In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Yeah, I can’t believe I’m up at 9am on a Sunday either. Gettin old.

As long as you’re up too, post a description of something you’ve written this week along with a link. Make it specific; don’t just post to your whole blog.

63 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. polytechnique of course we need a male perspective: The first movie made about the montreal massacre has been made and it is been made from the male survivor perspective.

    Looking at Feminist 2pto and the feminist web: Looking at the list of the top30 blogs and what it says about online feminism.

    The invisible mother: Looking at the ways in which motherhood of woc is not recognized.

    Dear Americans: What Canadians are willing to offer in trade to get Barack Obama

    Confronting Hyper Sexuality In The Black Community: Looking at how race needs to be factored into sex education.

  2. This isn’t a self-promotion, but a plea for help on behalf of my fellow Aussies. Victoria and NSW has been hit by the worst bushfires in Australian history this weekend. Two towns have been burned to the ground – over 95% of the buildings and houses gone, and many deaths.

    If you can donate a few dollars to help the people affected by this, please go to

    So many people have lost *everything*.

  3. I wrote about my problems with perfectionism, competitiveness, focusing on my own achievement, and the peace I get when I try to step back from those tendencies and approach people in a more positive light.

  4. I finally have something to post!

    I make a comic version of Tractate Berachot, a volume of the Talmud. It is mostly very centred around the (male) rabbis telling the stories/laws, but occasionally something interesting happens with women. This week I illustrated a quote about how women have more to look forward to in the next world than men. It sounds like sort of typical chivalry dressed up as something pro-woman, but actually it’s a really lovely quote. Women are praised as “confident daughters,” which is a beautiful term I think – in women, apparently it’s praiseworthy, the Talmud doesn’t think confidence is a virtue in men at all!

    I drew my sister and myself in it. We fought so badly as children but now are learning how to fight on the same side. It was nice just to draw all women on a page for once, happy and getting along.

    The comic is here:

    Rise up, you women that are at ease…

  5. We had a very busy week at Pink Scare (recessions seem to create a lot of fruit ripe for socialist wrath–as well as a lot of :facepalm: action). We took the Obama administration to task for the general incoherence and ineptitude of their approach to fixing this recession, including looking at their short-sighted political games, the stupidity of dead-end bipartisanship, and the ineffective, low-hanging fruit of pay caps for executives receiving TARP funds.

    In non-recession news, I expressed my unwavering hatred for the sexist, racist Christopher Hitchens, and we lamented the racist/nativist thread emerging in Britain’s general strike.


    I above post a link to the first post on my fledgling blog, where I hope to share some of my experiences which I hope will be of benefit to other people. In this piece I talk about my rape experience, but only as far as I use it to discuss my views about the issue of consent. Specifically I conclude on whether the lack of a “no” really amounts to consent. Comments welcome, although the blog seems to be preventing some people from commenting annoyingly… I’ve put my email address on there so email if you’d like me to add something on.

    Prudence 🙂

  7. I posted about the sexism I encountered when we refinanced our house

    In honor of Dollhouse I also gave Joss Whedon’s Equality now speech some love

    Finally, I posted about New York cops going undercover and falsely arresting gay men for prositution

  8. I found a spoken-word poem about how the “beauty” industry affects women of color living in the US. It’s called “Slip of the Tongue”, by Adriel Luis. Really powerful stuff.

    Also, it’s annoying how people always assume one’s sexual orientation.

  9. I am not normally banned for merely posting links except on pro-lifer or anti-marriage blogs: after I’d got over my slack-jawed astonishment, I committed my first* filksong: Banned From TNH.

    During Race Fail 2009, I posted a comment containing three links to information that the original poster did not wish her readers to have, and got banned from her journal for my trouble.

    *It is also probably my last.

  10. I wrote about the ending of the Coraline movie and how it has a male character rescuing Coraline. So different from the book and so, so disappointing to me and my daughters.
    PS the very first commenter on my post requires a response, but he’s my husband’s cousin and every time I try to write something, it ends up being really, really mean and hateful. It would be nice if that came from strangers. 😉

  11. Wikileaks has just released over 6000 documents from the US Congress. These docs cover issues from healthcare, economics, defense, infrastructure, electronic surveillance, military operations, federal financing, taxes and much, much more.

    The site may be overloaded. If that is the case, they have a link to the bittorrent file to help anyone d/l and read all of the files.

    Wikileaks is looking for talented analysts, attorneys, critical thinkers as well as server space for a mirror. Please visit them and support their site in any way you can. They are standing up for transparencey and accountability.


  12. I posted encouraging people to join in with National Take a Photo of a Police Officer Day, before it becomes an arrestable offence to do so in Britain.

    I also wrote a letetr to my MP about how the rules for job seekers actuallyu hold us back from seeking jobs

    Finally, for the kinky feminists that I know exist, I have a scheme to take on some of the more problematic parts of the kinky internetz: a feminist chatroom on the “bondage” IRC server

  13. I got trolled by a white supremist forum. I wrote about Hillsborough County Republican Party committeewoman Carol Carter sending out a racist email about black Barack Obama supporters.

    I’m confused

    How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn’t get out of New Orleans in 85 degree temps with four days notice?

    This is the second time, since November a HCRP member sent out a racist email.

  14. Come on over and visit The Czech!

    A closer look at the hysteria over the octuplets, because their mother isn’t “good enough” to deserve more children.

    The NYT inadvertently helped me prove that it’s poverty and not single mothers that cause problems in youth.

    The parallel between Oregon’s Ballot Measure 9 in the 90s and Prop 8. As well as How Hateful Rhetoric Leads to Hate Crimes.

    The victims of Bush’s shady anti-immigration measures are broken immigrant families and taxpayers.

  15. We’re holding a My Favorite Feminist Book Is… contest that ends Feb 13th. Check it out, y’all.

    Feminist Reviews of the week…
    He’s Just Not That Into You wasn’t a terrible movie. Despite its manipulative moments, this film did manage to skip many of the eye roll-inducing rom-com conventions. This movie just wasn’t that romantic or particularly funny. In fact, He’s Just Not That Into You is filled with disempowering messages.

    Revolutionary Road: Frank and April now battle their individual demons by making each other miserable. April is dealing with unhappy housewife syndrome (which would later be coined the feminine mystique by Betty Friedan), while Frank grapples with the loss of masculinity in the mindless workaday business world. They constantly bicker, moan, and full-out fight, but neither genuinely attempt to make their lives or relationship better. Eventually, this lack of communication and understanding collides with the film’s looming pessimism and disastrous consequences.

    The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities: The best thing about this zine, of which there is much good to speak, is the variety of voices present. It is written from a perspective of radical action, encompassing diversity in ethnicity, sexual and gender orientation, and yes, there are even male voices. An excellent job has been made to address partner violence between men and women, women and women, against transgender people, and even against the disabled.

  16. I’ve got a rantlet about the “Latisse” rebadging of glaucoma medicine as treatment for fabricated eyelash paucity

    The Down Under Feminists Carnival, now in its Ninth Edition, is up at the Hand Mirror (and we’re looking for future hosts!)

    The Italian PM sees a comatose woman as a potential incubator.

    And we’re sharing our horror and condolences in the wake of the horrendous Victorian bushfires, with 126 dead so far and the toll predicted to reach over 200.

  17. A woman in Italy has been on life support for 17 years. Her family wants to let her die. The state and the Vatican say no. Why? Because she’s physically in the state where she can have babies. I call this Shorter Vatican: Women are incubators.

    This one is regarding the atheist bus campaign that is being censored in Halifax. It’s not particularly feminist, but what the hell. 🙂

    Back to feminist issues: This is on Birthing choices, and how we need to start respecting that others may not choose what we think is optimal.

  18. Read recent posts on Judith Butler, Louis Althusser, the Marxist conception of ideology and what relevance it has to feminist theory and politics.

    Is feminism too concerned with culture? Read about it here.

    There’s also several posts that examine the notion of ‘bipartisanship’ and the class politics at work in recent discussions of the salary capping proposal.

    Arvilla considers what payoff recent feminist theory can have for radical feminist political practice.

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