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State of the Union: The Drinking Game

State of the Union drinking games were much more fun when Bush was in office (“Take shot every time he says ‘evil-doers’! Drink every time he loses his way in a sentence with more than two clauses!”), but SOTU 2010 still demands some sort of festive imbibement (imbibery?). Alex Leo at HuffPo lists a few suggestions, but I know Feministe readers are also the creative types, so leave your ideas in the comments. At some point prior to 9pm EST, I’ll compile them into a new post.

And for anyone interested, I will be live-tweeting the SOTU. You can follow me at @jillfilipovic.

13 thoughts on State of the Union: The Drinking Game

  1. One shot every time healthcare is said.

    You might be dead by the end of the night, but it will be so worth it.

    1. One shot every time healthcare is said.

      You might be dead by the end of the night, but it will be so worth it.

      As Alex said on HuffPo, they aren’t offering replacement livers, so this one may have to wait until we actually have universal health care…

  2. We should do something each time the word “change” is used… since he may apologize for not doing as much of it as he had originally planned. 😉

    Maybe a shot would be too much, though. This could do with just a sip for each “change” uttered.

  3. Drink a shot of gin, a little vermouth and eat an olive every time Obama states a goal and promises legislation accomplishing that goal without giving any indication as to how the proposed legislation would actually, if passed accomplish that goal. E.g. Obama says “in spite of recent set backs, we will still pass health care reform providing everyone with affordable quality health care … and a pony”.

    Fix yourself a martini if Obama actually gives any indication as to how said legislation might actually, um, work, e.g. if Obama says something to the effect of “in order to ensure that health insurers provide actual value for your money, HCR legislation will enact a public option to compete with health insurance companies”.

    Don’t worry about missing any of the speech whilst fixing yourself a martini. I highly doubt that Obama will actually say anything about how any of his proposals might actually work in practice … so far, at least, he generally says what he wants done but not how he wants it done.

    Even GW Bush could manage to communicate what he wanted done (more profit for the military-industrial complex fighting terrorism and spreading freedom) as well as how he proposed to do it (killing and/or incarcerating people).

    Obama is much better at being comprehensible than GW Bush. So how come he can’t manage to actually communicate how his goals could be accomplished even as well as Bush did?

  4. Take a drink every time he makes a promise you’re sure will lie in tatters by the next SOTU.

  5. Just drink yourself into a stupor to avoid listening to all the crap about ‘bipartisanship,’ ‘bridging the divide,’ ‘working together,’ ‘our friends across the aisle,’ and similar blather that telegraphs his intention to let the repudiated minority continue to run the country.

  6. Drink everytime he waffles on a subject in the name of bipartisanship. For example, anytime he “understands” why Republicans are against abortion, why Republicans don’t want any semblance of rights for gays or gender-queers, why the Republican half of America is yelling NIMBY to Gitmo closing.

    … Finish the bottle if he mentions the quote on Colbert Report last night where the guest stated that adding a Republican to a bill doesn’t make it bipartisan in the same way that saying “Gracias” to the Taco Bell guy doesn’t make you bilingual.

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