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7 thoughts on Hang in there RBG

  1. I too hope of course she gets better, but isn’t it better (politically, at least) that ideally her and Stevens step down before 2010 so that younger, reliably progressive replacements can be chosen? Souter and Breyer aren’t exactly getting younger too.

  2. Yeah, she and Stevens will both retire during Obama’s tenure. But they’re both so great that I hope they’ll stay on as long as they’re in decent health.

  3. Add my well-wishes for Justice Ginsburg. May she conquer this and enjoy many happy years, retired or no. I too lost a loved one to pancreatic cancer many years ago, and I will be thinking of RBG and her family. This just SUX…….

  4. May she fight this off as she did colon cancer. May her health be good enough that she decides when it’s time to step down, not the cancer. And may Obama appoint a loud, determined pro-feminism justice when the time does come.

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