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7 Sins

You Are Pride !
You’re competitive about most things.
And feel compelled to constantly assure yourself of your greatness.
But hey, it’s not all bad – maybe you are that good! You generally
look presentable, and are well educated because you wouldn’t let
yourself be any other way. People are intimidated of you though,
so try and tone it down a bit – after all nobody is perfect.

Congratulations … You are the ‘Best Kept’ of the
7 deadly sins!

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

This one is more true than I’d like to admit.

via Dr. B.

13 thoughts on 7 Sins

  1. Envy, which puzzlefies me slightly. Of course, the choices were slightly less than prime for me, so…meh.

  2. I was wrath/anger which is funny becasue most people tell me i’m pretty chill until someone ass pisses me off. Then I tend to get evil. Hmm…perhaps wrath was an accurate description…..

  3. Sloth. Not a surprise. It really explains the attractiveness of my line of work.

    Here’s a great essay by my favorite author, on the sin of sloth. I’m looking for the other essays in the series. It ran during the Summer of 1993 in The New York Times Book Review. I read a few of them awhile back and loved them.

  4. I was clearly LUST. Which surprised me, because although I have a healthy sex drive, I’m a humorless feminist 😉

  5. Lust was the one I wanted, but unfortunately sloth more accurately represents my life these days.

  6. I found a review of the collection of the essays I mentioned above. Here’s the lineup:

    Nearer, my Couch, to Thee: Sloth” :: Thomas Pynchon
    Fascination Begins in the Mouth: Anger” :: Mary Gordon
    “Lust” :: John Updike
    Remembering Mr. Pinkerton: Gluttony” :: William Trevor
    “Pride” :: Gore Vidal (“Whenever a friend succeeds….”)
    “Avarice” :: Richard Howard
    The Sin of Families and Nations: Envy” :: A.S. Byatt

    Bonus Sin: “Despair” :: Joyce Carol Oates

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