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FNTT Season 5, Round 2 – the Bulldyke Lesbian Sex Sells episode

Feministe’s Next Top Troll is still going. We’ve narrowed down the competitors from 24 to 14, and now it’s time to narrow even further. This edition only has two competitors, but future editions in Round 2 will pit three trolls against each other. Vote below the fold.

RichPort’s Gay Ghost’s Schlong, from Sonia Sotomayor nominated for the Supreme Court:

I love the smell of Feminazis in the morning, … It smells of inferiority, fear, envy, hate, and a healthy dose of self-loathing.

Sotomayor is clearly unqualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Her oft-quoted stereotypical statement on the relative superior judgement of latina women versus white males should give all reasonable people serious pause for thought, as this statement is undeniably sexist, delusional, and politically stupid. Several of her judgements leave her open to well-deserved criticism, especially her position that white firefighters should be persecuted and denied the opportunities afforded to minorities with inferior demonstrated abilities, purely on the basis of their race. Such convoluted and indefensible logic implies that if you were born white, you clearly deserve to be punished, because you must have had benefits that minorities weren’t afforded at some time, and karma’s a b*tch, or some such sh*t.

Sotomayor is a racist, a sexist, an entitlement baby, a Catholic ( after all, we need more Catholics on the Supreme Court because 67% isn’t enough to adequately represent the 23% found in the U.S. population ), and she’s clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. If you still think she’s the most qualified candidate ( and you haven’t heard of Diane Wood ), at least be honest. You only like her because she’s fat, dumb, lazy, and probably a bull dyke lesbian, just like you.

e v i l d a d d y, who lists his website as, from Sexist Superbowl Ads:

Sex sells.

Without that most of you women would be unemployed.


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25 thoughts on FNTT Season 5, Round 2 – the Bulldyke Lesbian Sex Sells episode

  1. RichPort almost had me, up until evildaddy slapped that ‘FACT’ onto the end there. That was the dealbreaker.

  2. I went for evildaddy mostly because of the conversation-ending FACT tacked on at the end. In hopes that stating it would make it true?

  3. I don’t know, these guys seem like pikers at the classic bull dyke insult. I’ve heard much much better.

  4. I checked out evildaddy’s website.

    Oh. My. God.

    The guy is either a genius at Swiftian satire, or desperately in need of therapy.

    BTW, is the illustration for this post genuine? If so, it must have caused mass anxiety for mothers in the ’50s (or whenever) every time their little daughters climbed trees.

  5. Several of her judgements leave her open to well-deserved criticism, especially her position that white firefighters should be persecuted and denied the opportunities afforded to minorities with inferior demonstrated abilities, purely on the basis of their race.

    This is why middle and high school students need to take classes in research methods or at least in critical thinking. The fact that NO African Americans passed this exam shows that the exam is invalid. The same thing if nobody with blue eyes passed it, or brown hair, or slightly longer left arms in comparison to their right arms. So this person is really complaining that a test that doesn’t actually test what it claims to isn’t being used to distinguish effective firefighters from inferior ones, just because the people who passed it were all White. Who’s racist now?

  6. Oh, I don’t know …

    I voted for evildaddy in a previous round, but I think I’m going to have to go with RichPort this time. His verbal diarrhea is just a little too captivating, especially his mindless regurgitation and channeling of Newtie’s Sotomayor talking points.

  7. RichPort for me. He obviously had a quick Google to find something (anything!) to pin on Sotomayor, but then mask slipped and he broke out the bulldyke insult.

  8. Ah, the timeless literary dilemma: discursive or concise? Ellipses or fragment? Faulkner or Hemingway? Don’t make me choose!

  9. I voted for evildaddy cause that dudes sight had me in tears (of laughter, that is). Whether its a fake or not its damn hilarious.

    i think that guy either has never gotten laid or secretly wants to get barebacked.

  10. That was it for me too, INTPagan, I totally heard Dwight saying it. Brown bears are better than black bears. FACT. evildaddy is a master of logic. FACT.

  11. i went with schlong. i haven’t heard such open anti-catholic bigotry in quite a while. guess he just can’t deal with them EV0L liberation theologists.

  12. Wow! I can see one sharp tool here didn’t attend a prestigious university like Sonia Sotomayor. A less than stellar SAT score can make a Princeton, Yale, or Harvard education rather difficult. A lot of us don’t make the cut. Let’s see, is it ALOT or a a lot?

    By the way, judgEment is not the correct spelling. Borrow a dictionary and check it out.

    Someone here is obviously out of their league to be commenting on Sotomayor’s intellectual capabilities.

    Let’s face facts: Sonia Sotomayor is not Carrie Prejean. And just maybe that’s a good thing. At least Clarence Thomas won’t be making the sexual moves on Ms. Sotomayor. A hot babe she is not. But she is extremely bright and she will be a great Supreme Court Justice.

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