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American icon “Norma Rae” dies after struggling with her insurance company to cover her chemo


La Lubu already wrote about this (do check out her post), but I want to re-emphasize it: Crystal Lee Sutton, the woman who fought to unionize her workplace and inspired the film Norma Rae, passed away at 68. She died of brain cancer, after battling for her insurance company to cover her chemotherapy.

She could change the face of labor rights in the United States, but couldn’t get health care coverage until it was too late. Sutton’s life was inconic and patriotic; her death is tragic and all too American.

One thought on

  1. As usual the people who made millions on her story didn’t pay her comparably so this wouldn’t have to come to pass as id did. May her family sue the movie world so at least the point is made that ; they say inspiring story about women who stops exploitation so now they the movie world exploited her. May she come back to haunt them and never rest in piece.

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