In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Feministe’s Next Top Troll Season 6: The Intro

Ok, you all, it’s Top Troll season again! We have rounded up some of the best comments from the past year, and will be publishing them for your amusement/horror. We’ll have a series of voting rounds where the trolls will compete against each other. Judge them however you like; I personally give points for style, (lack of) punctuation/proper grammar, inexplicable capitalization, magnificent use of stereotype, creative insult, and degree to which the comment reveals the commenter’s status as a basement-dweller and/or sufferer of total soul-rot.

These are troll comments, so let it be known that they are not nice. They are almost universally sexist. Many of them are racist. They employ insults; those insults vary in both their creativity and crudeness. So if you do not want to hear about how feminists are man-hating c-words? I would skip this contest! If you think that troll contests just give trolls more attention and make some readers feel bad? Ok! That is your opinion, and I have heard it before, at least five times every time we do this contest. I have decided that I do not agree, and that the benefits of Feministe’s Next Top Troll (which, let’s be honest, mostly amount to “This makes Jill, and also some other people with sick senses of humor, laugh”) outweigh the negatives. If troll contests and troll comments rub you the wrong way, please skip the Next Top Troll posts.

However, if sometimes mocking trolls makes you feel a little bit better about your life, or if you get tired of reading about how horrible feminists are and you would like to take a moment to mock the people who spend their days leaving comments on blogs about how horrible feminists are, and if you are genuinely able to laugh at the toads who sometimes drop by Feministe, then enjoy. The season will commence shortly — and thanks to Sally’s post about Male Studies, it may go on even longer than anticipated, because damn that is bringing them out of the woodwork.


30 thoughts on Feministe’s Next Top Troll Season 6: The Intro

  1. Ohhhh, I can’t wait!!!!!! Shame there doesn’t seem to have been a lot of the posts that bring out the “women don’t really need to vote” crowd. And is it possible to submit Insane Clown Posse as ultimate life trolls?

  2. Bring it on! Troll-bashing should be both educational and amusing, and what I saw from the 5th season looks quite promising!

  3. This is freakin great! I love troll contests!! Thank you.
    Will be very excited to read all the applicants fury of basement tears!

  4. @Tracey

    …is it possible to submit Insane Clown Posse as ultimate life trolls?

    I really, really, really don’t get it. Everyone and their toy tow-truck has been posting the ICP “Miracles” video, and I do not get why it’s supposed to be funny. It’s stupid, but it’s very run-of-the-mill stupid. I’m still not even 100% sure if people are laughing at them, or with them because they’re “so bad they’re good”. I’m just not in on this particular joke.

  5. Oooh, is there going to be a bracket this time? (aka, Jill, have you figured out how to make a bracket yet?) 🙂

  6. Wow, it only took 4 comments on Sally’s post to get them out, too. I would say that’s a record, but I doubt it actually is.

    Is abuse of large vocabulary words also a criteria for inclusion? Because stuff like this, well, it’s awesome in the ways that only trolls can be: “So I urge all of you edgy feminists to keep the momentum up for us. Nothing better to point to the need for true academic pursuit than vitriolic tantrums from ideologues that are threatened by the idea that their hegemony is coming to an end.”

  7. I haven’t figured out how to make a bracket yet — me and my tiny lady-brain, I can’t handle sports.

    Just kidding. If you want to volunteer to help teach me how to make brackets, I am up for it! Email me — jill – dot – filipovic -at-

    Otherwise it’ll just be voting rounds. Which is also fine!

    1. Wow, it only took 4 comments on Sally’s post to get them out, too. I would say that’s a record, but I doubt it actually is.

      a) Not a record.

      b) I’m not even sure it took four comments! Moderating that post has been a NIGHTMARE. They have swarmed. God bless Sally and her patience for real, you guys. I haven’t seen a thread that swamped by anti-feminists in a long, long time. And I’ll be publishing the hilarious comments, but a lot of their comments are just straight-up disgusting, sexist, racist, ect and not even entertaining — so really, thanks to Sally for fielding those and deleting as necessary. I know it is not easy.

  8. I’m excited for this! But also, I’d rather we judge trolls for the content of their message, rather than their grammar and punctuation. Critiquing someone else’s means of communication, like a different speech style from mine, is not really what I’d call feminist, to be honest.

  9. thanks to Sally for fielding those and deleting as necessary. I know it is not easy

    Absolutely. I totally appreciate the fact that all the Feministe contributors routinely slog through the filth of comments and then bring us the best ones for our amusement. (Wow, it makes me feel so greedy to say it like that–you do all the work, we get all the fun)

  10. Critiquing someone else’s means of communication, like a different speech style from mine, is not really what I’d call feminist, to be honest.

    Oh I don’t know. The grammar and spelling mistakes often serve to make the comments even funnier if only because they decrease the readability and usually contort the message.

    1. Critiquing someone else’s means of communication, like a different speech style from mine, is not really what I’d call feminist, to be honest.

      Oh I don’t know. The grammar and spelling mistakes often serve to make the comments even funnier if only because they decrease the readability and usually contort the message.

      I will also note that I initially misspelled “grammar” in this very post. That is hilarious, and I am ok about laughing at it.

  11. Jill, I think it’s a variant of Murphy’s Law: critique someone else’s ‘grammer’ or spelling and you will make a grammatical or spelling error in the critique.

  12. I love FNTT but I’m not sure about using the term “basement dweller” in reference to the trolls because of all those poor women who were locked up in someones basement for years to become unwilling sex-slaves etc. Just saying.

    My eyes are itching to see Round one!!!

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