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Contribute to Connie Saltonstall

She’s running against anti-choice Democrat Bart Stupak in the primary, and she needs all the financial help she can get. During the health care reform debates, and now that reform has passed, pro-choice women have been livid at conservative Democrats for waging a war against our most basic right to bodily autonomy. We’ve been angry at the party establishment for accepting the Blue Dogs’ demands, and for trading away women’s rights. We’ve said that we aren’t going to tolerate it anymore, not from the people who are supposed to represent us.

So let’s do that. For everyone who is angry at Stupak for his anti-choice shenanigans, and who thinks that Democrats should stand up for women’s rights, take a step toward kicking him out — contribute to Saltonstall’s campaign. I just did. It’s awfully easy to be angry and to stomp our feet, but unless we get out there in large numbers and support Connie and other pro-choice Democrats, nothing is going to change.

3 thoughts on Contribute to Connie Saltonstall

  1. Honestly, I have been avoiding the whole Health Care Shenanigans that Bart Stupak has been up to. When he was elected into his office, I was taking a class at NMU called Political Practicum, and it was a class where I had the opportunity work on a political campaign (I bet you can guess where this is going, can’t you…) and after hearing Bart speak, I was very impressed and chose to work on his campaign. I logged a lot of time, energy, sweat, and tears into that campaign…miles, too, as I drove 400 miles down to Lansing for a conference. I remember personally speaking with him, and hearing him speak postively about womens reproductive rights. I NEVER saw this coming. It is a complete 180 from what I had heard from him. I feel extremely guilty thinking that I supported a man for office that has done such awful things for our health care, and such awful things for women’s reproductive rights. But now you’ve given me a way to counteract that, and I am extremely grateful.

  2. I live in Stupak’s district and I am currently collecting signatures for Saltonstall’s campaign. I am so tired of having to vote for him and super excited to be working on getting a viable candidate to compete with him. I’m glad to see that Connie is getting national support and recognition.

  3. Although I can’t go over to Michigan to help, if NARAL or someone else sets up a virtual phonebank, I would be more than willing to make calls in support of Connie.

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