In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know what to do.

54 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Don’t Lemon Your Life: On this week’s 30 Rock.

    Rossum’s Universal Robots
    : I was in the play in college, so I summarize it and speculate on what it means for Dollhouse Epitaph 2.

    End of Time Part II: Bloated and ridick, but not without charm: The second part of the Doctor Who New Year’s special.

    Kyle’s Flashbacks, Amanda’s Legs, and Lexi’s Vague Understanding of the Law: Classic Melrose embarrasses itself in disability, feminism, and legal ways.

    A SLAT Drinking Game: Secret Life of the American Teenager continues to amuse and terrify: this week, TONS of masturbation and very little annoying Amy, but the gay character continues to confound me.

  2. This week on Yes Means Yes Blog:

    It’s The Ears, about parenting and my reaction to a stupid parenting joke I keep hearing. The analysis is worth reading, though a commenter quite correctly pointed out that my response to the joke was ableist and I corrected the post to note that.

    Review of Dude, You’re A Fag. Dr. C.J. Pascoe spent a year in a California high school doing an enthnography of masculinity. She studied masculine gender performance among both boys and girls and, perhaps more importantly, how this performance is policed – hence the title. I absolutely loved the book. The author loved that I loved her book, and said so in comments.

    Compulsive Heterosexuality And Rape Culture, which is a follow-up to my review of Dude, You’re A Fag. This post focuses in on the chapter about how boys’ verbal and physical harassment of girls is encouraged and even required by their peers to avoid the spectre of failed masculine gender performance.

    When Butches Talk About Men Wearing Skirts, in which I react to butch sex blogger Sinclair Sexsmith’s recent posts on masculinity at Carnal Nation. Kilts, fruity drinks, pink shirts and gendered meanings; no answers but all the right questions.

  3. This week @ Feminists with Female Sexual Dysfunction –

    The post Dr. Oz vulvodynia discussion – The tv show Doctor Oz ran a decent 5 minute segment on the chronic vulvar pain condition vulvodynia. While not perfect, I found the show to be a big improvement over prior coverage of this topic. The really weird part was the traffic light analogy… It reminds me of that expression… You know the one. “Son, women are like… Traffic lights.” Um, no, lol. Anyway… Now with 100% more link to the video clip!

    And then there is the Weekly blog link roundup.

  4. Israel’s treatment of Ethiopians ‘racist’: Looking at the way Ethiopian women are forced to take birth control.

    PeTA Takes On The Pro Life Movement: With its history of sexism should PeTA really be entering the abortion debate?

    Got Blood Privilege? A Review of Daybreakers

    The Palins Chose Life So Should Everyone Else: Looking at why using Bristol and Sarah as representative of female reproductive choices is reductive and dangerous.

    You Cannot Be A Rape Victim Without Credibility: A rape case is thrown out after it was discovered that the victim had previously talked about engaging in group sex.

    Finally this weeks Sunday Shame: True That Edition. How can you be English and not do or believe in any of the stereotypes. Drop by and proclaim your individuality.

  5. I went back to college, and wonder about everyone else higher-education experiences.

    I had a bad day and went on a long, screaming rant about marketing, advertising, and people asking me for money.

    I recently switched from a Mac to a PC and haven’t yet found a good way to move my iTunes library over to my PC. In the meantime, I want recommendations for new stuff!

    N shares his experiences with a misogynistic boyfriend-of-friend, and the problems associated with flirting with very conventionally attractive women.

    That one douchebag who wrote about having sex with his girlfriend while he sleeps wrote a post in response to my comment kindly informing him that that’s called rape. I know, it’s a totally wasted effort, but I responded, anyway.

  6. This week at re:Cycling, the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, we wrote about vajazzling, vulvas, and vaginas; why menstruation is not a trending topic on Twitter; an iPhone app to remind women to take their birth control pills; how to win Metrokitty’s zine about eco-friendly period products; whether menstruation keeps women sailors from serving on submarines; and how to define menopause for women without vaginas and others with variant sexual anatomy.

  7. oooOOOOOhhhhh, it only took me a month to get the html right! Hurray!! Thank you and apologies to everyone for putting up with my long, annoying links in prior self-promotion. Hopefully that will stop for good now.

  8. Just discovered your blog. WOW.

    I discuss issues affecting women in highland Bolivia at:

    This week on my blog I discuss unsafe abortion practice in Bolivia. I saw your article about Dr. Tiller’s murderer facing a voluntary manslaughter charge and was inspired to post here.
    (Sorry, still html-illiterate.)

  9. I’m a twentysomething blogger who writes social-political commentary from a South Asian-Muslim-American-female slant. Yup- it’s all about intersectionality. That, and I like to write about indie hip hop every now and then.

  10. I have always wished for more of online interviews of everyday women to share their thoughts, personal stories and advice in an honest and engaging way. eatures interviews of professional young women from different backgrounds and locations. Each interview is a discussion of issues ranging from the practical to the personal and everything in between and best of all YOU TOO can be interviewed. While welcoming all interested readers, The Daily Femme seeks to build a community where women can learn from each other.

    Check it out!

  11. I rambled about two movies (Jennifer’s Body, Amreeka) I think no one saw, but I wish they did: Two Movies You Didn’t See
    *I think most Feministe readers saw Jennifer’s Body, or it seemed that way when it came out, so I tried to note that in the post.

    Tuesday saw the victorious return of Copy Edit Craigslist Tuesday!

    And on my “educational” blog I provided the Old People with “Pants on the Ground” (because my parents seem obsessed with having the Young People Pull Up Their Pants), set the record on movies with 28 in the title (Sandra Bullock’s 28 Days versus 28 Days Later), and taught the Old People how to install and remove a Facebook app.


  12. Check out Tigtog’s take on Shirky’s “Rant About Women”.

    From me:

    “Social media” amateur-PR programs piss me off: “Medela Mom Mavens”: The Social Media Spam Offensive

    A dud ad campaign comparing CPR to sex: Arsevertising*: Will You Be Ready For Your First Time?

    And That Homebirth Study in South Australia, in which the AMA takes a study showing the same level of perinatal mortality with far fewer operations and need for NICU intervention at home, and turns it into a “27 TIMES THE RISK OF DEATH IN HOMEBIRTH” headline.

  13. It’s been a bummer of a week, the best thing about it was finding a vintage ad from 1946 for Troll Mints“, which had some serious sexualization in it, as well as a hilarious name.

    A close second-best, internet-wise, was noticing the last second of the “Know Your Enemy” video. Am I the only one who thinks that last one second is super hot?

    Other than that I’ve just been feeling sorta unfocused, and sad.

    The saddest things, though, those ones that I just feel so helpless about, I can’t even bring myself to write about them.

  14. Here’s what’s been goin’ on at Gender Across Borders:

    Do you know what Drone Porn is (and yes, if you have suspicions, it is what you think it is)? We didn’t either until we wrote about it here.

    Racism, Sexism AND Classism in Standardized Testing: a continuation to a previous cross-post at GAB and Feministing’s Community blog. Read the continuation here.

    Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned, about Nicholas Kristof’s theory that religion oppresses women

    Miep Gies: An Example For All Activists

    Also, we’ve extended both of our deadlines for the series on Hip-hop, feminism & resistance as well as the internship for Performance Arts Editor at Gender Across Borders.

  15. This week I continued my series looking at the Epistles of the New Testament, with a pieace about the Pastoral Letters, which contain St Paul’s most misogynist writing yet (if he did in fact write them).

    I also noted, and linked to one or two other peoples’ posts about, the UK court case in which a rape victim was deemed non-credible because the defence revealed chat logs where she discussed fantasies of group sex.

    Finally, at Harlot’s Parlour I have a lengthy response to a research report by Melissa Farley, Julie Bindel and Jacqueline M. Golding published recently called Men Who Buy Sex. I talk about problems with methodology and with their conclusions. (I also posted it on my own blog)

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