adams telling victims of sexual harassment to “deal with it,” and Recovering Economist argues that the so-called concern for the disabled exhibited in Oklahoma’s new abortion legislation is really just misogyny in progressive clothing.

    In other news, Mongoose6 takes on the ethics of horse racing in light of the Derby, I discuss fighting back against malaria, and we venture into the world of raw food with an easy salad.

  23. This week in Evil Slutopia:

    -AT&T tells men that hitting on every woman they see is a matter of national importance: Rethink Possible

    -The May issue of Cosmo is the gift that keeps on giving: Cosmo Quickies: May 2010

    -Tea partier accuses Lindsey Graham of being a Sneaky Gay: Lindsey Graham, Sue Sylvester is Watching You

    -Cosmo answers your relationship questions in 20 words or less. It’s as insightful as you’d imagine: Your Relationship Questions Answered… Sorta (We used all that we’ve learned from Cosmo to create the perfect Timeline of Your Relationship)

    -“Being attorney general is a man’s job.” Oh, okay… Dumb Things Men Still Say in 2010

    -An Astaroth Guestblog:Shameless Friend-of-My-Brother Promotion

    RuPaul’s Drag Race: The ESC is Team Raven

  24. This week on Happy Bodies:

    Why Body Positivity matters to feminists.
    Erasing the history of birth control in America: “But we have to remember that those improvements–and our access to the Pill at all–came on the backs of women who were treated as objects of clinical and not moral attention, experimented on without their consent for the benefit of certain women in the US. Devalued bodies used in the pursuit of the aims of the privileged.”

    voicing your triggers: What words our statements shut your down to further dialogue?

  25. Request VH1 Continue Trans Affirming Makeover Show

    Tell Hawaiian Governor Linda Lingle to Sign the Civil Unions Bill

    Great Global Kiss-In Scheduled for International Day Against Homophobia

    Add Gender Identity/Expression to Canadian Human Rights Act

    Telegraph Column: “Gays Aren’t “Normal” and “Shouldn’t Play Victim”

  26. quick Shameless Self Promotion addendum for an offline activity: just finished hosting another marvelous installment of a local self-organized Marxist Feminist Study Group — folks of different ages, genders, class positions. we watched the classic feminist film “Salt Of The Earth” and talked about its connection to local Bay Area struggles, radical childrearing, and May Day/Arizona racism.

    highly recommend trying this at home! 🙂

  27. A sartorial query from my 16-year-old self: how do I stop creepy old men from hitting on me?:

    It was a question that was about far more than fashion, though – and I suspect that’s the reason Hoyer told me she wouldn’t have been able to answer it (although I like to think she would have been touched had I ever sent it off). At its heart, it was a question from a girl/young woman trying to come to terms with and navigate her own objectification.

  28. Tabloid talk: why should we examine the tabloids? I answer this question and begin an online content analysis:

    Sexting, Sex Tapes and Pop Culture:

    Where are the “real'” girls at?

    Shaving your lady parts: Trimmed, shaped or shorn…VIDEOS included

    Glee tackles body image:

    10 Commandments of Pop Culture Feminism

    Plastic surgery, a family affair

    Cross-post by Claire Mysko; takes on celeb trainer’s claim that postpartum women can have their best body ever. 60 lbs in 6 weeks? Oh, puh-leez

    Little (photp)shop of horrors

  29. This week I was upset when I noticed a group on Facebook in which 30 people listed that they were fans of non consensual sex while there weren’t any fans of consensual sex. I wrote a blog entry about it and created a facebook page entitled “Consensual Sex!” for people to become a fan of. I also urged people to report the other group. 24 hours later the inappropriate page was taken down and over 100 people were fans of consensual sex.. not only that but someone else started their own consensual sex fan page as well!

    For the blog entry read here:

    To become a fan of consensual sex and to share resources, info, stories about consent on facebook go here:

  30. [Trying one more time]

    This week at femonomics, I discuss the necessity of listening in advocating for others, and on that topic, ask what I can do to contribute to blogging against disablism day.

    We talk about Arizona’s awful new immigration legislation, with one personal story and one examination of the ways federal inaction has contributed to the problem.

    I get femangry over Page Six’s Cindy Adams telling victims of sexual harassment to “deal with it,” and Recovering Economist argues that the so-called concern for the disabled exhibited in Oklahoma’s new abortion legislation is really just misogyny in progressive clothing.

    In other news, Mongoose6 takes on the ethics of horse racing in light of the Derby, I discuss fighting back against malaria, and we venture into the world of raw food with an easy salad.

  31. Hi Jill,

    The GET Rap!

    I invite you to listen to my GET Rap, a modern ‘in-your-face’ response to the sanctimony of the GET laws, the Orthodox husbands who keep their wives ‘chained’ to bad marriages, and the Rabbis who perpetuate the problem.

    Love to know your thoughts. Please sign the Guestbook. Spread the word!

    Anne Etra

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