In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Gentle readers, feel free to drop links to blog posts you’ve written over the last week. Link to specific pieces, not just your whole blog.

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53 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Sex Workers =/= Organized Crime: On one of the problems with the Canadian government’s new tough-on-crime measures.

    I Like The Toronto Star: The Toronto Star gets it right reporting on the judge whose kinky photos were posted online.

    I Am By No Means A Sexist: A common tune for commenters is turned into an actual song.

    What Comes After The Gender Binary?: Not uniform androgyny.

    Sin-Sational!: In which my search for an anti-gay website to troll is rewarded with hilarity.

    Nuclear Proliferation: A-Okay If You Don’t Stone Women?: Sometimes Jon Stewart says stupid stuff.

    Group That Thinks That Jesus’ Cosmic Tears Can Wash Away The Gay =/= Legitimate Charity: A group that tries to “cure” homosexuality should not get tax breaks for their efforts.

  2. This week at Yes Means Yes Blog:

    False Rape Allegations Are Rare. New research from psychologist David Lisak, forthcoming in December, shows that false allegations make up only 5.9% of the rape reports at a university over a ten year period.

    GLBT Rights On The Prairie Of Prax, in which I got Seussical about the current state of political cowardice as the country moves forward.

    Terminological Bullshit, the kind where people duck, dodge and get desperate to limit the use of the word “Rape.”

  3. Babble Twitter Moms and The White Woman’s Convention: Popular parenting site Babble made a list of the 50 top twitter moms and there is a noticeable absence of WOC.

    The Boondocks: Grand Dad put Down the Belt: Looking at the violence against children in the popular cartoon The Boondocks.

    Morrissey, Subspecies and White Vegans: Looking at the way racism is employed against people of colour by White vegans in the name of ending animal cruelty.

    Biblical Marriage Is Not As Straight Forward as it Seems: Looking at how problematic marriage is in the bible and why it cannot be used as a defence against same sex marriage.

    It’s Time to Stage an Axe Intervention: Looking at how to convince Axe lovers that the stink rather than smell good.

  4. ADHD isn’t Trivial because I’m tired of seeing a real disability being treated like it’s nothing more than being energetic, mildly forgetful, and having a short attention span.

    Thinking About 9/11 – If you follow this link please read the post charefully before jumping to any conclusions about what I am saying.

    Honduras: Cis man sentenced for abduction and multiple stabbing – by Helen BoP, my co-blogger. Trigger warning: Descriptions of transphobic violence.

    Don’t Ask Don’t Tell declared unconstitutional – the post is just news, but the discussion was lively for a bit.

  5. The daily experiences of a person with Asperger’s.

    Is the censorship of Craigslist in line with liberal values?

    A nostalgic reflection on how I published my first research article and what this experience tells us about the state of things in academia.

  6. This week at of Heart and Mind:

    Elizabeth discussed what 9/11 means to a certain generation and whether or not a collective experience of the event can really exist.

    Julia went to an awesome lecture on the new(ish) translation of Simone de Beauvior’s The Second Sex and wrote this awesome review.

    Check it out and, as always, all comments are encouraged!

  7. At re:Cycling, we’re almost back to full blogging staff! (We’ve got two new bloggers starting next week, with a formal introduction coming soon.)

    This week, we had a guest post from Chella Quint (Adventures in Menstruating) about the new date-a-shirtless-dude ads from Stayfree, and our regulars wrote about how the birth control pill’s effect on libido is covered in mainstream media, trends in pubic hair styling, the dangers of ghostwriting medical research articles, and new research about the effects of menstrual pain in teens, plus our weekly recommendations.

  8. I started the week writing about Labor Day and its connection to the labor movements.
    On Thursday I put up a piece on the difference between “identifying as” and”identifying with”

    Yesterday I put one up about the myths regarding who pressured women with transsexualism to act in a certain way.

  9. Been awhile since I shamelessly self-promoted.

    In the meantime, I posted a video that I found hilarious, ranted about how my med school class has changed between the first and second years, got pissed off at our intro to nutrition lecture, and broke it down for an anonymous troll who asked me if maybe, possibly, I may have ever considered that women should sometimes do stuffz to keep themselves safe from teh rape.

  10. On my own blog I wrote about reclaiming another of the Goddess phases, the Maiden-

    I also wrote about being bi-invisible and bring bisexuality to the light-

    I also wrote about fears and phobias and how they can play in your life-

    Recently I have been thinking about the conundrum of being bisexual with a man and the question of legal marriage-

    And so much more.

  11. New at Musings of an Inappropriate Woman…

    This is not a passive aggressive note:

    It feels like everyone is on Tumblr these days. And sometimes that means you inadvertantly come across things you’re probably not supposed to see.

    The latest discovery? A girl I’m rather fond of – half my age – whose blog is scattered with pictures of painfully thin models, ‘It girls’ and paeans to “perfection”.

    Making Magic 2: on the tyranny of images:

    I’ve been thinking a lot about fabulousness lately. Mostly for a couple of articles I’ve been working on, but as a perpetual shifter (not in the True Blood sense, but in the sense of one who is always making minor adjustments to her life) I guess it’s something I think about a bit anyway.

  12. Teaching moments

    I write here about specific teaching moments I’ve encountered recently, because I think it’s important to remember that we can teach (and learn about) privilege, gender, sexuality, racism, sexism, ableism, etc. every day.

  13. New posts up on Elysium Avenue. This week was Beer week and our writers each put up something special about how we discovered beer, learned to like it, and shared our faves.

    Natasha wrote “A Blue Ribbon Winner”

    I wrote “A Cable Car Named Desire”

    Lisa wrote How to Lose Your Beer Virginity

    I found an amusing beer commercial video, that’s amazingly not misogynistic or horrifying at all!

    Fridays are a new segment that are all food. This week I baked a glorious yellow cake

    And finally, we’re having a blog contest. Details here!

  14. I made a post about the Seattle teacher labor contract, its impact on education, and institutional racism.

    Reflections on the Seattle teacher contract negotiations

    Bad stuff is going down in Seattle this fall, and it’s part of a national right-wing project to privatize schools and deprofessionalize teaching. I’d like to ask anyone worldwide who is a parent or in any way connected to K-12 education to post your local experience & to keep an eye on my blog.

  15. I am not sure how to write about this but, I think someone should write about masculinism and how it relates to feminism. I don’t know a lot about it, and I don’t want to write something incorrect, but it would be a good topic.

  16. I’m not really a regular blogger, but I would like to share this visual blog post/collage of images with feminist community. It shows a selection of images accompanying posts by popular tech zine Valleywag (owned by Gawker).
    While images showing males in most cases (at least 90%) show males as “serious-looking”, powerful, dignified figures (and fully-clothed), you can see for yourself how females are portrayed by this misogynist tech zine (reflecting general misogyny in computer industry, as I can testify from my own experience). Over 85% of female images posted by Valleywag show women in objectified and sexualized way.

  17. I’m not really a regular blogger, but I would like to share this visual blog post/collage of images with feminist community. It shows a selection of images accompanying posts by popular tech zine Valleywag (owned by Gawker).
    Misogyny by Valleywag, in pictures
    While images showing males in most cases (at least 90%) show males as “serious-looking”, powerful, dignified figures (and fully-clothed), you can see for yourself how females are portrayed by this misogynist tech zine (reflecting general misogyny in computer industry, as I can testify from my own experience). Over 85% of female images posted by Valleywag show women in objectified and sexualized way.

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