In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

AZ legislator would like to make women watch abortions before they can have them.

When I was about 10, I was visiting my grandparents in Chicago and for some reason I still do not understand, they played us a video of my grandpa’s cataract surgery. It was a close-up of my grandpa’s eye, and then the eye got sliced into, and then a little vacuum thing went in and oh god I won’t get any more detailed but it was horrific and psychologically scarring. Anything eye-injury-related still freaks me out (even more, I suppose, than the standard amount of freaked-out normally associated with eye-related injuries).

Arizona is officially the worst state in the union now, right?

I know it’s a tough competition, but now they’re evaluating a bill that would allow doctors to keep crucial information from pregnant women, if giving them that information might lead to abortion. The bill purports to protect doctors from “wrongful birth” suits, but the consequences could be much broader — it removes civil penalties for doctors who intentionally withhold health information from pregnant women. So if a woman gets prenatal testing and the fetus has severe abnormalities incompatible with life? It’s a-ok to just not tell her — just let her go on decorating that nursery! If a woman is pregnant and the doctor realizes that she’s going to have a baby with a disability or a birth defect? Just don’t mention anything, because who needs time to prepare? If there are potential health complications because of a fetal abnormality, or another problem with the pregnancy? Meh. Don’t tell the little lady, because she might make a decision you don’t like.

Posted in Law