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Jesus “Hulk” Christ

Would you pay more than $10,000 for a painting of a beefed-up Jesus muscling his way off the cross? Cuz someone would.

7 thoughts on Jesus “Hulk” Christ

  1. So that’s the religious might righties have been claiming all these years? When a beefed-up Jesus knocks down my door perhaps maybe I’ll make my way to church.

  2. I’m pretty sure I’d pay about $10 million for a muscle bound Jesus carrying a cross. Not a painting of him. But actually him. I would keep him on my mantle and gaze at him adoringly three times a day.

  3. Puny humans love one another or Jesus will smash!

    gotta say: that painting is wicked!
    wicked COOL!

    tho’ not as cool as the t-shirts sported by Promisekeepers several years ago in Seattle featuring Jesus doing pushups with the cross on his back under the logo: No Pain, No Gain

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