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Who’s going to DC for the inauguration?

I’m headed down Saturday and will be there until early Wednesday morning (yeah, I know,* but I couldn’t stay away). Anyone have any big plans? Or any extra inauguration tickets…?

*via Jezebel.

16 thoughts on Who’s going to DC for the inauguration?

  1. I am! Still haven’t heard back from my congressman about inauguration tix (and probably never will), but no matter: I’m going to brave the hordes. Heading down outta freezing Massachusetts, making a pit stop at home in NYC, and off to DC on Saturday! WOO! Warmer weather AND rocking historical events!

    Yes, I am that psyched about warmer weather.

  2. My fiance and I tried to get tickets but they told us last week that they only had 1,000 tickets to give out but had 60,000 requests, so we didn’t get tickets. We’re still going though, but we’ll have to stay in the non-ticket area.

    > Yes, I am that psyched about warmer weather.

    Funny how warmth is relative. I’m dreading the idea of staying out in the cold for six hours 😮

  3. I live here (well, in Northern VA) and so I’ll be around. I work in Maryland, and usually commute by Metro, so I’m taking the day off of work.

    If my attempts to bike commute fail, I was planning on going in on my bike to see what I could see and take some pictures.

  4. as someone who was very enthusiastic about obama’s campaign, i now have a strong desire to protest during his inauguration day.

    his embrace of neoconservatism has really pissed me off during the gaza situation, and this is on top of his idiotic warren pick.

    within the last couple months, i’ve gone from cheering him on in grant park, chicago, to protesting his words & actions.

  5. I know a guy in some serious debt with two swearing-in tickets he is looking to sell. Email me if you are interested.

  6. I think Obama’s election is more exciting because what it says about how Americans view race. Then again, you could say it has more to do with their ability to be bought by a sleek marketing campaign. Were Obama’s politics that different from Hillary’s? No. But his image as an image of change is powerful.

  7. My boyfriend and I are driving from Ann Arbor, Michigan on Saturday. I’m leaving after he gets sworn-in. I don’t have tickets but I don’t care. I want to witness history. If you’re going to go, I hope you have a safe trip! Stay warm!

  8. I lucked out – my best friend bought a condo in DC just a few months ago!! So i have a place to say 🙂 My Sig O and i are headed down Sat – Thurs!!! 🙂 We’re very excited to be a part of history 🙂 I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures and post them on my blog when i return 🙂

  9. We were going to schlep down, but couldn’t make the logistics work with two small children, so we’re staying put in NYC. We do want to get out and do something public, though, instead of just holing up in the apartment, so we’re scouting out possibilities.

    The Schomburg Center, Harlem’s research library for African-American history, is opening up its auditorium for the day with a live big-screen feed of the event, and that’s our leading candidate right now, but I’d love to hear about other New York options.

    What are other folks who aren’t going to DC planning?

  10. Morningstar, you’re ignoring all the good stuff. He is not going to be Your Perfect President. He can’t be. But of course you’ll just ignore that and choose to pretend he can be. And you’ll ignore all the good he’s already done. AND HE IS NOT EVEN IN OFFICE YET. I think people expect him to be acting president already, which is idiotic. Let the man serve first, then decide if he’s going to be OMG TEH HORRIBLE, jesus fucking christ.

  11. We live in the area. We might go…before the Warren thing, we definitely were planning to go. And even though I defend his decision, it did suck all the joy out of the occasion. Maybe we’ll brave the crowds, but it’s a close question. I’m not looking forward to the crowds on the metro. I figure we’ll be crammed in there like sardines. If we do go, we’ll be turning around during Warren’s bs.

  12. littleapples, i was pretty specific about what i was annoyed with, so your hypervigilant defense of him is coming as pretty ridiculous. he didn’t “need to be president” to express some reservations over israel’s actions (at the very least express concern over the humanitarian situation) and the warren pick still pisses me off.

    i am someone who didnt expect much change with foreign policy, but what he did here was unforgivable, IMO.

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