In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Palin’s “Girliness”

Two of my favorite feminists, Rebecca Traister of Salon and Megan Carpentier of Jezebel, discuss Sarah Palin and the femininity factor on Bloggingheads:

While I think Meghan and Rebecca are great, I’m not such a fan of the Times’ description of the segment:

Megan Carpentier of the blog Jezebel, left, and Rebecca Traister of Salon discuss female politicians, such as Sarah Palin, who refuse to hide their femininity.

Sarah Palin isn’t “refusing to hide” her femininity; she’s playing it up and performing it. It’s an understandable decision, and as a relatively femme-y feminist I’ll be the last one to criticize another woman for wearing lipstick and skirts or holding babies or winking or whatever it is that Sarah Palin is “not hiding.” Performing femininity can bring with it a whole slew of benefits, not the least of which is being perceived as attractive on a variety of levels.

But it’s not like any of us came out of the womb in high heels and lipgloss.

So I kind of wonder how the Times defines “femininity.” Because if it’s just heels and lipstick, or raising a family, then a whole lot of women in politics (certainly including one former Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives) fit the bill. But I kind of suspect that there’s something else about Gov. Palin that makes the Times assert that she isn’t “hiding her femininity.” Call my cynical — or just say I read the headline — but I think they’re defining “feminine” as “girly.” And “girly” is basically short-hand for frivolous and stupid (unlike “boyish,” which seems to be closer to “charming”).

Now, I happen to agree that Palin is a blithering idiot. But our current blithering idiot of a president isn’t a blithering idiot because he “refuses to hide his masculinity” — he’s a blithering idiot because he’s a blithering idiot with insufficient experience, a stone-age ideological bent, and a pea-brain. He also plays up the gender thing by acting like a big macho cowboy in order to resonate with “Joe Sixpack.” Palin plays up the gender thing for the same reasons — to resonate with the majority of Americans who respond strongly to traditional gender roles, and for whom performed femininity makes women seem more appealing and less threatening.

Ain’t nothin inherently wrong with performed femininity,* or at least with many of the trappings of femininity. Taken out of context they’re all just things. They can even be — wait for it — fun. And I’m personally getting a little tired of “girly” things being derided — as if Nascar and trucks with big wheels are somehow Very Serious.

But we all know it’s an act, right?

*That, actually, is a lie. There can be a lot wrong with performed femininity when an entire class of people are pressured and manipulated into performing it, and most don’t have another viable option. But that said, there isn’t anything anti-feminist about individual women performing femininity to various degrees. At least I hope not, or I’m out of the club.

Congrats, Jess!

For the new book. It’s a great topic, and one that Feministing has covered with great depth and insight since their founding. I’m really looking forward to reading it (plus I love the cover).

Congratulations, Jessica!

On Those Supposed “Rape Exceptions”

Trigger Warning

Last Sunday morning when I was in South Dakota we received the Argus Leader newspaper, which contained this article detailing the proposed abortion ban and laying out the “pros” and “cons” of the bill based on what each side has been saying. It was way too much for my blood pressure to deal with at 9AM after two very exhausting days, but I would like to address some of those “pro” arguments now — namely, those revolving around the rape “exceptions.”

I discussed the content of those so-called rape exceptions in Measure 11 and what they entail in depth in this post. They are absolutely cruel to women, which was the primary argument I made at the time. What I didn’t necessarily see coming — and hey, sometimes I’m short-sighted — was that just as anti-choicers have tried to reframe revoking a woman’s reproductive rights as empowering to her, they would attempt to reframe revoking a woman’s choice to not report her rape as also empowering to her. Or, at least, empowering to society, and she’d certainly be second to that, now wouldn’t she?

Let’s take a look at the first argument:

Before a doctor could perform an abortion in these instances, the victim would be told that a report was required, and the doctor would be required to report the crime “by telephone or otherwise” to the state’s attorney or law enforcement.

The report would be made in the county in which the assault occurred. If that were unknown, the report would be made to law enforcement in the county in which the report was made to the doctor. The name, address and birth date of the woman, the date or dates of the rape or incest, the name and address or a description of the attacker (in rape cases) or the relationship between the pregnant woman and the perpetrator (in incest cases) also would need to be in the report.

Pro: Shifting the burden of reporting from victim to doctor eases some of the trauma, supporters say. The report can help catch the perpetrator, they add. “It’s an unfortunate situation, but if it is truly a case of rape or incest, we’re doing a disservice to society if we don’t do that,” Ridder said.

I have to give the anti-choice Satan spawns credit where credit is due: to the untrained eye, this argument looks pretty good. But the fact is that it’s flat-out wrong.

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Today May Be Your Last Day to Register To Vote

Nicole writes in,

My grandmother is 76 years old and has never registered to vote. During the 2004 election, I remember her vehemently voicing her choice not to vote, because she didn’t think it made a difference. Never the less, I’ve always thought she was an amazing woman.

When she announced at dinner a few weeks ago that she finally registered to vote (it was on her “bucket list,” she said), we all starred in awe. Why this election? Why now?

Well, she freaking loves Barack Obama. She thinks he’s the patron saint of politics. Also, I think it’s that she finally realized that there is something wrong with the way our country is being run. And while part of my family has suddenly turned conservative, because a black man is running in the race, my grandmother and I are going to the polls in November to vote for Barack Obama. She even suggested we go campaign for him. Now that is a desire for change!


Be like Nicole’s grandmother and get your ass down to your local registration office to register to vote. In many states today is the last day to register to vote in the 2008 presidential election. Where I’m from, your registration has to be filled out and in the office by the end of the business day. If you’re mailing it in, it must be postmarked for October 6th.

Get on it!

Posted in Uncategorized

This is what a feminist looks like?

The president of Los Angeles NOW — but not the actual LA chapter of NOW — endorses Sarah Palin:

Excuse me, this is a woman who will fight for women’s rights? Which rights would those be? She’s on a ticket that is anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-pay-equality and generally bad for women. Having women in positions in power is crucial to empowering women more broadly; but when those women are anti-feminist, it’s not a feminist move to elect them.

To be clear, NOW’s LA chapter is endorsing Obama/Biden, not Palin. The Palin endorsement is an individual, personal one. But of course right-wing sites are already celebrating this “new feminism” — because apparently, “same-old” is the new “new.”

“Marriage is… a Sacred Institution Between Two Unwilling Teenagers”

No better way to start your day than with Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill, and of course, Tina Fey as Governor Sarah Palin.

I haven’t laughed this hard all week.

Next week, SNL is just going to overdub a laugh track on clips taken directly from the campaign trail.

UPDATE: Aviva has a more serious analysis of what may happen to the public’s perception of Governor Palin when we associate images of Palin and Tina Fey so closely.

I see your smoosh-face and raise you a teeny grey baby

All I have to say is, Lauren started it.

You think your cats are cuter than my cats? I would just like to point out that I was unable to take individual pictures of my kittens because they are so adorable and loving that they insist on sitting on my lap at all times. Case in point:

Cuties, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

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Caturday Kitteh War!!!1!

Sad, but true: I detect a bit of ageism in the favoritism of Leopold and Omar/Percival as the newest, sparkliest Feministe kittehs. Is there no room for kittehs over the age of four on this blog?

Take Doug. At the spry age of four, Douglas is an active kitteh with an excellent motor:

And five-year-old Wilford Brimley Fidelio is also very young at heart. He likes to stay in shape by practicing yoga, and he also loves to lay on play with legos.

Fidel helps us with legos.
[best viewed in realkitteh size]

We will not tolerate this jeunism on Feministe, and we will not rest until it stops. Today I form the Society for Older Cats’ and Kittehs’ Salvation (S.O.C.K.S.) in protest of this travesty.

Who is with me?

Posted in Fun

There’s a Reason I Don’t Like Having My Picture Taken

And the primary one is that once it’s out there, anyone can do anything to it.

One day, you’re exchanging promise rings, and the next thing you know, you’re prosecuting your ex-fiancĂ© for putting photos of your boobs on MySpace. The perils of modern love! Richard Morgan delves deep into what he terms “Revenge Porn,” i.e., when men distribute pornographic images of their exes without consent, on, and it ain’t pretty. The most insidious form of revenge porn includes the woman’s name, phone number, and address along with the naughty video for ultimate public humiliation. The worst part of the whole thing? Revenge porn is notoriously hard to prosecute.

Eight or nine years ago, the asshole I was seeing did this to me.

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