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When Bloglines goes down I have no idea what to do with my computer other than play Freecell. What did I do before Bloglines?

6 thoughts on Bloglines

  1. I hope I am not the only person to ask, what are Bloglines? What do you mean? And please don’t flame me for my ignorance, please 😀

  2. Roxanne, shhhh. Plus I have a Bloglines blogroll on my about page but it doesn’t show up when the main site is down.

    Mark, Bloglines aggregates all the blogs you read using RSS feeds. Check them out, especially if you read a large number of blogs or have a slow loading time.

  3. NetNewsWire – or any other client-side RSS aggregator – is a good thing. You don’t have to rely on some IT guy at bloglines not deciding to leave his pager at home the night the system goes down.

    In the meantime, everyone should just email Lauren a copy of everything they blog. Ready, set, GO.

  4. You turned off the computer. You went for a walk. You played with your cat. You washed the dishes. You looked outside and noticed a flower that hadn’t been there before.

    (By the way, I have a new entry up. Ahem, ahem. New entry. Beep beep beep.)

  5. This is when you hop on over to another blog that has a more stable blogroll and go click crazy. At least that’s what I do, but the going for a walk thing sounds okay. You should totally give that a try and let us know how that works out. I’ll wait here till you get back …. 😀

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