In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

FNTT, Season 5 Round 2, the Look Kitten… episode

This is the final [LIES! There’s one more on Monday] episode of Season 5 Round 2; vote for your favorite and get ready for Round 3.

Terrell, from Target Women: Skin Care

She is haaawt. Btw, I have a neutrogena wave…
Feels amazing on my nuts.
AND it makes them shine like those plastic easter eggs.

courage the cowardly dog

Because you have silenced a man does not mean he is wrong. No wonder they call you FemiNazis.

Jeremy Lamb, from The downside of the Obama budget

Despite that this a blog against your opinions at least take that freedom of speech that you people have blown out of proportion, shove ut up your ass and read this. I know this isn’t going to change your opinion about the issue of abortion, but the stupidity of America is gone so far up the ass of society that I finally need to to vent my frustration about your ignorance and arrogance. I find it amazing that under the bigger picture of womens rights and equality, you people find that the best answer is to kill and/or support the killings of children. Thats how this all started, women felt that they arent the same as men. The truth is, we aren’t the same. Not to say that a woman’s place is in the kitchen cooking and cleaning but there is a difference between men and women. If you want to know then please contact me and I’ll be glad to explain it to you. In some respects I’m glad to see that women have had the idea to speak out and show that women can so a large amount of things that have been so sterotypically dismissed in the past. But when it comes to abortion, the women that support this have gone to far. You do realize that you are killing people just to make a point? And don’t start with the argument that during the prenancy trimesters, that isn’t a human being in there. Are you that stupid? What the fuck is it then? A dog? When a man and woman fuck, they create a human child. Holy shit, in these many decades since this had started, you people can’t figure that out. Please go back to college, take philsophy and conduct an decent argument to place your opinions.
I know now that, you will try to bring up the argument of what if the women is raped. I am truly sorry that this happens to women. Im sorry that we, as a socitety, have placed men under the impression that women are sexual objects in which anything can be done to them. I’m sorry that I have contributed to this society. But so have you. I’m not saying that I am for the raping of people. What I am saying is that we have to live in the world that we have created and take responsibility for it. If a woman has the endure the pain of rape, then it should still be her moral obligation to give birth to that child and then put it up for adoption. Now you will think of me as an inconsiderate asshole and try to argue the point of money. I am not responsible for other’s financial situations. If they are poor then that is because of their own doing. Not to mention, why don’t you iberals just run to your governtment and plead to the president. I’m sorry that you think he will take care of you. The president is a man of power, and therefore corrupted because of his power. As long as he has that power and money, then he can careless about anyone else. That is the truth. The situation of the rape of a woman doesn’t mean anything to him. It doesnt effect his power nor his money. His isn’t a superhero that is here for justice, or some knight to protect us from our enemies. He is a person, that is just as easliy corruptable as anyone else. In the event that a woman is raped, she should endure the birth of that child and put it up for adoption in the hope that he/she will be at least a decent person.
I bring this question to you. Have you ever seen an abortion? I have, and I must say that the part that really gets your attention isn’ the blood, or the differnt body parts of the human ripped apart. It’s the screaming of the human child. It’s like anything that you will ever here. That’s a promise. I’m sure that you haven’ seen one. That’s ok. It’s nice to knoe that most of your community is too much of cowards to see one and then to voice their opinion. It’s actually quite comforting to know that you are all just a bunch of followers and posers that for one can’t properly defend their argument and two are too much of a bitch to see the results of your opinion. Just remember that no time in history has a society ever surived that killed its own people. You will all die under your opinions.

31 thoughts on FNTT, Season 5 Round 2, the Look Kitten… episode

  1. Freedom of speech up the ass, the stupidity of society up the ass, women support the “killings of children” because they think they’re different from men which they are, during one or more of the trimesters of pregnancy women may or may not be carrying a dog, an endorsement for freshman ethics classes, the notion that the fact of a woman having been raped puts her under a moral obligation to have the child because that child might be a better person than the rapist was, the classic argument that poverty is the fault of poor people, an argument for the notion that any power whatever corrupts absolutely coupled with the thought that we should not take our moral and legislative grievances to the President, and the visual of a deceased, dismembered fetus screaming. And, should we not be able to make sense of any of this, the promise that we can contact the post’s author and he’ll clear it up for us. My god, if this one doesn’t win the whole thing, you all can shove this entire site up your collective ass.

  2. While I am impressed that Jeremy Lamb seems to believe that this (abortion) has only started in the last decades and fails to realize that bortion has not only been around practically forever, but that some plants where so good at inducing abortin they actually went extinct hundeds of years ago, but whatever. I als love that his talkin points are those of an evangelical while he periodically curses like a sailor. And at least he is so consistent he believes even rape is not reason for an abortion. Not only that he blames women, all women, themselves for contributing to a culture that objectifies women, so it is no loner funny.
    Therefore, Terrell for the win. Sarah Haskins is totally hawt and easter egg balls…well, they are what they are.

  3. Nice synopsis, Berg! I was going to go for the “plastic easter eggs,” but Jeremy takes the cake.

  4. Terrell, for being just as goofy as Jeremy, but in a much more concise style.

  5. If a woman has the endure the pain of rape, then it should still be her moral obligation to give birth to that child and then put it up for adoption

    Jeremy Lamb and his compassion failure have to win. That is trollery on an almost magisterial level.

  6. Oh, it has to be Jeremy Lamb…

    Did anyone else notice his argument for women’s suffrage?

    And don’t start with the argument that during the prenancy trimesters, that isn’t a human being in there. Are you that stupid? What the fuck is it then? A dog?

    Back when a woman wasn’t considered “a person under the law,” what the fuck was she then? A dog? (Jeremy, of course, is conflating independent personhood with being human, so I’m doing it too.)

    Please, trolls that read that, no jokes about “bitches.” It’s not creative.

  7. Jeremy, because he explains to us that a fetus screams “like anything that you will ever here.”

  8. Is it wrong that, in the voting box, Jeremy has become Jermey, and the first thing I thought was, “Germy. How appropriate!”

  9. Why would you make us choose between the comedic gold of Terrell and Jeremy Lamb this early? WHY?!

  10. Jeremy Lamb just has it all in the Tsunami of Text that sweeps all before it: difficult-to-read style (in his case, “oh, there’s, like, a line break button on these things now?”) ; brainless and downright objectively wrong statements, crazy-ass pretzel-logic, woman-hatred, utter arrogance “if you want to know, I’ll explain it to you”, superb crazy slogan “you will all die under your opinions” (mwahahahahahaha). Admittedly, a distinct shortage of exclamation marks and such, but I think Lamb has what it takes to go all the way.

  11. Courage was doing quite ‘well’ with another quote, so can’t be him. Easter egg nuts is a little cringeworthy, but I think it has to be Jeremy, just for the amount of effort.

  12. Awww…why did we have to choose between Plastic Eggs (dude, I’ll say it again…YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG) and Wall O’Text so soon? But I went with Jeremy for insisting that he hears screaming fetuses.

    Which would SO be a cool name for a rock band.

  13. Icewych: I’m pretty sure theres a death metal band called “Dying Fetus.” I wouldn’t suggest checking them out though, they such about as much as one would expect for a band that seemed to have chosen their name with the Death Metal Name Generomatic 666.

  14. Jeremy Lamb. All the way.

    No better (or, actually, worse) example of a pampered, sheltered, privileged male. Priceless stuff. I don’t even know where to start mocking and taking apart his crap.

    “If you want to know then please contact me and I’ll be glad to explain it to you.”

    or maybe

    “If a woman has the endure the pain of rape, then it should still be her moral obligation to give birth to that child and then put it up for adoption.”

    I’m like a little kid in an evil candy store!

  15. courage was a severe temptation, but I had to go with Lamb just because I’m still trying to decipher “It’s actually quite comforting to know that you are all just a bunch of followers and posers that for one can’t properly defend their argument and two are too much of a bitch to see the results of your opinion”.

  16. There’s also a band called Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel, FWIW.

    Germy! Still lovin’ them Calvinist arguments against the poor.

  17. I had to go with Jermy. Turbopixie captured it perfectly: it was “magisterial trollery.”

  18. It’s ridiculous that a man who’s never had an abortion thinks he knows more about abortions. I also have a hard time believing that he’s actually seen one. I can’t imagine any woman allowing some random to watch her abortion take place.

  19. I agree with Jeremy about precisely one thing: he (and all other men, myself included) is not like any woman.

    However, he is also not like me(or any other man). It’s that damn subversive DNA, upsetting his plans for rightful dominance once again.

    and is it wrong that I now want to start a band called Jeremy Lamb and his compassion failure, despite my total lack of talent? Thank you, Turbopixie. That deft turn of phrase is going to have me grinning from ear to ear all week.

  20. JL…natch! What, I ask you, could be shinier than a raviong lunatic claiming to have a backstage pass to an abortion clinic?

  21. Hey Kat,

    Unfortunately, churches have been showing that “slient scream” in-utero film of an abortion to followers for a generation now to shock them into supporting the pro-life movement. As the evangelical movement has become more radical and widespread, I would not be at all surprised to learn that more graphic films involving third trimester abortions are now being screened, publically and privately. I imagine such films are available on the internet as well, though I’m sure as hell not going to go searching for one.

    I assume that’s where the guy saw what he was talking about, unless he’s just making **** up in a weak attempt at credibility.

  22. If you want to know then please contact me and I’ll be glad to explain MANSPLAIN it to you.


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