In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Quintessential FIPness

Before I take my break, I have to point you to a witness of quintessential FIPness.

And now you know why I’m so hung up on the entwining issues of parenthood, entitlement, wealth and divine birthright.

11 thoughts on Quintessential FIPness

  1. I loved the entry, but when I try to comment, it tells me that The first two letter of my comment (whatever they are) are “questionable content.”

    Anyway, that was beautiful, simply beautiful.

  2. Daymn, Girl! You’re quick with the linkiness.

    My comments are fragged until my tech friend has time to upgrade me. Thanks for trying anyway, Heliologue.

  3. That was brilliant! What a dumbass mother/mutha. Neon sign voltage starts around 50,000. Maybe she was just tired of spending money on the kid and wanted an easy way to get rid of him.

    Rude, ignorant dumbasses like that make me tired.

  4. Oh, that was priceless. Absolutely awesome. FIPs get on my nerves more than almost anyone else, and if they are racist…well, that just takes it right over the edge for me.

    Thanks, I needed a smile today.

  5. The poor kid in this story is going to grow up thinking he is entitled to everything…except his parents’ attention. Maybe if the FIP (got to agree with the designation in this case) had been paying attention to her son, ie talking to him instead of the cell phone (didn’t her parents ever teach her that it’s rude to ignore your lunch partner?) he wouldn’t have felt the need to rub pizza on the window and pound on a neon sign.

  6. That’s the best thing I’ve read in a long, long time. I waitress, and jesus do I have to see things like that all the time. It’s nice to know someone stood up and talked back!

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