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Updates on Troy Davis

Unfortunately, as is the case with many things lately, I am behind on these two latest action alerts regarding the case of Troy Davis, the man on death row for the murder of a police officer despite the fact that there was no physical evidence tying him the crime, and the additional fact that almost all of the witnesses who testified against him have recanted.  But while I’m significantly behind on them, I’ve heard of no changes since they were sent out — meaning that as far as I can tell, they’re still relevant.  So I hope you’ll act.

First up, from the NAACP:

A few hours ago, I met with Troy Davis on death row.

As you know, he is facing the death penalty in Georgia for killing a police officer — but since his trial, seven out of nine witnesses have recanted or contradicted their testimony. And with no physical evidence to link him to the crime, it is likely he is innocent.

Besides the fact that Troy is facing execution for a crime that he may not have committed, he also told me that he is being denied the right to speak out on his own behalf despite the fact that others in his position are allowed to do so.

Please contact Commissioner Brian Owens of the Georgia Department of Corrections to demand that he remove the gag order on Troy Davis.

In my meeting with Troy, I discovered that 60 Minutes, Dateline, and the Associated Press have all been denied media access to Troy. When Georgia won’t let the media talk to the accused man, it is a flagrant abuse of his First Amendment rights.

It doesn’t take a whole lot of guess work to assume that Georgia is likely refusing media contact to Davis due to the fact that they don’t want his story to get widespread, mainstream coverage.  After all, if it did, there might be significant public outrage that could force them into acting.  Which is, aside from the obvious need to protect First Amendment rights, precisely why this has to be stopped.  Click here to tell the Georgia Department of Corrections to remove the gag order on Troy Davis.

Next up, Amnesty International:

The Supreme Court will soon look at Troy Davis’ petition for a new trial. While we will be disappointed if the courts once again fail to intervene in a case that is so overwhelmed with doubt and a lack of evidence, Troy needs us to keep knocking on doors until one finally opens up.

Savannah’s new District Attorney, Larry Chisolm, elected in 2008 on similar principles as President Obama, could be that opportunity. During Chisolm’s bid for District Attorney, he laudably pledged to “increase the sense of fairness and transparency in the prosecution function.” If there ever was a case that required both fairness and transparency, then this is it. Urge District Attorney Chisolm to make good on his pledge by re-opening Troy’s case.

At the heart of this case is a brutal murder of a police officer that could go unpunished if an innocent man is put to death. The District Attorney has the power to re-open the investigation into this crime for which Troy was convicted. Only once we have all the facts on the table, can the courts truly begin to assess the fate of Troy Davis.

Click on through to contact Larry Chisolm — a man who seemingly has the ability to take meaningful, concrete action towards justice for Troy Davis.  Because as we’ve already sadly learned, we surely can’t trust the courts to do the right thing here on their own.

2 thoughts on Updates on Troy Davis

  1. at the risk of people thinking i am stupid…

    i will sum up. Mr Davis was accused of killing a cop. there is exactly ZERO physical evidence to support the accusation. 9 people originally testified that he *had* killed the cop; 7 are now either saying he did *not* kill the cop, or have been caught obviously lying.

    so can someone, anyone, please explain to me WHY THIS MAN IS STILL ON DEATH ROW!?!? can someone explain to me how he GOT to death row? i mean, the recants *alone* should have been enough to keep him out! or at least get him out!

    i don’t understand. i have read everything i can find on this case (again… i have read all of it at least 4 times now, every time i see a post). i don’t mind the reading, i mind the *need* for the reading. i mind that i *have* to write letters. this is basic elementary school social studies – innocent until proven guilty. and he has NOT been proven guilty! no has proven *anything* except that people lie.

    am i missing something, or have we totally lost all integrity and justice as a country? there are times when i truly believe that there are more civil rights, more correctly applied, in Cuba than in the United States of America.

    i tried to write a letter to Mr. Davis some few months ago; it was returned unopened with a stamp of “undeliverable mail”. does anyone have another address? (actually, *any* address, as i can’t find the one I used then. i should have kept the envelope and letter, but i shredded and burned it in a rage) i know, if i were him, i would need some reaffirmation from the outside; human contact is a necessity; and for the love of gods, thinking about Mr. Davis makes me want to cry – i can’t imagine how *he* feels. it’s got to be… after a certain point, i think i would welcome death, prefer it to being treated as he is being treated.

    i want my Constitution back. and for Mr. Davis to get actual Justice. not a farce; not Judge Judy – Justice.

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