In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

The Golf Gene

I feel like we should create a new category of posts called “John Tierney is an Idiot.” This week, his brilliant idea is men are biologically predisposed to like golf more than women. This explains why they watch it even though there are no explosions, collisions, or cheerleaders. Huh.

In related news, I will be watching golf all day tomorrow (Sunday) at Snoqualmie Ridge. This is because I am secretly a man.

16 thoughts on The Golf Gene

  1. Maybe he thinks he is trying to be funny, which is of course not an excuse.

    Hmmm. I suppose we could expand this idea in all sorts of directions…for instance, both my wife and I like action movies, with explosions, etc., and we both like romantic comedies. Does that make her less feminine or me less masculine? Or are we both transgendered or something?

    Or maybe, just maybe, John Tierney is an idiot…

    Enjoy your golf tournament. Do you like to play or just watch? I’ve always enjoyed minature golf, but never tried the big people version. 🙂

  2. Did it ever ocur to this guy that most women do not have the _time_ and excess cash that it takes to learn to play the durn game? I had more spare time in *college* than I do currently; it’s hard for me to shoehorn in 30 minutes or so of excercise every day. Where am I going to get the time to play a game that can take hours?!?

    How about the men that I know who feel (like I do) that golf is a waste of space/wild habitat? At least many golf courses are _trying_ to get away from dumping huge amounts of chemicals on the greens to keep them thick and shiny and utterly unnatural in most of the places you find golf courses….

    I find the evolutionary psych arguments rather tedious, myself. Yup, you can make up all sorts of hypotheses, and maybe even gather enough evidence to call it a theory of sorts, but the fact remains that humans are not, unlike many animals, solely governed by their instincts. In fact, we often second guess our instincts to our detriment. So the whole “hurling objects towards a common goal” argument really doesn’t wash with me.

    BTW — I also like action-adventure and science fiction movies. Does that reflect on my femininity? I’d like Mr. Tierney to come to the next Sci-Fi convention and comment on that…. *evil GRIN*

  3. my boyfriend’s starting law school next week. his two friends who preceded him are both already trying to suck him into the time- and money-wasting world of golf. there was no mention of satisfying trajectories, and my boyfriend is just as reluctant to watch more than about two planes land as i am. but i think he’ll end up a golfer. he has to, for his career.

    golf is a great sport for old people. the rest of us should be running marathons and climbing rocks.

  4. I bet the jackass has a theory about why women always love *cough* to cook and clean and men always go out to find food. Until recently Golf was predominately an upper middle class on up game. It is expensive and very time consuming. Bit I tend to diagree on the 80% of golfers are men. This guy has probably never set foot on a golf course. I see a lot of women on the course, and dammit they are better than I am…whhahhahha

  5. In related news, I will be watching golf all day tomorrow (Sunday) at Snoqualmie Ridge.

    Don’t forget to wear your Ugly Golf Pants. Attendees at golf courses must wear pants ugly enough to blind children and small animals. The pants are blurred out for television coverage.

    This is because I am secretly a man.

    So much for that feminism thing. Here are the keys to the executive washroom and your Secret Men’s Card (good for discounts and privileged service; accepted everywhere. Don’t leave home without it.)

  6. I don’t know about wild animals Donna, but at least the courses should be mined. As a person of primarily Scottish descent, I’m ashamed.

  7. Ok, I’ll admit it: the only reason I’m going to the golf tournament is because my friend has some fancy clubhouse tickets and it’s a good excuse to wear ridiculous clothes and drink martinis all day.

  8. how can you call tierney an idiot? didn’t you follow the elegant logic to his column: more men play and watch golf than women. therefore, it must be genetic.

    for his next trick, tierney will prove that americans are genetically predisposed to speaking english.

  9. Both of my parents enjoy watching golf on TV, and do so on a regular basis.


    Not sure if there’s a connection, though.

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