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You Like Prince?

I resisted Mount Sims for a long, long while, but last night the boyfriend forced me to sit down and listen to the stuff. So here I am sitting in my computer chair shamelessly rocking out to this seedy, Prince-like, electro jam. If you’re like me, you’ll have to ignore the lyrics to enjoy the music. This grew on me despite my deep, snobbish, anti-electronic reservations.

Rational Behavior (my favorite)
Good Behavior
How We Do

Right click, save as. You Mac users do whatever it is that you do.

14 thoughts on You Like Prince?

  1. the boyfriend did a great job! My favorite is “How We Do”. Right now I’m trying to resist going on itunes and buying some other songs off of ultrasex. Its funny- i’m normally very picky about the electronica I listen to. I prefer trip hop sounding beats. But Mount Sims is just so much damm fun! *sigh* i can’t resist it- i’m buying music as I type. dammit…….

  2. I’ve got my girl group stuff on, but I’ll definitely listen to it later. But what’s wrong with either seedy music or Prince? They are totally different categories, by the way. Mark listened to a ton of Prince when we met but it was all Ween covers. When he first played “LMLYP” to me, I said, “Oh yeah, that’s a Prince song called ‘Shockedelica’.” We had a weird struggle but I think he eventually bought my argument that if idols love it enough to cover it, he should give it a chance.

    Long story, short moral–don’t compare to Prince unless you mean the song-writing is outstanding.

  3. Ah, taken out by a true music snob. 😛

    Raised on Prince (thanks to my Sister #2) as is Ethan, and adore the seedy music. It’s really the electronic music thing. Can’t get over it.

    Syd, I prefer my electronic music to have hip hop beats too, or at the very least trip hop. I don’t know what I’d call this, but other put it into a pop-punk-electronic genre. Whatever that means.

  4. dammit lauren, its now been, what, 11 hours since i downloaded “How we do” and i’m still listening to it. What’s worse is that my 17 year old brother has now adopted this as his “theme song” which means that i’m going to be hearing (and dancing to) this song non-stop for at least another month. Damm these songs with catchy beats!

    But on a related note, since you listen to trip hop any groups you recommend? To my shame, I’ve only recently discovered Portishead and i’m looking for other groups to listen to. Suggestions?

  5. Ha! Sydney, you should check out Beth Gibbons’ solo album that came out last year. It sounds like Portishead all grown up.

    Also, Hooverphonic, linked album only — stay away from anything other than their first album. I can’t stomach the newer stuff.

    The only other comparable group I can think of that you didn’t list in that post is a European (British?) group called Chikinki, whose album I desperately want but don’t have enough cash to buy.

    Have you check out Peaches? Not trip hop, but badass nonetheless.

  6. The first Sneaker Pimps album (Becoming X) is a classic in my book. Just don’t upload the radio remix of “6 Underground”. And anyone who disagrees with me sucks!

  7. um, I kinda love you right now Lauren. Peaches is the shit! My favorites right now: Fuck the Pain Away, Back it up boys, I don’t give a.., and of course I U She- a song which I’ve always wondered who the artist was!

    Can I just steal all your music? pretty pretty please?

  8. oh and ryan, I love the sneaker pimps but i’ve never heard of the radio remix you’re referring to. Do you know where I can listen to it so I can see if the version I love is the same as the one you hate?

  9. It’s the last track on my copy of Becoming X. It’s between 5 and 10 bpm faster than the original. I believe it’s called the “Nellee Hooper Edit” and has the “one, two” sample throughout. Not even remotely as good as the original – too much hip, not enough trip.

  10. See, I don’t have the actual Becoming X album- i’ve ripped my sneaker pimps off a friend. Looks like i may have to put it on my amazon wishlist. But it sounds like I wouldn’t like it anyway- the beauty of 6 underground is the laid back and almost enchanting groove of the song. Speeding it up would completely screw it up.

    What do you think of Cibo Matto’s “Sugar Water”?

  11. Lauren, I remember hearing part of “Operate” when i watched mean girls and I thought the song was awesome.

    But the best line from that song has to be:come on let’s take him home/i think i hear him groan/hold on and he will see/ you say remember I know you can fake it/ I can take it!/ just keep it going/ just keep it going.

    fucking hillarious. Add the hot beats and I’m having another musical orgasm…….

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