In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Horton Hears a Sexist

horton hears a who

Peter Sagal asks, What did Dr. Suess do to movie producers to make them so desperate to pervert his work? This time around, film makers created a brand-new subplot wherein the Major of Whoville has 96 daughters and one son.

Guess who gets all of his attention? Guess who saves the day?

You should read Sagal’s whole piece (it’s short), but this was my favorite part:

And there’s this — not only does the movie end with father and son embracing, while the 96 daughters are, I guess, playing in a well, somewhere, but the son earns his father’s love by saving the world. Boys get to save the world, and girls get to stand there and say, I knew you could do it. How did they know he could do it? Maybe because they watched every other movie ever made?

We got into the car outside the cinpeplex and I was quite in lather, let me tell you. How come one of the GIRLs didn’t get to save Whoville? I cried.

“Yeah!” said my daughters.

“And while we’re at it, how come a girl doesn’t get to blow up the Death Star! Or send ET home? Or defeat Captain Hook! Or Destroy the Ring of Power!”

“That’s rotten!” cried my daughters.

“How come Trinity can’t be the One who defeats the Matrix!” I yelled.

“What are you talking about?” they said.

“You’ll find out later,” I said. “But here’s one: how come a girl doesn’t get to defeat Lord Voldemort!”

“Well, wait a minute, Papa,” they said. “None of us would want to mess with him.”

I took their point. But I still wanted to grab that fictional, silly mayor of Whoville by his weirdly ruffled neck, and say, you see those 96 people over there? Those girls, those women, those daughters? You know what they’re saying to you, every minute of every day that you waste thinking about anything else?

They are shouting at you. They are shouting:

“We are here! We are here! We are here!”

Thanks to Julia for the link.

New Favorite Website, chapter 2

It’s not as adorable as the Daily Puppy, but I am hooked on Postcards from Yo Momma — mostly because it is exactly how my mom talks when she IMs me. There are always lots of exclamation points, and my mom is a huge fan of large blocks of text in one IM — she clearly has a series of questions she’s been meaning to ask me, and so she asks them all in one block. She also calls it “emailing,” and signs off with “Ok honey talk to you later! Love, mom.” It’s really cute.

My mom has yet to discover Gchat, but apparently some other moms on Postcards have figured it out. This one is my fave:

* me: Mom, did you watch the Sex and the City trailer?
* Mom: Oh Hi, can you see me right now? No where is it?
* me: hi! No, this is just instant messaging. I just sent the link to you, check your inbox
* Mom: ok, aren’t you impressed with me on chat!!!!!!!!!
* me: no, you are way too slow, stop typing and go watch the trailer
* Mom: Fine, is it goood?
* me: SO GOOD
* Mom: How did you type that back so FAST!
* me: Mom.
* Mom: OK I am going to go watch it now. bye bye
* me: no don’t go anywhere, just watch it and then tell me what you think
* Mom: ok
* Mom: I CAN”T WAIT!!!!!!!!WOW!!!!!YEAH!!!! when does it come out? It probably said, I am going to watch it again…
* me: May 30th
* Mom: I better get moving, talk to you soon, Love Mom
* me: get moving where? what do you have to do today? i’m the one who has to get back to my job, I have to go
* Mom: Work work work
* me: you’re ridic, lata playa
* Mom: Bye, Lata playa
* me: Mom don’t copy me
* Mom: Word

Thanks to Deanna for spreading the word about this amazing site.

Posted in Fun

Craziest Sex Scandal Yet

What. The. Fuck. And here I thought we couldn’t do any better than “Evangelical mega-church preacher does crystal meth with male prostitutes.”

(Sidenote: You know a sex scandal is insane when the first thing you think of is an Overheard in New York quote).

I’m not going to quote at length from the article because the whole thing just makes me feel too weird,* but the gist of it is that the head of Formula One’s governing body was caught on video with five prostitutes playing concentration camp fetish games. And don’t worry, the cracker-jack reporters at ABC news explain that “While the Nazi concept is not unusual in sadomasochistic circles, playing both sides in such a kinky ritual is unusual, say sex experts.”

He played both sides? Well in that case, he really is a pervert!

In an interesting twist (as if there had to be anything else), the guy’s father was the founder of the British Union of Fascists and a supporter of Adolph Hitler. It’s almost the perfect storm of sex scandals — if only he were a right-wing politician playing Nazi dress-up with dudes it would seal the deal.

And, sweet Jesus, there is a video. I haven’t watched it because I’m not such a fan of that stuff, but I’m going to guess that it is neither work-safe nor for the faint of heart.

Also: Best/Worst Sex Scandal Graphic:


It’s kind of an amazing confluence of all things offensive in one place.

Read More…Read More…

Posted in Sex

Whores Whores Whores

Liberal comedian Randi Rhodes:

Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton are “big fucking whores.” Yes, it’s a comedy routine, but don’t you think we can do a little better than this? (And can’t we pick an insult that isn’t (a) gendered and (b) unnecessarily mean towards all the perfectly decent whores of the world?)

So glad that prominent progressive women are using their platforms to raise the level of discourse around issues of politics and sexism.

Thanks to Tommy for the link.

You know what’ll really ruin your day?

Full-fat heaven.

Craving cheddar cheese for 48 hours, buying it at the bodega, then getting home, tasting it, being totally disgusted, and reading the label to discover that you accidentally purchased fat-free cheese. Who are you insane gastronomical killjoys who thought up fat-free cheese? Who are the clearly off-balance people who eat it? And what in God’s name does that rubbery, pathetic excuse for cheddar do when you try to melt it? (I don’t think I even want to know).

That shit is nasty, and it offends me that anyone ever thought it was a good idea. Cheese has fat in it, people, and when you take the fat out, it tastes really bad. Few things irritate me more than “diet” food that is simply a way-less-satisfying version of what you actually wanted to eat. What’s the point?

What ticked you off today?

Oprah stands up for the little (furry) guy

I almost never actually watch Oprah because I’m never home during the day and because my TV really only gets turned on for LOST at this point, but I can admit that I not-so-secretly love her. As much as I cringe when I see the “Oprah’s Book Club” stickers on novels I’d like to pick up, the woman has revitalized the book industry and gotten a whole lot of people reading — and she isn’t picking crap to read, either. My biggest beef with her is Dr. Phil, who is a total wiener, but I can forgive her that mistake for all the other good she does.

Like her upcoming show on puppy mills. Yeah, I know, perhaps not the most important issue in the entire world, and I’m usually the type to focus more on people-issues than non-human-animal issues. But animal rights activism rarely gets the attention it deserves (unless it’s obnoxious, sexist, racist, anti-Semitic or some combination of the above), and so I think it’s important to highlight fact-based, non-bigoted kind, especially when it’s taken by a mainstream media figure as huge as Oprah. A whole lot of people still buy their dogs from pet stores, and any swipe at the puppy mill industry is cool with me — especially when you spread the word to the kind of people who otherwise may not take the time to find out (or who may be turned off by PETA rhetoric if they did start to google the issue). So good on Oprah and Lisa Ling.

Now, will someone please find a way to deliver this little guy to my door?


Tasty Blog Bits: An Eye on Muslim Women in the Media


Muslimah Media Watch is our blog of the week, and if you don’t already read it, head over now. Their tagline is “Looking at Muslim women in the media and pop culture,” and they carry out that goal with much-need skepticism, valuable experience and cutting intellect. In the past few days, they’ve had posts about the Western media’s shocked response to the successful public career of a Pakistani bisexual transwoman; a cartoon “cheat sheet” for the different types of Syrian hejab styles (watch heads explode as some Westerners learn that there’s more than one?!) and the various implications therein; and the art that Muslim women are creating and speaking.

Muslimah Media Watch
is updated nearly every day and it presents an essential but often-silenced perspective on media, culture and politics, so add it to your blogroll, bookmarks or RSS feed and enjoy.

Posted in Uncategorized

Go, young feminists, go!

Cassandra writes:

You might remember that I sent in a Feministe Feedback two months ago. If you don’t, the basic background is that I am a seventeen year old Canadian with a budding interest in feminism and human rights and nowhere to channel it. I began to read back in the archives of your blog to learn more and followed links and read. I eventually read about grassroots movements and so on. I reached out and networked with some girls at my all-girls Catholic school during a history class as we talked about race relations in North America. I learned a lot from them. We went to the administration to try to set up a “feminist club”, but we were rejected.

So we took our fights outside. We handed fliers outside off school property, and organized independent meetings across the Toronto Catholic District School Board. This March we organized events for Eating Disorder Awareness Week and raised $2,000 across Toronto for charity and granted bursaries from our donations to young girls who have experienced, struggled with or survived an eating disorder to help them with future education.

I know that this is, on a larger scale, quite small and probably just a drop in an ocean. But I wanted to thank you for helping me find my voice as a young feminist. I have started an internet blog and am currently heading a council made up of TCDSB students to provide a meeting and speaking space for young women to discuss and learn from each other.

That’s what we love to hear, Cassandra! Keep up the good work. And leave a link to your blog in comments so others can check it out.

UPDATE: Here’s the blog.