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Thursday LOST Blogging

Love, love, love.

Cara is clearly not on her A-game since she hasn’t posted this yet, but as a fellow LOST fan I’ll put in my two cents. Spoilers below the fold and in the comments.

Since I didn’t do any LOST blogging last week, I’ll throw it out there that I loved the Sawyer-is-constantly-shirtless first episode (and the ongoing jokes about it). I also loved that Sawyer looks like he’s been enjoying himself during the break from shooting, and his once-perfect six-pack is looking a little soft. So hot, and may be putting him a contest with Sayid for my True LOST Love.

But I don’t just watch LOST for the hotties, so let’s recap.

I thought this episode was good, but not great. We all saw most of this coming: Jin is still alive, the French woman was of course Rousseau, and Ben was behind the lawsuit. I was only surprised that they brought Jin back so soon — I thought they’d pull a Michael and have him MIA for a whole season. And now we’re pretty sure that Miles is the child of the Dharma Initiative TV guy, right?

What else?

29 thoughts on Thursday LOST Blogging

  1. Oh dude, I totally did NOT see the Miles thing, but I think you’re right!!!!

    As I said to one of my friends last night, the thing that surprised me most about last night’s episode was finding out that Sun is the worst babysitter ever.

    Sawyer has always been one of my many Lost loves. Who is my favorite varies based on episode and mood. I’m actually really loving the Sayid clean hair blowout look lately, so he’s probably winning . . . though in the episode before last, Desmond was really doing it for me with, as one friend called it, his sexy lit professor look.

    I did not realize that I was expected to keep up Lost posting, since I didn’t really get many responses to my last post! Though if it’s what the people want, I can certainly comply πŸ™‚

  2. I haven’t this show since the end of season 2. I just read that post, and that spoiled absolutely nothing for me. And that man is wearing a great suit.

  3. And Sun IS the worst baby-sitter ever! Jeez. Also, why is Aaron like five years old? Could they not find an appropriate three-year-old actor?

    And why are we still trusting Ben?

  4. I think we’re trusting Ben because he’s the better option than Widmore.

    So, you think you know who Miles is. Do you share my Charlotte theory? I think that she’s Ben’s little girlfriend from the Other playground. You know, the redhead who made those wooden dolls for his birthday?

    And have you seen the Daniel’s mom theory?

    I know I’m forgetting something . . . argh.

  5. Since Jin is one of my fav eye candies on the show, I am thankful that he did not disappear for a whole season. I found it ironic that Kate had to say that it was Ben that initiated the law suit. Uhh duh..It makes no sense to continue to trust this man and yet they still do.

    Hurley’s little call from the jail was also really cute. I really like his character and think that he should be given more time.

    As for the feministe Sawyer fascination you can have him. Double YUCK.

  6. Also, why is Aaron like five years old? Could they not find an appropriate three-year-old actor?

    They’re usually great with casting, but they apparently haven’t learned their lesson regarding child actors, after the Walt situation they ran into. You never pick a kid actor who’s older than the character. Kids grow up really fast dumbass . . . especially when you’re filming a show over a few years.

    And what I forgot to mention is my Locke theory.

  7. So, you think you know who Miles is. Do you share my Charlotte theory? I think that she’s Ben’s little girlfriend from the Other playground. You know, the redhead who made those wooden dolls for his birthday?

    YES! I was just coming here to comment on that! She seems young, but I bet that’s her.

  8. I will be super annoyed if Charlotte turns out to be Ben’s little Dharma girlfriend. Charlotte is a badass anthropologist who jaunts around the globe chasing down desert polar bear remains … but since the gas-plant disarmament, she’s been nothing but a love-interest-in-distress. Give her some meat, writers!

    Also, I am so, so, SO sick of the Sawyer/Kate/Jack drama. Yes, Sawyer, we get that you are in love with an emotionally unavaiable commitmentphobe. Yes, Kate, we get that you are in love with a childish, possessive jerk. Yes, Jack, we get that Daddy screwed you up. Can we get back to time-traveling rabbits, please?

  9. I should note that I may be biased against love-triangle plots because I’m polyamorous, and as far as I’m concerned, she should have them BOTH. Or neither, since all three of them need heaps of therapy. πŸ˜›

  10. Oh, and Hot Tramp, my interest in Charlotte possibly being Ben’s little girlfriend isn’t as a love interest for Ben (I mean, they were like 10 back then), but her connection to the island and the other characters. We already know that she has one, anyway, and at one point said she was born on the island.

    But I otherwise agree with you with respect to her character. Everyone knew that Faraday was in love with her, but I had no inkling whatsoever that she had any interest in him . . . until he professed his love for her. And now she’s all melty and making goo goo eyes at him. Ugh.

  11. I LOVED last night. The premier was such a let-down, but after Sayid was all badass I was okay again πŸ˜€ He is definitely my favorite. He always seems to be on the right side of conflicts, except for that whole torture thing AGES ago. Although Locke kicking the crap out of people also is awesome. Agreed with Hot Tramp, there are so many more interesting love connections than Sawyer/Kate/Jack.

  12. Well, even before she went melty, she seemed to primarily exist for Daniel to crush on. I love me some Daniel, and I like the idea of the crazy quantum physicist and the snarky globe-trotting brit getting together, but the whole thing’s being handled with fail.

  13. Thanks, Cara: of course Miles is the one who sees dead people. Duh. He is such a Lieutenant Levy-type character (the one who always dies on the old Star Treks), I keep expecting him to die at any moment.

    So the episode is titled “The Little Prince”: Jill, would you say that is referring to Miles, who you think is the son of the old Dharma-documentary guy, or Aaron?

  14. I think it’s referring to Aaron. According to someone on LOSTpedia, when the losties were looking through the wreckage and they found that thing with the french word on it, whatever the word was somehow referenced “The Little Prince.” (I’m forgetting it now).

  15. As for the Charlotte/Ben thing… Charlotte could be the little girl. Totally plausible. I’m not sure though. I am sure that Ellie is Daniel’s mom. They made that too obvious for it to go any other way. The question is who was the girl in the bed in episode before last night’s?

    I actually find Charlotte annoying. I also wish Juliette would quit talking in that therapist voice. And yeah, the Jack/Sawyer/Kate thing is getting old. I loved Kate in the beginning when she was a tough broad, but they totally gutted her character to make her super hott. And she is super hott, but come on.

    Sayid remains badass, and my ultimate LOST crush.

  16. I find Charlotte kind of annoying, too, but at the same time, she’s one of the few female characters we’ve got . . . since Lost has a habit of killing them off.

    I want Kate to end up with Sawyer, and Jack to end up with Juliet . . . but I think those couples are going to end up swapping, at least for the moment.

    Oh oh oh! My big question . . . what the fuck happened to Rose and Bernard? They’re the only real characters who we don’t know what happened to after the fiery arrow attack. I mean, they couldn’t have just killed two actual characters in the whose, relatively minor though they may be, without even mentioning it, right? Even the hated train wreck of Paolo and Nikki got their own fucking death episode. So WTF?

  17. I don’t think Annie, young Ben’s girlfriend, is Charlotte. The little girl spoke with an American accent, and Charlotte’s accent is distinctly British.

  18. I can totally see them eventually pulling a “Tale of Two Cities” thing with Jack/Kate/Sawyer. Granted, I read that in tenth grade so my memory may be hazy, but I do remember something about one guy sacrificing himself to save the life of the other guy because the woman he loves is with the other guy.

  19. I should be working right now… whatever… Let me start by declaring my undying love for Sayid — I want to have his fictional babies and then put them up for adoption so I can kick motherfucking ass with him.

    According to someone on LOSTpedia, when the losties were looking through the wreckage and they found that thing with the french word on it, whatever the word was somehow referenced β€œThe Little Prince.” (I’m forgetting it now).
    The wreckage had B-6-12 or something like that on it, which is the asteroid the kid lived on in The Little Prince.

    I did not at all get the Miles or Charlotte connections, but they would make sense. I have been wondering about Rose and Bernard and would be upset if they were killed off w/o any mention.

    Does anybody else believe Locke is alive, a la Juliet? (in Romeo & Juliet, not Lost haha) I keep saying this to people and they blow me off, but I think the signs all point to him being alive.

  20. I don’t think signs point to him still being alive . . . I think they point to the island resurrecting him when he gets back πŸ™‚

  21. Remember Mikhail, dying and then looking alive again? And Claire looking very much changed, in some perhaps undead way? Locke will rise again. And since there are so many others doing that, it doesn’t have to be a dumbass jesus thing.

  22. Just wanted to add a vote for regular Lost blogging!

    I’ve been annoyed that Bernard and Rose just disappeared. I think they’re the last relatively minor characters that aren’t extras. I really like them, especially Rose. I think she’s a very strong female character on Lost – strong in her convictions, self-assured, willing to tell Jack off when needed – without falling into the sassy black woman stereotype. I’m pretty sure they’ll be back though, since I don’t think they’d be killed off so invisibly.

    I hope that since Jin is with Rousseau, we find out what REALLY happened to her team before another time flash occurs.

  23. Guys, Bernard and Rose NEVER disappear. They’ll pop up, in due time. Something happened down by the creek where they were supposed to meet our crew, and we’ll find out what it is eventually. Rose is the Sane!Locke, we’re not done with her yet πŸ˜‰

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