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Tuesday Travel Blogging – Legrena

I’ve been pretty hit-or-miss with the travel blogging these days, but life has gotten very stressful and it makes me feel a little better to look at pretty pictures. So today, I’m Travel Blogging a teeny tiny little Greek village called Legrena. The word “town” is almost certainly too generous for this place — there isn’t so much as a grocery store. I lived there for a summer when I was working at a Greek legal organization — an organization that was, inexplicably, located in Legrena as well as Athens (although it is Greece, so perhaps that’s explanation enough). Legrena is about an hour outside of Athens (two hours if you always had to take the bus, like I did), and about 5k away from the Temple of Poseidon. It consisted of the legal office I worked at, a little bakery we called the fornaio (I worked with a lot of Italians), two restaurants owned by brothers (the Meat Restaurant and the Seafood Restaurant), a catch-all little shop that sold stuff like magazines and ice cream, a lovely little church, a graveyard, and a beach.

I lived alone, and everyone else commuted to work from Athens or a more populous suburb, so I spent a lot of time alone that summer. I had a TV, but it only had three channels — all in Greek — and I didn’t have internet in my little apartment. I got a lot of reading done (including The Satanic Verses three times), went on a lot of runs once the sun went down, and spent a lot of time at the beach. At first it was depressing, but after about a month, I really started to love all the alone time. I kept up a pretty good journal, learned a lot, ended an unhealthy relationship, and generally got myself to a pretty good mental place. That summer was also the first time I traveled extensively by myself. Despite the, uh, eccentricities of the Greek public transportation systems (and, to be honest, most Greek systems), I adored Greece — and Legrena in particular — and was incredibly sad to have to leave.

Coming back to New York was a real culture shock, and I found myself immediately overwhelmed with school, a series of family crises, a new (even worse) relationship, finding a new apartment, law firm interviews, and Real Life in general. It was a pretty awful four months, at least in part because the three months before had been so relaxing and centering and wonderful.

So this is Legrena. Most Greeks haven’t even heard of it, and I doubt it’s on any major maps. But it’s a place I really grew to love and, in a short period of time, to know quite well. I really hope I can return some day. More photos are below the fold, and the entire set can be found here. All of my Greece pictures are here. Enjoy:

My beach:

Beach, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

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What food could someone not pay you enough to eat?


I am so with Melissa on marshmallow peeps. Also on my list: Donuts. Capers. Chardonnay. Cocktail weenies. Aplets & Cotlets which, growing up in Washington State, I always got as Christmas presents. Lemon-flavored desserts (especially any sort of mousse, yuck). Jello, especially the way my grandma — God rest her soul — used to make it (with grapes inside).

Despite my long list of foods I despise, I’ll try pretty much anything once, and I tend to like strong and/or odd flavors. The only food that I have ever absolutely refused to eat was bull penis in Tunisia. It was (surprisingly) small and spongy and pink and in red sauce, and I just could not do it. You can kind of see it in this picture.

What do you hate to eat?

Hillary Clinton on LGBT Youth

Good on Sen. Clinton.

I’m all for more services and focus on LGBT youth in crisis, and I think it’s important that Clinton emphasizes that we must educate everyone on LGBT issues — after all, the hatred aimed at LGBT kids is coming from somewhere. Of course, I do wish that our federal government — and the people running for President — would take a stronger stance in favor of civil rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation. Maybe if our government didn’t treat LGBT people like second-class citizens, it would be a lot easier to argue that individual bullies and bigots shouldn’t.

via AMERICAblog.

On “Post-Racial” Elections

Pam says it all. Are we really in a “post-racial” election when Bill Clinton makes comments like this? Or, even on feminist blogs like this one, commenters refer to “Barack Hussein Obama”? Or when this is published in a New York newspaper?:


Along with this:

“The truth is, I don’t know many black people, but my advisers have drafted a strategy to reel in the black vote:
1) Call everyone ‘Brother.’ Blacks, I am told, do this even if most of their real brothers are in jail.
2) Talk Jive. Brothers want to hear jive. During my speech I told the crowd, ‘We be, you know, sick of whitey supressin’ and congestin’ so, you know, we won’t denigrate or sophisticate but emulate and populate, you know, the system is, like, broken, y’all!'”

And, in reference to Hillary Clinton:
“Ultimately, if she gets too close, one of my New york advisors has advised me to ‘Bitch slap that ho.’ White women, I am told, like that.”

Just read Pam.

Here’s to You, Canada


I wrote about this on Saturday, but today is the 20th anniversary of Canada’s biggest abortion-related Supreme Court case. For a super-comprehensive and fully informative take on Canada’s reproductive rights issues, I direct you to mattbastard. (Really, go — his post is awesome, and you will learn a lot).

Congrats, Canada, and here’s to 20 more years of progress.

Today has sucked.


However, knowing that Bush is giving his last State of the Union ever makes me very happy. I suppose I’ll miss his squinty little eyes, incorrect pronunciation of various words and inappropriate facial expressions, but — nah, I won’t.

Anyone doing anything fun during the speech? (I’ll be doing my Health Law reading).

The Ultimate Betrayal


Actually, The Ultimate Betrayal (TM) is more like when someone flies off the handle and makes outrageous claims in the name of feminism. Case in point:

Women have just experienced the ultimate betrayal. Senator Kennedy’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton’s opponent in the Democratic presidential primary campaign has really hit women hard. Women have forgiven Kennedy, stuck up for him, stood by him, hushed the fact that he was late in his support of Title IX, the ERA, the Family Leave and Medical Act to name a few. Women have buried their anger that his support for the compromises in No Child Left Behind and the Medicare bogus drug benefit brought us the passage of these flawed bills. We have thanked him for his ardent support of many civil rights bills, BUT women are always waiting in the wings.

And now the greatest betrayal! We are repaid with his abandonment! He’s picked the new guy over us. He’s joined the list of progressive white men who can’t or won’t handle the prospect of a woman president who is Hillary Clinton (they will of course say they support a woman president, just not “this” one). “They” are Howard Dean and Jim Dean (Yup! That’s Howard’s brother) who run DFA (that’s the group and list from the Dean campaign that we women helped start and grow). They are Alternet, Progressive Democrats of America,, Kucinich lovers and all the other groups that take women’s money, say they’ll do feminist and women’s rights issues one of these days, and conveniently forget to mention women and children when they talk about poverty or human needs or America’s future or whatever.

In case you didn’t get that, women have been betrayed by voting on the issues instead of according to what’s in their pants. It’s like the Lifetime Movie version of a shitty-to-begin-with press release.

Not only am I not a die-hard Clinton supporter,* but I work for Alternet, which is apparently on the release-writer’s Organizations to Kill list. I suppose I must have been psychologically gang-banged into whoring for the patriarchy — it’s the only possible explanation.

As an aside, is no one vetting this woman’s press releases? Do they not have a halfway competent PR person? Or does NOW of New York State actually stand behind this? Either way, I’m with Ann — NOW-NY does not speak for me.** The national organization, thankfully, has a better response.

*Although I should be clear that I would be perfectly happy if Clinton won the nomination, and I would work very hard for her campaign
**I should also be clear that I think she has a legitimate point about how coverage of the candidates is unbalanced. I do think that media sources — including progressive sources — are much harder on Sen. Clinton. I think it’s too bad that point was obscured by all the other stuff she wrote.