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State of the Union: The Drinking Game

I asked, you answered. Now: The Official Feministe SOTU Drinking Game.

One drink for every time the word “bipartisan” is used.

One shot every time healthcare is said. (You might be dead by the end of the night, but it will be so worth it).

One drink for “There are those who say…”

A shot for The American People.

Sip for each “change” uttered.

Drink a shot of gin, a little vermouth and eat an olive every time Obama states a goal and promises legislation accomplishing that goal without giving any indication as to how the proposed legislation would actually, if passed accomplish that goal. E.g. Obama says “in spite of recent set backs, we will still pass health care reform providing everyone with affordable quality health care … and a pony”.

Fix yourself a martini if Obama actually gives any indication as to how said legislation might actually, um, work, e.g. if Obama says something to the effect of “in order to ensure that health insurers provide actual value for your money, HCR legislation will enact a public option to compete with health insurance companies”.

Sip every time he says “Make no mistake” or “Let me be clear”

A shot for “unprecedented”.

Take a drink every time he makes a promise you’re sure will lie in tatters by the next SOTU.

Drink any time the camera cuts to a dour Republican.

Just drink yourself into a stupor to avoid listening to all the crap about ‘bipartisanship,’ ‘bridging the divide,’ ‘working together,’ ‘our friends across the aisle,’ and similar blather that telegraphs his intention to let the repudiated minority continue to run the country.

Drink everytime he waffles on a subject in the name of bipartisanship. For example, anytime he “understands” why Republicans are against abortion, why Republicans don’t want any semblance of rights for gays or gender-queers, why the Republican half of America is yelling NIMBY to Gitmo closing.

… Finish the bottle if he mentions the quote on Colbert Report last night where the guest stated that adding a Republican to a bill doesn’t make it bipartisan in the same way that saying “Gracias” to the Taco Bell guy doesn’t make you bilingual.


10 thoughts on State of the Union: The Drinking Game

  1. “Take a drink every time he makes a promise you’re sure will lie in tatters by the next SOTU.”

    … killer.

  2. Sounds like Obama is saying what HCR will do (or would have done) without actually saying how it’ll work.

    Obama “takes some of the blame” for not explaining it clearly. If only Obama actually had an opportunity to explain HCR clearly … for instance in a nationally televised address to a joint session of Congress or something? If only Obama had a chance to do that, perhaps he would explain how HCR would work?

    I made a suggestion about what to do. What a shame I forgot to buy gin and vermouth and olives.

    Hmmm … Obama is now claiming he doesn’t know how to proceed with HCR. Yep … he’s showing how competent he is …
    He’s asking us to let him know what to do. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if his political base would perhaps occassionally write him letters or something? It’s almost as if nobody ever gives Obama any advice unless he begs for it; giving presidents unsolicited advice never happens, does it?

  3. I can’t believe we actually pay these slugs’ salaries.

    If only Thomas Jefferson & Company would have possessed the foresight…

  4. State of the Union drinking game, how did I not think of this? Brilliant, although I’m glad I didn’t partake because I watched it with my parents, and also I would have been dead well before it ended.

  5. Politically, you don’t exist. Anybody, especially a black politician (because class and race are politically linked issues in America), who stands up for the ‘working class’ is courting disaster. It’s pathetic, but too much of the electorate views themselves as put upon by the parasitic underclass. And yes, this includes a whole lot of folks who are working class or poor themselves. They’re sure that they deserve the help they get, but that everybody else of similar circumstance is there because they’re lazy and shiftless or just plain inferior.

  6. I am still confused as to whom he is referring when he says “Middle Class”. I believe (as well) he should be addressing the working class, because they are bringing in income and should have more of a say/pull in things. Unfortunately, that’s not how things work. As terrible as this may sound (sometimes it happens) he is addressing the poorer class because he would like them to have more say… and be more dependent on the government.. Which is not how it should be at all. Less government, more people. That’s what this country was created on, that’s what people fought and died for, and now he is pissing it all away. Sad.

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