In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Mother Nature Hates You. Sorry.

It’s downright amazing to me that in such a short period of time, the same theories of animalistic violence that can’t be controlled have been dusted off and moved from black people to men, but this time the exact opposite conclusion has been reached. Instead of men’s supposedly inherent violence being used as an excuse to lock them up and throw away the key, it’s being touted as a reason for feminists to give up and suggest to women that we just put up with it or somehow tailor our behavior somehow to fix it. (This particular theory that Begley criticizes suggests that partner-murder is tied into female infidelity, which is a slap in the face to the thousands of women killed each year who did not “ask for it” by cheating.)

That the exact same “just so” story can be used for wildly different ends is just more evidence that the actual theories touted are utterly irrelevant–regardless of the evidence, regardless of the theory, the conclusion is always the same–the current power structures and hierarchies of society are intractable and a product of nature. In other words: “Sorry, oppressed and battered peoples of the world, wish we could help, but Mother Nature hates you and likes us.”

Read the rest.

One thought on

  1. I think the most useful thing that ever came out of western civilization was the observation that everything that rises must fall. Western peoples….especially Americans…should pay heed…..

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