In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


via Renee and via Mongoose Chronicles (apologies for not linking to MC earlier!) comes a commercial for salmon fish sticks with the following dialogue:

Male Fishstick 1: Woo, who are you?
Female Fishstick: I’m the new salmon fish-finger.
Male Fishstick 2: Salmon? Does that mean that you’re pink underneath?
Female Fishstick: Yeah. Wanna look? [Unzips fried coating and giggles.]
[Male fishsticks pass out]
[Birdseye ad thing]
Male fishstick 1: So much pink!
Male fishstick 2: I wasn’t expecting that!

It’s not the most subtle advertisement in the world, is it?

And then there’s this sausage ad:

It’s all about mmm, you know you want it… until the knife comes down. Gah.

19 thoughts on …eew.

  1. Jesus H. on a cracker. “Fish finger”? She’s pink inside? Who is their target market? 12 year old boys? That’s just nasty.

  2. Who buys salmon fingers? Women, mostly? So, is this aimed at women, mostly? Has this actually been broadcast or is this one of those web-only ads that is done just for the buzz of it? If so, are we falling for the con?

  3. It has already been broadcast on British telly. Actually, it’s on as I type this! I have no idea why they’re doing salmon fish fingers, as it seems a waste of salmon.

  4. “What about the Quizno’s commercial”

    Are they just going to ruin all food for me?

    “Put it in me” Gag.

  5. Turbopixie:

    They are not a “waste of salmon”, they are likely made of salmon waste….some lips, a few eyes, some scraped flesh from scales, as in waste-not….

  6. The British aren’t very subtle about sexual innuendo in their commercials, are they? I remember seeing an ad (might have been on this site, in fact) that involved cucumber sandwiches and a young woman who realized, too late, that she had used the cucumber for another purpose.

  7. I like the Mattessons advert. It’s wonderfully over the top and clearly isn’t taking itself seriously. It’s very British humour, so it might be a bit culture-specific, but to my ears it’s satire.

  8. @BadKitty – fish sticks are called fish fingers in the UK – nothing sinister about the term. The ad…..well…………hmmm

  9. If I had died without seeing those weird ads, I don’t think my life would’ve been less meaningful.

  10. The salmon fish fingers are probably farmed salmon, which is (my guess) going cheaper these days because of all the concerns about farmed salmon not being that healthy and not tasting that good. (I wouldn’t know: I’m vegetarian.)

    Both adverts have been broadcast on British TV. The Birds Eye ad is ugly and unfunny – giggle giggle, female fish finger’s got pink. The Matteson’s ad is … well, I thought it was at least slightly amusing.

  11. I like the Matteson’s…. I guess the feminazi in me really thought it was funny when the knife came down.

  12. Well, it is all about marketing because taste tests prove people’s perceptions of their food greatly influence if they think it tastes good, so much so that the admission from omnis that “meat tastes better” is actually a statement about the omni’s ethical values more than a sense perception on the tongue. When tricked with vegetarian meats, the omni who thinks it’s real meat rates the taste higher than when he or she thinks it’s vegetarian meat.

    Read more:

  13. Jesurgislac: Farmed salmon is cheaper to buy because it’s cheaper to raise. It’s easier to raise a lot of fish in an aquapen than it is to hire fishermen to catch them in the wild.

    You’re right about wild salmon tasting better and being more nutritious, but this is just a case of getting what you pay for.

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