In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

6 thoughts on Taking One For The Team

  1. My main reaction to this was that putting sticky stuff in/on your labia is going to lead to some nasty yeast infections, being a science nerd and a hypochondriac. I got pretty annoyed that the beauty industry is willing to cause genuine health problems in order to convince women that they need to buy more stuff to look perfect. Of course, by ‘pretty annoyed’ I really mean ‘shouting at inanimate objects’.

  2. Hmm…I haven’t heard any marketing advertising My New Pink Button as My Delicious New Pink Button. You’d think that as long as this (cough) product preyed on one insecurity, it would prey on others.

  3. I’m with Gembird on this one. It makes me want to scream at inanimate objects. I sent this to a few guys and asked if the have ever even thought about the colour of a labia. All said no. Whoever thought of this needs to found and chastised. And by chastised i mean yelled at!

  4. FYI, I am a Black Female and came across this product through a friend. I ordered it and I have to say it works and my husband and I got the biggest kick out of discussing the shape and color of my lady bits. I have to say, my girlfriends and I are still having discussions on whats going on downstairs. We never laughed so hard and compared notes. I would say its a product for visual fun. It blends with your own color and just gives a little va va voom. Nothing rubs off on clothes or the mister. I liked it but then maybe I am more open to trying things than others….

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