In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

I’m basically set for life.

Between the benefits of red wine and now this, I’m going to be the healthiest man alive.

14 thoughts on I’m basically set for life.

  1. It’s also linked to a lower rate of Parkinson’s disease. Don’t forget that dark chocolate has antioxidants and can actually help lower blood sugar. Food science can be very gratifying.

  2. Only one problem. There’s research that shows that “heavy thinking” leads to significantly more caloric intake and I’d say you’re definitely a heavy thinker. (There’s more about it on my blog if you want details.)

  3. I for one am skeptical. How could they find enough Swedes and Danes who drink less than three cups of coffee a day to get reliable data?

  4. Oh heavens, this caffeine-addicted vegan can thus look forward to many years to come. Of course, I can’t touch the red wine anymore, so that’s a demerit, but the dark chocolate surely balances it out?

  5. I never needed to look at any science to know that coffee and wine are good great for me! I could feel the difference right away. Whiskey is also real healthy, I can tell.

  6. Well, one problem with increased caloric intake is that some animal studies have shown that caloric intake at just-above starvation levels leads to the longest lives by a respectable margin ( ). Of course, then you get into the problem of quality versus quantity… fuck being hungry all the time.

  7. bd, this research is typically done on men. I’m not sure there’s any reason to assume wine and coffee in particular will have different effects on men and women, being of the impression that women’s brains and hearts are like men’s biologically*, but I certainly acknowledge there’s no reason to assume they won’t—and in any case, we can’t know this side of studies.

    Jill, if I’m putting words in your mouth, I beg to be corrected. Having typed that I notice it bears an interpretation I in no way intended.

    *Well, when you get right down to it, no two people’s brains or hearts are the same, I just tend to doubt that the difference is greater when the two people are different sexes.

  8. Morningstar,

    That study was of self-reported erectile/sexual dysfunction. I’d take it with a grain of salt, despite the seemingly large sample size. The only point I think has merit is that alcohol consumption reduces anxiety, so less performance anxiety makes for a more enjoyable experience for men.

    About ten years ago I saw a similar study reporting better sexual experiences for women after one drink. I think the same conclusions apply.

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