In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Gentle readers, feel free to drop links to blog posts you’ve written over the last week. Link to specific pieces, not just your whole blog.

Not quite sure how this HTML deal works? Just use this as an example: <a href=>BlogPostTitle</a>

A Quick Note

Life has gotten the best of us. Due to the overwhelming number of comments we are taking in daily, and our inability to moderate comments in an adequate and timely manner, all comments will go directly into moderation until further notice. Guest bloggers will continue to approve comments on their own posts, and we will attempt to moderate in the interim.

We apologize for any confusion this may cause. Feel free to complain by email.

Money Is Power

You probably also noticed that the economy isn’t doing so well, and it isn’t producing jobs. Instead of caring about the wage collapsing effects that are draining public funds, the people who were wrong about everything in the first place and missed the crisis coming, have busied themselves with slashing the social safety net for ordinary people.

In the middle of this complete economic failure, promises to the middle class aren’t worth much and the kinds of jobs that always sustained a middle class seem to be vanishing.

This is the political climate in which we have to work to close the gender pay gap. There are uncanny similarities to when the New Deal coalition fell apart in the 1970s, as eerily highlighted by Jefferson Cowie; the early racial integration of the labor force had the bad fortune to coincide with a contraction that decreased opportunities for (almost) everyone.

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Fat and Health, A Response

A guest post by former Feministe blogger Zuzu, who says, “I swear on a stack of pancakes that I didn’t read Atheling’s piece before I wrote this.” Cross-posted at her new blog, Kindly Póg Mo Thóin.

    First Things First: What’s It To You?

I’ve been living in New York a long time (and am reluctantly about to leave it). One of the most useful sayings I’ve picked up here is, “What’s it to you?” *

That handy phrase pretty summed up my first reaction to reading Monica’s post about fat and health. Why, if she doesn’t experience any kind of weight-based discrimination at the doctor or elsewhere, does she get invested in defending the BMI against feminist criticism?

And then I got to the donuts, and all became clear. Monica appears to have fallen into the trap of conflating weight and health, and attributing moral laxity to the overweight — who of course couldn’t have gotten that way had they just eased off the donuts. Donuts being the go-to shorthand for the moral failings of fat people. Oh, sometimes it’s pie, occasionally it’s cake, but it’s usually donuts, those tasty little rings of deep-fried sloth.

While I don’t relish having to address such misconceptions again, it’s worth doing the pushback. However, I don’t want to do a point-by-point fisking of Monica’s piece, partly because comments are closed and I missed the window when they were open. Partly because it’s somewhat jumbled, and there were some points raised in comments that throw a different light on the original post. Also? The commenters did a pretty damn good job of refuting particular points. I also don’t want to make this about Monica.

Instead, I want to talk a bit about fat and health and why fat hatred is a feminist issue.

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Shameful Behaviour

Atheling aka wickedday is a white, middle-sized, currently able-bodied, cis- and heterosexual British woman about to start studying for an MA in medieval literature. This piece was originally posted at her personal blog, This Wicked Day, where she also blogs about language, geeky things, random crap on the Internet and University Challenge in addition to feminism.


One of the historic and ongoing aims of feminism and feminist movements has been the attempt to eradicate what’s known in the feminist blogosphere as slut-shaming. Even if you’ve never seen the term before, you’ve almost certainly observed it in action: somebody or somebodies abusing someone else on the basis of their (real or imagined) sex life, where ‘acceptable’ levels and types of sexuality are a) wildly inconsistent and b) liable to change without notice (assuming anyone states them in the first place).

Take Sam. Sam is not any of the Sams I know; Sam is a purely imaginary person, who has had sex 20 times in the last year. That’s a number: a neutral statement. But twenty sexual encounters in a year will be read very differently depending on whether they were all with a long-term partner or with twenty one-night stands. Both those situations are also likely to be perceived differently depending on Hypothetical Sam’s sex, sexuality and gender. And race. And dis/ability status. And age.* And what exactly they were doing. And how many people were involved. And their sex/race/age/etc. And fuck knows what else.

Slut-shaming is the shame directed at the many, many Sams who fall down, or who are alleged to have fallen down, on one of the myriad unstated Rules About Sex and are therefore designated as sluts. It happens less than it used to, but there’s still plenty of it, as is readily imaginable from the range of differing reactions to the cast of Sams posited above.

The practical argument against slut-shaming is simple: it doesn’t work.

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Gender Pay Gap Underestimates Economic Inequality

by Joan Williams

The gender pay gap is standard measure of women’s economic inequality. At the dawn of second-wave feminism, it was 59 cents: women earned 59 cents for every dollar men earned. Today it’s up to 77 cents, according to the National Committee on Pay Equity. That’s progress, right? Here’s even more rosy news: women without children now earn over 90 percent of men’s wages. So maybe it is time to stop worrying about women and economics.

Not so fast. Let’s start with the 90 percent statistic, which describes childless women at age thirty. Conservatives like to point to that one, concluding that what ails mothers is not discrimination but their own choices. In fact, I have argued, what the 90 percent statistic really means is that women, if they want equality, should plan to die childless at thirty.

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Goodbye and thank you

I can’t believe how quickly these two weeks have passed. There are at least two original posts that I had hoped to write, but now, alas, my time as a guest blogger is up. I have enjoyed contributing to this community. I think I’ve been cured of lurking and will be a real participant here in the future. And I hope some of you will continue to follow me in the various places where I write. You can also keep in touch by following “whattamisaid” on Twitter.

Until next time…

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Gentle readers, feel free to drop links to blog posts you’ve written over the last week. Link to specific pieces, not just your whole blog.

Not quite sure how this HTML deal works? Just use this as an example: <a href=>BlogPostTitle</a>

Hasta mañana

Image reading "Have a great time reading my vacation tweets"

A PSA to the community: I am going on vacation starting tonight, to Colombia (Bogota and Santander, for the interested). I am not going to be checking the blog until September 12th. That means posting and comment moderation is going to be slow — please be patient.


So that’s it for me. Today I wrote my last guest post for Feministe. It’s been really great to have a chance to write on feminist issues in this space. Thanks to all of you for having me. Have a good and safe Labor Day weekend.