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6 thoughts on Racist White Man Insists He Is Not a Racist

  1. That is awesome. Someone should set up a camera outside of his restaurant to see who goes in there. Seriously…who walks into a restaurant with a Klansman mannequin? It would be interesting to name and shame all of them.

    Also, I wonder if you have a colorable claim under Title II. Not that I think such a claim could win, but query whether it might survive the initial motion to dismiss (and a Rule 11 violation.) Might at least run the bastard out of business.

    1. Reading the original thread — where there is a link to the restaurant’s website — it seems that racism is this man’s bread and butter. His menus have racist images on them, and the n-word is a highly regular fixture on his sign outside. Why it has made the news at this particular moment I’m not sure, but yeah. This won’t negatively affect his customer base. His customer base is there because it’s racist.

  2. Oh, uh…

    This is a rather classic feature of Atlanta. A notorious populist named Lennox won the governer’s seat partially on the basis on a pseudo-libertarian angle to the desegregation of his little restuarant. He wasn’t a racist…


    We have plenty of bars that signals for a certain crowd through signs like that here.

  3. This is the victory of Political Correctness: racists across the nation have somehow vaguely internalized the lesson that racism is bad. But all that means is that they don’t think anything they ever do is racist, because that would make them bad people.
    ^^^THIS is fucking fantastic.

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