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6 thoughts on RIP, Bea Arthur

  1. I found myself singing the theme from Maude this weekend. She was awesome and always played strong woman positive roles. Bea was ahead of her time and will certainly be missed.

  2. I can just barely remember watching “Maude” on TV occasionally as a kid, and not getting most of it. 😉 But I remember her fierce, strong character and the way she just *rocked* those big, beautiful ’70s caftans. I had just been telling my DH that I’d love to find that show on DVD (or download). I knew that it tackled some pretty tough stuff in its story lines, and I wanted to be able to appreciate them as an adult. And now she’s gone. 🙁 *snif*

    And really? Ms. Arthur as Vera Charles* in “Auntie Mame” had to have just ROCKED! I’m sad to have never seen it.

    *From the linked article. And if you’ve never seen “Auntie Mame”, I sincerely recommend it. Get the Rosalind Russell version, the non- musical one. 🙂

  3. I have always loved Bea. She always took strong roles and lived her life with grace and class.

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