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The Republican Stragegy For Dealing With the Obama Administration So Far

You could perhaps call this obstructionist beginning a “Marxist” approach:

13 thoughts on The Republican Stragegy For Dealing With the Obama Administration So Far

  1. You were watching Make ‘Em Laugh on PBS last night, weren’t you? Hilarious. I love the promo, with Jim Lehrer. Classic.

  2. And the punk rock approach. The irony is that the mouthbreathers in the House can’t obstruct shit, but it’s the gang of 41 in the Senate, the supposedly more reasonable body, than can throw delays into programs and such. They did, however, just pass SCHIP expansion 66-32.

  3. By the way, the source movie (Horse Feathers) is very quotable

    Professor Wagstaff (Groucho): And I say to you gentlemen that this college is a failure. The trouble is we’re neglecting football for education.

    Teacher 1: Exactly. The professor is right.

    Professor Wagstaff: Oh, I’m right, am I? Well, I’m not right, I’m wrong. I just said that to test you. Now I know where I’m at– I’m dealing with a couple of snakes. What I meant to say was that there’s too much football and not enough education.

    Teacher 2: That’s what I think.

    Professor Wagstaff: Oh, you do, do you? Well, you’re wrong again! If there was a snake here, I’d apologize.

  4. As much as I love a good (or great) Marx Brothers reference, isn’t that kind of the default position of any opposition party in a two party system?

  5. In reference to what William said, it isn’t the “default” position because of how he says he’s “against it” even if it’s modified to suit his needs. That’s the way the Republicans are acting. In contrast, the Democrats often passed some of Bush’s stupid ideas when their demands were met (and even sometimes when they weren’t).

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