In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Answers, etc.

You know how the game goes. Now, the answers.

If you could solve one mystery, be it science, nature, crime, whatever, which would it be?

Where socks go after they disappear in the dryer.

Should I shave my head, or will people react to such a thing poorly?

Shave it. It’s cooler for summer.

What is one thing you miss about being in the U.S.? What do you not miss at all?

Ooh good question… I think what I miss most is being able to move through life easily. I don’t have to worry about communicating with most people, since pretty much everyone I speak to shares my language. I generally know where I am, where I’m going, and I can figure out an easy way to get there. That isn’t the case here, where I don’t speak the language nearly as well as I should, and I don’t know how basic things work — like I still haven’t figured out which tabacchis sell bus tickets and which ones don’t (I swear, there is no pattern to it). The U.S. is also remarkably efficient. If there’s a faster, easier way to get things done, they’ll do it. That is definitely not the case here. And, of course, I miss my family and friends. I miss just having friends my age, actually…

That said, though, there are many things that I don’t miss. I don’t miss American grocery stores — Italian markets are possibly the greatest things I’ve ever seen. Gorgeous bottles of wine for €3 or €4 that would cost five times that much in the U.S.; stacks of amazing cheeses (including my all-time favorite, mozzarella di bufala, €2 for four big pieces; at Whole Foods, it’s $9 for one little ball of it); even the meats are tempting, and I’ve been a vegetarian for 10 years. So I wish I could bring the Italian markets back with me.

How do people around you react to your feminist politics

Generally pretty well, because I think anyone who knows me sees how important my political beliefs are to me. I’ve certainly gotten the man-hater comments are much as everyone else — perhaps the most humerous was when someone accused me of hating men because I said I couldn’t stand the show Everybody Loves Raymond. Go figure. In places like NYU, there is a large feminist community, so I’m hardly an oddity. At Duke, I’m not so sure how it’ll be…

What are your favorite books?

“Skinny Legs and All” by Tom Robbins is my all-time favorite. It’s fantastic. I’m currently reading “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey Through Yugoslavia” by Rebecca West, which is also quite good (and possibly the longest book I’ve ever read). “Backlash” by Susan Faludi was, for me, a really good introduction to feminism and the current cultural reactions to it. And Audre Lorde’s “Zami” is also one of my all-time favorites.

Chris Clarke
If you could have a dinner party with four famous people, living or dead, what would you wear?

No wait, even better: who would you choose?

I have this great white, strapless Theory dress that I’m obsessed with, but haven’t found the proper occassion to wear. So, I would wear that. With gold heels and chandellier earrings.

The people? That’s harder. Rebecca West’s book has piqued my interest in Yugoslavian politics, so maybe Princip, the Serb who shot Franz Ferdinand and effectively started WWI. He’s an interesting character. Angela Davis. Jesus Christ (everyone says him, I know, but I think it’s a good choice). And… hmmm… Audre Lorde.

What kind of law do you want to practice? why?

International or public interest. Maybe criminal. I’m undecided. Ideally, I would focus on international human rights, specifically women’s health and access to family planning tools. I’ve been very interested in reproductive rights for a while now, and I believe that the ability to self-deteremine the number and spacing of your children is one of the most important rights that a person can have — without it, there is little else that we can self-determine. So being able to take on that issue, legally, is very interesting to me.

Bart: Mr. Hutz, when I grow up, I want to be a lawyer just like you.
Lionel Hutz: Good for you, son. If there’s one thing America needs, it’s more lawyers. Can you imagine a world without lawyers?

A world without lawyers? Terrible.

What is your favorite acronym?

Hmmm… wow, I have no idea. CREEP?

Can I have your dog?

Haha sorry, no. But you can have a picture:


what made you interested in going to Duke for law school?

Lots of things. They have a very good job placement rate. They’re international law program is solid, and they do good public interest work.

What was your favorite book when you were a kid? Why?

It’s a tie between “Goodnight Moon” and “The Giving Tree.” I liked “Goodnight Moon” before I went to bed, because it meant that I could stay up later saying goodnight to everything I saw. And The Giving Tree is just such a great story… plus, we had a tree in the forest behind our house that my mom called the Giving Tree and would take us to play on.

What would you do if you went to the White House?

Oh, so many things… Rescind the Global Gag Rule. Halt executions. Try and patch up relations with all the other nations we’ve spent 30 years pissing on. Begin a comprehensive strategy to move America away from our dependence on foreign oil and onto environmentally-sound energy sources. Create compassionate social welfare policy, including universal healthcare. Fund our schools. Basically, be a Republican’s worst nightmare.

David Thompson
Silly Question: Do you call it “jilling off”?


Serious Question: Seattle, New York City, Italy. Do you think you’re ready for life in the Carolinas?

Hah. No, not at all. The weather will probably be a nice change from Seattle and New York, but I am used to being in two centers of the American Liberal Universe. And I’m not sure how I’ll look in polo shirts and pearls.

Screwball Question You May but Most Likely Will Not Ever Have to Answer on a Law School Exam: Was Aguille Delaz correct in his assessment of the RX78GP02 as a violation of the Antarctic Treaty? If so, did that violation justify the subsequent actions of the Delaz fleet?

Yes. No.

Very well, I have a question. A sensible question. A question that will tax your IQ to its very limits and stretch the sinews of your knowledge to bursting point.

The question is this: Given that God is infinite and that the universe is also infinite… would you like a toasted tea-cake?

Yes please, I am very hungry.

4 thoughts on Answers, etc.

  1. I’ve been very interested in reproductive rights for a while now, and I believe that the ability to self-deteremine the number and spacing of your children is one of the most important rights that a person can have — without it, there is little else that we can self-determine. So being able to take on that issue, legally, is very interesting to me.

    That’s good enough for me.

    Jill for Supreme Court Justice!

  2. I second Chris’s motion, especially if all of Jill’s legal opinions read like this:

    Yes. No.

  3. I should have put a disclaimer on the question to indicate that I was an attorney. And Lionel Hutz was right to react to the visual of a world without lawyers (people of all races and creeds dancing in a circle and singing joyously) in the way he did (being creeped out).

  4. I really enjoy this (feature? segment? item?) of the site.

    And I definitely third the motion nominating you for Supreme Court Justice!

    If the Bushies get another conservative Storm Trooper on the SC bench, I think the Bill of Rights may spontaneously combust!

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