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The Color Purple on Broadway

With Oprah Winfrey as a major backer. Could be decent. My prediction is that no matter how good it is, the critics will rip it apart. Which is unfortunate, as I do love The Color Purple.

4 thoughts on The Color Purple on Broadway

  1. Me too. It’s a much better movie about empowered women then the horrible Thelma and Louise, which became shorthand for movies about empowered women.

  2. When I started seeing ads for this, I worried that Alice Walker had totally sold out — the characters are frolicking and looking happy on the poster. I seem to be on some kind of Broadway snail mail list, so I get flyers for every new show in the mail, and The Color Purple went so far as to send a CD with five songs on it, but I haven’t listened to it yet. I shall report back when I do.

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