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Amnesty International is “Jane Crow”

Why do I read this ridiculous right-wing sites? I have no idea. But this time around, Men’s News Daily asserts that Amnesty International — that’s right, the reputable human rights organization — is dominated by “rad-fems” because they recognize that domestic violence is an issue for women. God forbid.

Their evidence that women commit just as many acts of domestic abuse as men? Well just this week, two women killed their husbands! That has GOT to mean something! But the really disgusting part is this:

It took America over 200 years to restore basic civil rights to African-Americans. How long will it take America to restore the simple human rights of men?

What was it I wrote earlier about the right co-opting the tragedy of others for their own personal gain? You know, Hurricane Katrina is Hiroshima/the tsunami, abortion is the Holocaust, and now white men are slaves.

In other stupidity, apparently Muslims (but ha! He wrote “Moslem“!) are censoring America. How are they doing this? By expressing their outrage that a radio host called Islam a “terrorist organization.” The host got fired. Hate to break it to this guy, but no one’s first amendment rights have been violated here. This guy can say whatever the hell he wants; but he can’t demand access to a radio station to say it. Kinda like how Janet Jackson can’t demand to show her nipple at every Superbowl.

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4 thoughts on Amnesty International is “Jane Crow”

  1. Women sometimes do use violence against men. But that is no reason to jump from feminism to its antithesis. As I have often said, feminism helps men as well as women. You can’t use your sex as an excuse for abusing another person.

    Feminism brings the issue of domestic violence out of the closet. I have seen, for example, the scenario of a “sane” spouse taking advantage of a mentally ill spouse many times over. I know both men and women who have been so exploited. And I give a big thanks to feminism for saying that men and women can talk about these things without shame, that victims need not hide, that the abusers can be curbed.

    We — male and female victims — can be open about it. That’s a good thing. Thanks to feminists and their liberal allies for making it possible.

  2. You’re right, Joel. I wasn’t trying to suggest that women don’t commit acts of violence against our partners. It certainly happens. I just think it’s extremely misleading to present the issue as if women and men cause equal harm to each other in domestic abuse situations. They just don’t. But thanks for these thoughts, they are very important to put out there.

  3. It took America over 200 years to restore basic civil rights to African-Americans. How long will it take America to restore the simple human rights of men?

    Oh my fucking god.

  4. I’ve been an active member of Amnesty for 15 years, and I’ve heard all SORTS of things thrown at me over the years. We’re communists, terrorists, femi-nazis, blah blah blah: I’ve never really understood the arguments and defensiveness that Amnesty gets. After all, Amnesty advocates for everyone who is suffering human rights violations; if the idiot who wrote this article was thrown into prison without trial, Amnesty would write on his behalf, too. It’s an organization dedicated to spotting and naming human rights abuses – whether major or minor – and the only reason I can see to deride Amnesty is if you think human rights abuses are a good thing. Otherwise, you’re missing the point.

    The violence against women campaign is just one of many. Amnesty advocates for hundreds of men; some campaigns I’ve worked on have had exclusively men just because that’s whose rights were being trampled on. As a participant, you don’t have to be involved in any campaign you don’t want to be. One of the other people in my original chapter was not anti-death penalty and so didn’t write letters to those actions.

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