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Note To Self

Don’t put eardrops in Doug’s ears without rubber gloves, rubber pants, and a rubber jacket. Line walls with plastic sheeting.

3 thoughts on Note To Self

  1. When putting cleaning drops in the very large ears of our coonhound, we take him outside, put the drops in one ear, hold that ear closed while doing the other ear. Then we very quickly back away.

  2. We have a mixed bag when it comes to such things. In general, however, I find our cats to be pretty calm when it comes to shots, pills, and ointments.

  3. I sit on our cats. Seriously. I put them between my legs with their front paws underneath them and squeeze my legs tighter. It works bc they realize they can’t get out, no matter what. (Think sitting on your knees with cats in-between.)

    But what’s gross is my one cat drools pools and puddles while howling the entire 5 min or so it takes to put the drops in. Egh.

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